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Posts posted by 4RR

  1. LOL.gifLOL.gifLOL.gif

    ok that was funny. i liked the part about the craig david bit!

    wolverhampton eh? that's not so far from me...about 45 mins drive. the problem is...i am not legal to drive grin.gif hey bass singh, maybe u could pick me up...

    :umm: @

    ok maybe not. but i'll me relatives know. got plenty of em in birmingham!

  2. i think we should get pritam singh here...no one would dare mess with him!

    but seriously, muslims here (most of them) use their religion to get special treatment. And does anyone think that tony blair will give into the muslim's demands?

  3. i heard this documentry was on but did not watch it as for laws are u referring to sharia law???

    i dont think the uk will every accept such stuff like stone people to death etc..

    yeah that's what it's called! SHARIA LAW! they basically want the UK to accept the islamic laws

  4. well, anyone who lives in the UK may have seen that documentary 'what muslims want...' and inside they were saying how the UK should accept the muslims laws (i've forgotten what it's called) to prevent future terroist attacks...

    * Is this from extremist only?

    * if the UK were to accept the muslims laws, how will this affect us?

    * and most importantly, is this true?

  5. Once Laloo wanted to know the time difference between Bihar and Las

    Vegas. So he called up the Tourist department and asked them "Ji could

    you tell me the time difference between Patna and Las Begas...".

    The man at the other end replies "One second sir..." and Laloo

    immediately replies "thank you" and puts the phone down.


    funny name btw, laloo!

  6. erm...well, i don't know what u mean by 'should we sikhs start protecting etc...' could u explain that please...

    honour killing? do u mean, ppl who are in a religion will kill for their religion? if so...then that statictic is wrong! the only ones around here who are killing for there honour are ppl who call themselves muslims, but don't follow their religion, but use their religion as an excuse to use violence e.g. 'why u bein racist'...result:- u get all of em attacking you! well, the really closed minded ones anyway

    i bet i've totally got this wrong!"

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