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  1. TheLion's post in Feel That I Am A Looser was marked as the answer   
    In life we all go through hard times, times where we don't know where to turn, we can't see a way out. Life is like that, a journey we take, in the forest of life we have to walk through the deep mud, the mud that can hold us back and keep us in the same place for years. When darkness falls upon that forest there is a light, a light faint to some, others a bright beacon, that light, that beacon, is God. The light is dim for those whom don't believe and it is hard to find the true path out of that forest but for those who believe, the light of God illuminates the forest, showing clearly the right path to safety. A lot of people walk amongst this forest lost, never knowing where to go and going in circles, blaming themselves, blaming anything that comes to mind. The snakes will come out, snakes lurking amongst the dusk ready to strike at your mind, these snakes are most friends in life, once you allow them to bite, their venom will poison your mind, you will lose the desire to seek out God, you will begin to doubt yourself and lose hope and once they have taken away that desire will slither away again into the dusk waiting for their next "friend". There is one true friend whom you can put your trust in, one whom if you even utter his name once will scare away the vile creatures in life, and that is Waheguru.
    Once you allow your mind to feel the power and grace of God, whatever problems you face he will show you the path you need, do not worry about others whom try to dishearten you, most likely they are also lost in the forest of life, because they can't find a way out, they try to make sure others can't get out either. Never lose faith in Waheguru, keep your faith as strong as steel and as you sing the praises of God, your troubles will fade, the name of Waheguru will wash away your fears and anxiety and will cocoon you.
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