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Everything posted by singh2k

  1. calm down my fellow sardars. i dont think a khanda on a cap is bad or is against the religion, some people prefer not to wear the turban on a everyday basis as it isn't easy, some people might prefer wearing a cap quickly to the gym or just to the beach. you guys are making this topic such a big deal as if the cap is a evil demon or something, calm down i think its alright for a cap with a khanda on it, because the khanda might be something non-sikhs might like and would like to represent, ya know? the quote : jo sikh aapanae puthr noo(n) pothhee gra(n)thh saahib jee naa sikhaaeae so bhee thanakhaaheeaa The Sikh parent who does not teach their children to read and understand Gurbani will be punished. so, my parents never had the chance to teach me to read and understand gurbani, they will be punished? i dont think so, unless they punish themselves.
  2. the other day I was browsing the web and ran into this forum where a muslim kid was confused about his own leader forcing sikhs to convert into islam. http://www.gawaher.com/index.php?showtopic=35837 this one person mentioned : "i am told that guru nanak was in fact muslim and knew lot of Quran by heart. He didnt practise openly because of fear from hindus. when he died his followers started a new religion called sikhism.." what do you think?
  3. :ans I've noticed that there is one part no one answers to, why did Sikhs move to america in the first place? :WW: :WW: :WW: :WW: I'll chop your <admin-profanity filter activated> off
  4. you've taken my words the wrong way. "turban just makes me look bad, for example if i go out to a party and have a drink, people stare and the image of a turban guy drinking affects the whole community, i cant take that responsibility. its not me" What I meant was, I don't deserve the turban. its for those people who are true sikhs from in and out. I'm the one who makes the turban look bad, NOT the turban making me look bad. anyways, people are fast at judging, without even thinkin about how hard things are going for me. hey khalsa productions, thanks for the comment, now atleast i know theres someone out there that cares enough to chop my head off. close this forum, i dont look forward to putting up any more comments, since theyre just useless. The other 17 year old boy had his hair cut before also, but he had regrown it afterwards. seems like you would be the same person who would wish him death before he cut it.
  5. GREAT SUPPORT from a Sikh to another Sikh guy, eh? chop your head off, dont cut your hair just chop the whole head off! the point i was trying to make, is that i am no closer to sikhi than a white kid besides the turban on my head, i cant understand or read punjabi and i dont even look forward to it. after cutting my hair, if sikhi is really for me i would probably grow my hair back, turn amritdhari, go to punjab and live in the golden temple or something, pray 24/7 and give my whole life to waheguru instead of doing this act of drama where one day i support him and the other i betray him. WHY? BECAUSE in this world, in this country, the minute you step out your commiting a sin, and i can't accept that. sikhs go out to make money, get rich, have a family, american dream, and so on. I know of many sikhs that cut their hair just so that their jura gets small, sikhs doing things you can't even imagine, and the turban just makes me look bad, for example if i go out to a party and have a drink, people stare and the image of a turban guy drinking affects the whole community, i cant take that responsibility. its not me i never said that my final decision was to cut it, but i'm still looking into it.................... theres a barber who can come and cut my hair, but i dont know of anyone willing to chop my head off, so mr khalsa productions can you do me a favor and do it for me? "brother".
  6. After reading the first sentence, I didn't care to read the rest as what you were about to say sounded like opinion. People say you will regret it, people say you will hate yourself this and that. Tell me something, why did the Sikhs move to the US in the first place? For some love and money right? I have read many articles on the gurus, the happenings, the miracles, peoples opinions from mona's to gur sikhs. And honestly, I don't belive that Waheguru would judge someone on their kesh, but rather on how much they love themselves. Lets see what the future holds for me.
  7. I know what you're going through, as I'm going through the same stuff. Read some of my forums, I know what you mean bro, being a sikh isn't easy- especially in the US. Everyones got their own opinions on what is right and wrong, but in the end its all up to you to decide whats right or wrong for you. Take the time to read my old forum, when I had decided to cut my hair: http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?showtopic=21612&st=0 After reading everyones comments, I decided not to. Well I tried, and now I'm confused again. Wanting a girlfriend is normal, even to many sikhs but they don't show it. Also, many sikhs I know of, have girlfriends. Its all about personality, looks can come later on. Attend the Sikh Surat in NYC if you're really confused, I might show up there as well. Anyways, let me know how you're doing. Take it easy bro :D
  8. I live in the US, I'm 18 and really confused with religion for the past couple of months. I don't have anyone to look up to in my family as someone who I want to be like. I've been thinking about it day & night, done research and still doing it. Everything I'm going to say will sound like an excuse to a gur sikh, and will sound reasonable to everyone else. I don't think I'm a sikh, besides that I have a turban. People stare at me, I dont care, people make comments, I dont care, people laugh and point, I really could care less. Its not a big deal, unless if I make it big. It feels like I'm the only sikh in town sometimes, even in the gurudawa, theres is usually a mona behind the guru granth sahib. My brother is 27, he's my image. It seems like everything I do, he does the same. Same attitude, same actions, same thinking, which really irrates me since it is something you wouldn't respect. Hes a sardar, a weird one. Prays whenever he likes to, the other day he started yelling out the japji sahib at 1am before sleeping in the praying room, which really annoyed the )#% outta me. The next day I found porn in his computer, haha. He's always on the computer. One day he prays, the next day he doesnt, its hard to understand him. He has desires of doing things a sikh can't really do, such as partying and hanging out and tries to avoid it since he knows it would be hard to fit in, and stays away from outdoor activities. My main point is, I can't keep up with my image like this anymore. Being a sardar isnt me. I respect everyone who keeps it, but I dont see any point in doing so. Things weren't the same as they were 300 years back, and if guru nanak was here today, he would probably ask all the sikhs why they are in america commiting sins and so on. If the religion is really for me, and if I commit a mistake by cutting my hair, then hopefully waheguru will do kirpa and turn me back into a sikh. I won't be taking any actions yet, I will be attending the Sikh Surat in NYC first, and after that the decision is in my hands. Main reason why I'm taking my time is, I have already spoken to my parents and they have given me the green light. Before that, I was in depression and extremly confused, as my brother had told me that if I cut my hair, I wouldn't be known as my fathers son anymore, I would be looked at, people would make more fun of me and so on. Then later on I spoke with my dad, my dad told me that I'm old enough to make my decision, and whatever decision I chose to follow, if it makes me happy- it will be the right decision. So after talking to my dad, a great load of burden got off my head, and now I'm just taking my time to look into the religion as much as I can. I'd appreciate if people would comment on this and let me know their views. :D @ :lol: @ :lol: @ :umm: @ :D @ :cool: @ :lol: @ :lol: @ :lol: @ @ @ @ @ @
  9. I've thought about it for a while. Read all of the comments, asked friends (Mona's and Sikhs), and finally reached to an conclusion. I've decided to stay the way I am. It might not be easy, but hey, no one ever said life would be easy. I've been having mood swings, sometimes I'm proud to be a Sikh, and then there are times I wish I was like everyone else. The main reason I decided to stick with the turban is because it's my identity, not only as a Sikh, but as my father's son, and as my brother's brother, as a part of the family. Without the turban, people wouldn't recognize me as a part of the family, but as a foreigner. If my father didn't keep his turban, my decision wouldn't have been this hard. The idea of getting a hair cut came to mind a couple of months ago, I spoke with a couple of friends and realized it wasn't worth it and kept the turban. Now, just 2 weeks ago the idea came back to me, but this time I decided to discuss the issue with Sikhsangat.com and Sikhnet.com. I have to admit, I never thought there would be so much support out there, from the US,UK and India. I might not be the most religious person out there, I might not know much about Sikhism, but hopefully later on my life I will succeed and find out what its all about. And I apologize for whatever I have said in the forum. I am no one to judge what is right or wrong about religion. As for being religious, I am going to try learning some Punjabi first. Thanks Sikhnet.com and Sikhsangat.com for all the support, hopefully I don’t run into this issue again later on in my lifetime.
  10. It's a tough decision. Sometimes I feel that I'm a Atheist... lol KFI, I appreciate that you took the time to help me out on this issue. Things aren't the same today as they were 300 years ago. Look at Bhagat Singh, he was a Atheist, cut his hair right? Look at how much respect Sikh's have for him. DAMN. I am confused.
  11. Yeah no doubt. I know people will still make fun of me one way or another. Well you see, most people aren't understanding what I'm trying to say, instead they are just begging me to not cut my hair. I know how you feel about me taking this decision but you guys don't understand my situation. Read this guy's argument, even tho he might be totally wrong, but just listen to what this guy has to say, he cut his hair at the age of 23. http://www.sikhnet.com/Sikhnet/discussion....33;OpenDocument People tell me that life is easier after your hard times, after you turn 18 and go to a University... I don't think so. You won't belive how many sardars I know of that cut their hair, over the age of 20. Sadars that go to Yale, St. Johns and many more Universities. My point is, I respect the religion, but just don't like the fact that a turban is neccessary. I know what I've said must hurt alot of people, I have absolutely no intentions of hurting anyone, but that is whats going through out my mind. The part that I regret the most is, when some day (God forbid its not soon), when I'm in the hospital, minutes away from dying I would say to myself " All those times I was scared of doing something, all those oppurtunities that I have missed, all those good times I just let pass by are over, theres NO WAY I can go back and do all those things once again". I feel that with a hair cut, I would gain much more confidence. I might be wrong, or right. What if I cut my hair and grow it back after I get more mature about my life? They say "you only live once, and you're only 18 once! Just have the time of your life" What are your opinions on that? Growing your hair back after you get married or something. I know of many kids who cut their hair and have regrown it.
  12. What I mean by Ending everything is, just cut my hair and get on with life. I live in Dallas, TX, just recently moved here from New York. A major change in society. Wjkk Wjkf, Looks, the way people treat me, and more confidence. I know, that might sound weak, but when one belives in itself, anything can happen. I haven't made my decision yet. I'm going to take my time because I'm not going to throw away 18 years of having a turban in a day. Thanks for the support.
  13. Hey, Mehtab Singh, I understand where you're coming from, I know that if I cut my hair I wont be able to face Guru Ji, but even if I cut my hair I would face him the same way (in my opinion), as I didn't loose any respect for any of the Guru's. It will always be in my heart. Wjkk Wjkf, I wish I was never in this position of getting a hair cut either. I know it will be a betrayal to all my Sikh friends out there, but I have to choose whether I should keep myself happy or just keep others happy by keeping the turban. I can't say whether Guru Ji will hate me or not if I cut my hair, but as long as I keep Waheguru in my heart, I dont think I'm doing anything wrong. Once again, I think Reality is much more important than Appearance. I visited Amritsar this Summer, although it was very hot, over there I've met a couple of real Sikhs, Sikh's that deserve the name Gursikh, taking holy baths, praying in the morning and evening. I don't think I can ever reach up to that position, as I can't even speak Punjabi. I know some people might say, " Just keep Waheguru in your heart and everything will be okay", I have been doing much more than that but nothings been okay.
  14. In Sikhism, a Sikh should never cut his/her hair, pray accordingly, do good deeds, and rest in peace. How many Sikh's do you know are actually Sikh's? Are they Sikh's or just an Image of one? Let me introduce you to myself, I'm 18 years old, just moved to a different state far from my home town in America. I’m a Sikh with a turban and beard, never cut hair, raised in America from the start. However, last month, for the first time ever, the thought of getting a hair cut came to mind. Now, the word hair cut would probably shock most of the Sikh's out there, before understanding anything the first thing that comes to mind is “THIS GUY IS WEAK ". I don’t blame anyone for thinking that way, because that is exactly what I used to say whenever a relative or friend of mines cut his hair. All my life I've been a Sardar, went through all levels of high school being the quiet kid, being made fun of, people laughing and all kinds of things. I know I'm not the only one, and will never be the only one, but sometimes I think to myself, "Why the hell are Sikh’s in America, when we have to force ourselves to fit in?” The reason most people would say is “To make money, and be successful!" right? In my point of view it seems like these Sikh's (including me) are gaining self desire, doing things they would never imagine to do, being successful, making money and earning respect. But is this what Sikhism is all about? No (in my opinion), what is religion for? To be separated from the outside world that can corrupt you and your mind, and to have peace of mind all the time. Whenever I hear on the news or stories about a Sikh getting shot, or tortured, I can’t stand it. Why do Sikh’s have to go through all this? I know most of the Gurus were tortured by Muslim empire leaders but is this going to keep on happening? I agree that we must educate people, but for what reason? God forbid a Sikh terrorist comes on news, what’s going to happen then? What I’m trying to say is, there will always be racism whether people are educated or not. My brother, who told me that he was once in the same situation I am in, swore upon himself that he will never cut his hair and keep his religion no matter what anyone says (after he was beaten up by several kids after school). Most people would think he’s made the right decision by standing up for his religion, right? I would say the same, if I was someone else. My brother is a great guy, with a nature and confidence like no one else. However, I don’t want to grow up to be like him in the future. I can easily tell that he feels uncomfortable in some way whenever we go out. He tries to stay away from outdoor activities, unless it’s a Sikhi event. If my brother was to live in India, he would probably enjoy his life a hundred times better than right now. I have read many articles, asked many people, Sikh’s and Non-Sikh’s about my decision. I also know of some Sardars that are successful, that actually fit in the crowd. But honestly, those Sardars that I know of aren’t Sikhi at all, besides the fact they have a turban on. I have spoken with my family about getting a hair cut, my mom couldn’t help me out, my brother told me that if I get a hair cut I would regret it as making the biggest mistake of my life, but whenever I look at him I regret being a Sikh. After speaking with everyone I felt I had no choice than to keep myself shut for the rest of my life. My dad found out what was going on, he mentioned to me that I’m old enough to make my own decisions, and if I was to cut my hair, set a time period, do some research, and make sure it’s the right decision. After speaking with my dad I felt better. Now it’s all up to me. Now it’s my decision… Do I want to end up like my brother? Or should I go along with what I feel is right? They say God is within you no matter what happens. If God is in within me, then why do I hate myself so much? I respect the Religion, I know by getting a hair cut, it is disrespectful to the Gurus, family and the Sikh society. But in my opinion, everyone has their own rights and wrong. As long as you respect people, no matter who they are, you aren’t doing anything wrong. I know I won’t be showing any respect to the Guru’s by getting a hair cut, but if the Guru is in my heart, I don’t think appearance would be more important than reality. Guru Gobind Singh Ji once said “ A SIKH IS NOT A SIKH WITHOUT A TURBAN “ I agree, a Sikh is not a Sikh without a turban. But a Sikh is not a Sikh either if it’s not in their heart to keep the turban. The turban doesn’t bring me any closer to God; it’s just a part of my identity that I have disliked all my life. A friend told me that by getting a hair cut, you will be throwing away the Guru’s gift. I agree, but I don’t think the Guru would give you a gift which would make you suffer your life, especially in America. I also agree on the fact that the turban has kept me away from many bad influences, such as drugs and bad company. But I feel the need to go through things and have experience with everything and decide what is good or not by myself. If I keep the turban and be isolated from the society all my life, I’ll just ruin my life (in my opinion). . Sometimes I feel as if I never moved to America and just stayed in India so I didn’t have to go through all this. I know I might be wrong, but it’s just the way I feel. The place where I live, its just hard being a Sikh. I never really realized why I am a Sikh, my parents said they never had the chance to teach me more about the religion when I was young because at that time they were new to the country and were working hard. If I had said anything wrong, please forgive me, but in this situation I’m pretty lost and I think I should just end everything before it’s too late. Even though I am stubborn right now about this topic, it’s just the way I feel.
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