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Posts posted by JaiKanhaiya

  1. So I wrote this thread out a few years ago, And Im going through the same same thing again, In the end I did email her it was an embarassing mess.

    This is how it started 5 years a go, I had a dream about her and when I woke up the first thing I said was Waheguru, I didnt feel right in my heart or my head, felt like there was somehing pulling me or not letting me sit still. Then I had another 4 dreams one day after the next. After a while I did email her, it was embaressing, a complete mess, I cant describe to you how bad it was.  I didnt tell her about the dreams it sounded weird like I was losing my mind, tbh it probably still came across like that.


    In the end I knew something was not right with me, And I got up and went to India, to matha tekh at the Gurudwara, I went to see Mahapuhrsh[SP]. I showed them a photo of her, and to keep it simple they told me she didnt have a good heart. But when I saw them it felt like a huge weight was being lifted off me.  It took me about 2 years to sort of get myself back to how I was. At the time I was under a lot of pressure because I was buying a business and I had 30 day completion, and I was really stressed out, I think I had or was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

    Anyway time passed and then last year my dad died, he was 59 and just went instantly, spent the day with him at work, and he went home my mum was getting him food and by the time she went to tell him his food was ready he had passed away.

    I have found coming to terms with this very hard, I feel like he was stolen away from us. I dont understand what need there was for him to go. I know he was fed up, the world had drunk enough of his blood. 

    Anyway way last Friday I woke up again after having a dream about her, And again I been typing out emails, Ive deleted them because I dont want to do another round of doing my besthi. I am buying a house at the moment so I can move mum closer to me as I need to take care of her now. I am feeling the pressure, Im the only man left in my family now. I feel like its all on me, and Im going to <banned word filter activated> up everything my dad made.

    Basically I think somone has done something to me. I know I probably sound like Im losing my mind, and I probably am. But Im closer to the end than I am to the beginning, there not enough time left to keep making mistakes and recovering from them. I keep saying to God just tell me what you want and Ill give it to you, what ever it is I dont mind, what ever you want I will happily give to you. cant believe he wants me to commit a sin, or do something I know I shouldnt be doing.

  2. On 20/08/2017 at 1:17 PM, Guest akashdeep said:

    Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
    Waheguru ji ki Fateh

    Pyare vir ji, the situation you are going through is common. The key is 'darkness eliminates with the presence of light' the darkness is moh due to lust you are fighting with, and the light is gurbani. DO NOT TRY TO ESCAPE YOUR THOUGHTS OF THE GIRL, BUT READ AND UNDERSTAND MORE BANI. Bani will show it's effect.
    Stay in chardikala, Guru is with you! believe me guru ji is with you, all you need to do is realize that. 
    There are three situations which makes us lose contentment, 

    1) Par Dhan
    2) Par Tann
    3) Prabhdta di laalsa

    These three are trishna, we feel like burning when we are after these three things, so guru sahib says Balto Jalto Taukya Guru Chandan Seetalaya

    Secondly, listen these two albums I bet these will change your life! 
    Assa Te Nirasta - by Giani Maskeen Singh ji
    Simran Dea Barkatan - by Giani Maskeen Singh ji

    keep this sequence (I am damn sure this will change your life)

    Third is in this situation, we lose the Jee Daan of our beloved guru, There is no one like him, When you start reading Sri Kalgidhar Chamatkar or Sri Guru nanak Chamatkar it will give you thoughts of love of guru towards you.

    Do these 3 things I have faith in guru, YOU WILL BE IN SANTOKH

    I was in same situation and these three steps took me out.

    Thank-you I will come back to reply as I have some questions, Ive just got busy at work. 

  3. On 13/08/2017 at 7:55 PM, simran345 said:

    Maybe you were strong enough to deal with it before, or you didn't deal with it then and ignored being hurt. And now it's probably all coming out. The stress has been held for so long that it's suddenly decide to surface. I suggest you get some counselling to move onwards. This is the obstacle to you moving on and you're not coping with dealing with it. There is nothing to be ashamed of in getting help if you need it. 

    PS: When you copy paste Gurbani, why are you deleting the Gurmukhi? 

    My apologies for the late response I have tried to keep myself occupied the last few days to get my mind off it and I have something going on that I needed to go deal with which has been a welcome distraction.  

    I deleted out the Gurnukhi as I can only read English and speak Panjabi I am a Monah. And when I copy and paste across it comes across as random letters and symbols so I just delete out the Gurmukhi. Apologies if this has caused offence. 

    I don't know if I did deal with it is probably the only time I have ever been so stubborn that i refused to call or contact someone. And as this happened my bibi died a few weeks later and then a few weeks later I bought a business and then that was that. I had no time to think or dwell i just went off and got on with my life. Then a year later I was  married. 

    I had no reason to think about her its annoyed me that I have let it come back into my life to bother me I think I have had a bit of a crisis.

     I don't want to go into every detail I guess at the time she thought she would meet someone better than me where as at the time I had become quite pragmatic and I accepted that I was not perfect and never was going to be. But for a long time I thought I had done something wrong. 

    I could say a lot more I did want to write more but I need to draw line under this and just forgot her forever.

    21 hours ago, harsharan000 said:

    Guest JaiKanhaiya,

    Found this piece of wisdom below, thought sharing with you:

    I believe, there are no random meetings in our lives, that everyone we touch, or who touches us , has been put in our path for a reason.

    The briefest encounter can open a door, or heal a wound, or close a circle,  that was started even, long before our birth.


    *Anyhow try not to look back anymore, just keep walking that path forward, which takes you to His door, the fountain of everlasting bliss, which means less attention to maya and world, and more and more bhakti.

    Sat Sree Akal.

    Thanks I believe this too, It was never meant to be. There is somewhere in my mind where I want to get to and that is the goal. 


    Thank-you all for your help and time. 

  4. You are right I'm not going to do anything I didn't come here to find vindication for dishonorable actions I just want to snap out of it. I haven't been like this for many years and I'm really not sure what has come over me in the last week.


    Raag Saarang - Guru Tegh Bahaadur Ji - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji  - Ang 1231


    Saarang, Fifth Mehla:
    In my mind, I never sang the Glorious Praises of the Lord
    I remained under the influence of corruption, night and day; I did whatever I pleased. ||1||Pause||
    I never listened to the Guru's Teachings; I was entangled with others' spouses.
    I ran all around slandering others; I was taught, but I never learned. ||1||
    How can I even describe my actions? This is how I wasted my life.
    Says Nanak, I am totally filled with faults. I have come to Your Sanctuary - please save me, O Lord!
  5. I don't she is married im pretty certain of it . When I texted her I didnt think her number would even be the same. At the time I thought she was making a mistake not marrying me  that probably sounds very arrogant. I would have taken care of her. I don't think I'm a very good husband to my wife becaus of this regret. Because my gut feeling is still that she was the one. How do you reconcile that with the belief that everything out guru does is for the best? If I did contact her then there would be nothing innocent in my intentions. All she could do is break my heart again maybe that will end it and I can move on. 


    Raag Prabhaatee - Guru Arjan Dev Ji - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - Ang 1347


    Bibhaas, Prabhaatee, Fifth Mehla, Ashtpadheeyaa:


    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru


    Mother, father, siblings, children and spouse


    involved with them, people eat the food of bliss.


    The mind is entangled in sweet emotional attachment.


    Those who seek God's Glorious Virtues are the support of my breath of life. ||1||


    My One Lord is the Inner-Knower, the Searcher of hearts.


    He alone is my Support; He is my only Protection. My Great Lord and Master is over and above the heads of kings. ||1||Pause||


    I have broken my ties to that deceitful serpent.


    The Guru has told me that it is false and fraudulent.


    Its face is sweet, but it tastes very bitter


    My mind remains satisfied with the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||


    I have broken my ties with greed and emotional attachment.


    The Merciful Guru has rescued me from them.


    These cheating thieves have plundered so many homes.


    The Merciful Guru has protected and saved me. ||3||


    I have no dealings whatsoever with sexual desire and anger.


    I listen to the Guru's Teachings.


    Wherever I look, I see the most horrible goblins.


    My Guru, the Lord of the World, has saved me from them. ||4||


    I have made widows of the ten sensory organs


    The Guru has told me that these pleasures are the fires of corruption.


    Those who associate with them go to hell.


    The Guru has saved me; I am lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||5||


    I have forsaken the advice of my ego.


    The Guru has told me that this is foolish stubbornness.


    This ego is homeless; it shall never find a home.


    The Guru has saved me; I am lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||6|


    I have become alienated from these people.


    We cannot both live together in one home.


    Grasping the hem of the Guru's Robe, I have come to God.


    Please be fair with me, All-knowing Lord God. ||7||


    God smiled at me and spoke, passing judgement.


    He made all the demons perform service for me.


    You are my Lord and Master; all this home belongs to You.


    Says Nanak, the Guru has passed judgement. ||8||1||
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