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Posts posted by truedisciple

  1. ban.gif

    How do we police the people who use the name singh or kaur?

    Lets be serious anyone can call themselves whatever they like it dosn't bother me.

    I have never thought about this silly woman so much before I read this thread she must be loving all the free press she is getting.

    Miss no talent is not recognised as a sikh in my book or an artist either!

    Anyway you do Know that we have our own HaRdKaUrWaRrIoRz on sikh sangat what do you think about that.

  2. Sorry if I have hert your feelings.

    I could do a fake laugh if it makes you feel better :)

    My point was this

    Was that ment to be funny?

    It would have if it was my little brother, on the end of that ball but alas no.

    Not even a brother never mind the little bro.

    I was smiling when I watched it and only trying to bring some more humour into the thread so once again from the bottom of my dry humourous heart SORRY!

  3. Midnight, once again, he lit his cigarette. And like before, he felt the lingering ache in his heart. He finally knew. She was the missing rib that he had carelessly broken.

    I was touched but, may be Just may be the pain was something to do with the 80 a day he was smoking.

    Actually may be it was love :console:

  4. Lets keep it real

    Focus on the job at hand, and dont bother the MP in your neighbouring Bourough

    this has to be done right. Consontrate on volume we need to keep the momentum up and every letter should make a difference. Sending letters to MP's who dont represent you are wasting valuble time and energy.

    Well done to those who have stood up and partisipated in this campaign. Dont let reply's like this from MP's effect your judgment. Get another letter out to your local MP, they have to take head after all they represent us don't they?.

    No disrespect to anyone but we are only asking our representations to be voiced in a civilised way so why shouldn't we be heard.

    Keep Up the hard work

    Gur Fateh

  5. hit.gif

    Sorry for not being to sensitive

    But what Iv'e just watched showed my Khalsa Doing me proud!!

    He dosent need anyone to babysit the sheer didnt hold back.

    We can hold our heads high my Khalsa didnt flinch under the overwellming numbers supporting the other guy.

    Shamefull behaviour on the part of the people fillming as they seemed to find it amusing

    as usual a fight draws a crowd and the cowards were plentiful.

    I'm sure my Khalsa will be ok, as the brave always prevail.

  6. Back to this ? "whats this all about"

    why do you keep bringing this lost sheep back to the fold?

    She is a sikh, she is not a sikh do we need to keep insisting that she is!.

    Has anyone asked her about it does she feel that she has even one sikh bone in her body.

    Anyway to finish if she uses the name whatever name it is does it realy honestly reflect on the whole sikh sangat?.

    I havent finished so one last thing arent people meant to be judged on thier deeds not thier looks or names.

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