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Posts posted by Mai

  1. omg thats long..somebody summarize it for me...

    I am one of the authors of The Road To Khalistan. To all of you:


    THANK YOU!!!


    Brief summary:

    A Sikh family (Husband, 42, Pregnant Wife (me), 32, Son, 13) vacationing in India

    Amritsar, June, 1984: hassled by police

    Fast forward:

    The family visiting relatives

    Delhi, October-November, 1984, beginning:(6 men, 2 women, 3 unborn children), ending:([6 men and 2 unborn children murdered], [2 women and 1 unborn child surviving]).

    Brief enough, Babbar Shere Ji?

    Of course, there's a lot of other stuff in the blog (about 130 posts), but that's the basic story.

    Try searching for 'Our Stories From 1984,' if you just want that part of our stories, but please read the current post first.

    My Dad :e: taught us: When the enemy has you flat on your back, his boot in your face, his knife at your throat and his gun at your temple, you laugh at him. LOL.gif 'You can kill me, but you can't defeat me.' That's chardi kala. That's what it means to be a Sikh. :awesome

    Chardi kala and Gurfateh to all!

  2. eerr ehem u mean get ur older sister to make you some cookies and heat you some milk up rolleyes.gif

    take a nice big sized bata

    warm up some nice bibeki milk

    then make some nice warm cookies

    and sit in front of the fire in the evening time eating your cookies and drinking your milk

    watching the sun set, whilst listening to bibi kulwinder kaurs keertan

    make sure you are wearing a nice warm night gown and flowery socks whilst doing all this

    if this fails to work i will be amazed

    You two are related? grin.gif

    I am a survivor of Delhi '84. I saw my husband, my son and two brothers murdered in front of my eyes. I was beaten and left for dead. So believe me, I know something about despair. I have managed to survive and grow through this. You will also survive and grow through your own hellish experiences if you can hold on.

    Warm milk and cookies really do help. Forcing yourself to appreciate any acts of kindness toward you also help.

    Doing acts of kindness to others when all you want to do is roll up in a ball and cry, help even more. If I may be so bold as to suggest sewa to you? The kind you don't tell anyone about but just do. I have found that Waheguru seems to bless this greatly. Anyway it has helped me. d_oh.gif

    When you are all alone and feeling unloved, remember you have several million members of the sangat who love you, whether you can feel it or not.

    And there's a lot of truth in the statement,"What does not destroy me, makes me stronger." When you come out the other side of all this, if you let yourself grow and become strong through it, you will be a Sikh that all of us will be proud to know. :TH:

    If you want to talk personally, feel free to PM me, as well.

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