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Posts posted by Singhshady13

  1. This guy is a clown. He has dropped Sikhi. Hes was always in it for the fame. He was making it no where until he found his niche. He was the Kala Singh Mendhi. His first persona into punjabi social media. He even referred to himself as  niggardar a play on the derogatory word nigger and sardar. This name Kala Singh mendhi didnt stick around for long. He then changed it to Soorma Singh Mendhi. Once he found out that real punjabis didnt like Deler Mendhi, he changed his persona again into Soorma Singh. I'll give it to him he did a lot of seva and even went out of his way to learn gurbani and learn about our Gurus but one thing remained constant in his posts. He was always attention seeking. Whether it was him commenting on AKJs ir whether is was on Nihungs he always had a negative spin on things to create drama and solicit views. Hes a social media junky craving positive encouragement from strangers. Like I said before hes all about his social media followers. If you check out his page its 95 percent punjabis. He was a no one in black social media. He was an oddity in the punjabi social media scene. People laughed at his D.mendhi dancing vids and he got some views. Its 2020 and now he has denounced his sikhi and his amrit. Hes a homosexual which I have no problem with. The issue he had was with the SGPC not allowing gay marriage in gurughars which i agree with. Anand Karaj is between and man woman and waheguru. So so long Charles Isaiah King. AKA Kala Sardar. Your dancing videos were cute but you luster wore off and you disrespected Sikhi and the Crown on your head. PEACE 

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