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Posts posted by rammuuu

  1. Around 20,000 people are expected to attend a protest rally this coming Thursday to stage a rally demanding justice and compensation for the victims of widespread violence committed against Christians living in the Indian State of Orissa.

    Describing the recent violence as the ‘largest attack’ against Christians since the founding of modern-day India, both the Christian Solidarity Worldwide partners and the All India Christian Council (AICC) stated the religious attacks on the followers of Jesus Christ were premeditated and planned by Hindu extremist organisation.

    “According to the report of a recent A.I.C.C. fact-finding visit, the attacks have resulted in the destruction or damage of 95 churches, the burning down of 730 Christian homes and the killing of four Christians, with many more still missing and presumed dead. The widespread and systematic nature of the attacks led Christian groups to conclude that they were premeditated and planned by Hindu extremist organisation,” both ministries said

    The rally is calling for a full and unbiased investigation into the attacks, for the victims to be compensated in line with the stipulations of Indian law and for the Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, to visit the scene of the violence. It will also call for the establishment of a state commission for minorities in Orissa and for any Hindu extremist groups found to be complicit in the violence to be banned in the state.

    The rally has been organised by the AICC and the All India Confederation of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Organisations. Billed as the “Stop Violence Against Christians Rally”, it will be addressed by the AICC President, Dr Joseph D’souza, Dr Udit Raj , Bishop Joab Lohara of the Free Methodist Church and by victims of the attacks.

    Dr D’souza said the intimidation launched by the Hindus extremists were the ‘most disturbing attack’ against Christians since the founding of India. He went further, saying the media portrayal of a clash between Christians and Hindus was wrong given ‘religious extremists’ were inflicting terror on the minority Christian community and not the other way around.

    The CSW Advocacy Director, Tina Lambert, added the attack was not an anomaly but rather a series of targeted attack against Christians. She urged the Indian government to do everything it could to limit the power of these Hindu extremist organisations.

    “At the heart of this appalling outbreak of violence is a series of targeted attacks on Christians and their property. These attacks are not an anomaly, but the tragic culmination of well over 150 religiously-motivated attacks against Christians which we recorded in 2007,” she said.

    “We strongly support the demands which will be made at the forthcoming rally, and urge that the international community to encourage the Indian government to do everything in its power to secure justice and to curtail the power of the Hindu extremist organisations who have long been implicated in anti-Christian violence.”

  2. http://www.compassdirect.org/en/display.ph...;idelement=5176


    Hunger, fear grip state after burning of 90 churches, hundreds of houses.

    NEW DELHI, January 2 (Compass Direct News) – Orissa state’s Kandhamal district remains tense 10 days after a series of anti-Christian attacks began, and thousands of Christians whose houses have been burned down are facing hunger and fear.

    “Local Christians who had fled to the nearby mountains fearing for their lives have begun to return, due to a high presence of police and security personnel,” said pastor Victor John, who came to Udaigiri village in the Mallikapur area of Kandhamal as a guest speaker in a Baptist church on December 24, the day the attacks led by the Hindu extremist Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council or VHP) began.

    John told Compass that the atmosphere was still tense despite the deployment of troops.

    “I am planning to leave for my home in Chhattisgarh state tomorrow morning, but it is very risky,” he said with evident nervousness in his voice. “I need prayers.”

    A police official told Indo-Asian News Service (IANS) today that although there was no report of fresh violence since Tuesday morning, “the situation continues to remain critical.”

    IANS also reported that at least three houses were burned down in three separate attacks on Monday (December 31) in the villages of Rabingia, Barpada and Daringbadi.

    According to a memorandum submitted to the National Human Rights Commission on Monday, Christian leaders said that around nine people had been killed, close to 90 churches burned, about 600 houses torched or vandalized, and 5,000 people affected.

    The memorandum was signed by Delhi Catholic Archbishop the Most Rt. Rev. Vincent Concessao, AICC President the Rev. Dr. Joseph D’Souza, spokesperson of Delhi Catholic Archdiocese the Rev. Dr. Dominic Emmanuel, and Joint Secretary of Christian Legal Association Lansinglu Rongmei, among others.

    Dr. John Dayal, general secretary of the All India Christian Council (AICC), told Compass that there was no official account of how many people had died in police gunfire, mob violence or other injuries sustained during the anti-Christian violence that began on Christmas Eve.

    “Many people, including young women, are still reported missing,” said Dayal, who was visiting Kandhamal district on a fact-finding mission. “We have no account, and neither do we know if the police have tried to search for them. Christians have been arrested, we learn, but there is no official word on it. Troublemakers seem to have a free hand in the entire district despite night curfew.”

    Dayal complained that no church group had been allowed to visit the affected areas, so the AICC has not been able to provide even psychological support to traumatized victims.

    Police asked Dayal’s team to leave Kandhamal on Sunday (December 30), but after going to the state capital of Bhubaneswar, he returned later to affected villages.

    “We understand from our priests and others who are able to communicate with us that there has been bias in distribution of relief, and that many families are still not getting any assistance,” he added.

    Government officials are not giving relief to women, Dayal pointed out, explaining that the women were asked to comeback with their husbands or sons. “We fear it may be a ruse to arrest the men folk,” he said.

    Violent Response to Conversions

    Tensions in Kandhamal began on December 24 as the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in Brahmani village was pitching a tent for Christmas celebrations. A mob led by the VHP launched a fierce attack on Christians and their shops to protest the planned celebrations.

    Local Christians say VHP leader Swami Laxmananda Saraswati, a prominent opponent of Christians for more than a decade, was behind the attack.

    “It was Saraswati who instigated the mob to attack us,” said a Christian from Brahmani on condition of anonymity. “Later, Christians learned that Saraswati was coming to launch more attacks. Sections of Christians tried to stop him on the way, which resulted in a clash between the two groups, following which the VHP claimed that their leader was hurt and announced that now Christians would be attacked as revenge.”

    Saraswati told media on December 25 that the reason for the violence was conversions by area Christians.

    It is estimated that Christians make up 16 percent of the total population of Kandhamal district.

    Pleas for Protection

    Christians from various denominations across the country have held several rallies to show solidarity with the victims, and they have met with political leaders, including the prime minister, imploring them to ensure the safety of believers in Orissa.

    Written requests have been submitted to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, President Pratibha Patil, Federal Home Minister Shivraj Patil, Orissa State Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik and Gov. Murlidhar Chandrakant Bhandare.

    A group of Christian authors demanded a ban on the VHP for its reported role in the ongoing communal violence in Orissa.

    The Writers’ Forum, which is meeting for its second annual meeting in Panjim in Goa state, called for the ban in a memorandum to President Pratibha Patil on Monday (December 31).

    The forum accused the federal and Orissa state governments of inaction and apathy due to their inability to stop “premeditated” violence, saying the ongoing abuse had done “international damage to India’s reputation.”

    Police, however, said the peculiar terrain of the area hindered their movements and efforts to reach the hot spots in time.

    “Kandhamal, which has an area of 8,021 square kilometers, has only 15 police stations with a sanctioned strength of 647 personnel, who cater to a population of 648,201,” authorities said in the Hindustan Times today.

  3. Seven teenage girls were missing in eastern India where Christian-Hindu violence left many christians dead over the past 10 days,

    A boarding school informed police about the missing ninth grade students on Saturday, said Satyenbrata Sahu, a divisional commissioner.

    "We suspect they have run away out of fear," he told The Associated Press, adding police were searching for the girls.

    The families say that in past extremists hindu terorists have also attacked women as well and they fear for their girls.The gang-rape of four nuns and the looting of their convent.On September 22 in the Jhabua region of the central state of Madhya Pradesh.

    Christian nuns raped in India by hindu terorists

    A gang of 10-15 hoodlums knocked on the door of the convent at 2 in the morning, and asked the nuns (who provide medical services to members of the tribes living in the region) to come with them to see a patient, according to Father Lucas Izidore, the secretary of the Indore diocese where the events took place. Izidore said that the nuns, suspicious of the request, refused to open the door and instead bolted themselves into the convent chapel and started praying.

    The hoodlums then broke open the iron doors of the convent, and looted the convent. Later, they shouted at the nuns to open the chapel doors, promising that they would not harm them. "On coming out, all the four nuns in the convent were forcibly taken to the nearby fields and gang-raped," said Father Izidore. He requested that the names of the nuns, and the congregation to which they belonged, be withheld.

  4. BREAKING NEWS: At Least Nine Christians Killed In India As Violence Spreads (UPDATE) Print E-mail Add to Favorites

    Friday, 28 December 2007

    By Santosh Digal, BosNewsLife Asia Correspondent

    There have been attacks against Christians across India's Orissa state.

    BAMUNIGAM, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- At least nine Christians have been killed in India's religiously volatile eastern state of Orissa where Hindu extremists continued attacking Christian institutions and individual believers for a fifth day Friday, December 28, church sources said.

    "Seven Christians were killed [Wednesday] December 27 alone in the eastern Indian state," including five who died when "Hindu radicals attacked houses in Barakhama [village] in [Orissa's] Kandhamal district" and a seminary in the village, said the Union of Catholic Asian News (UCA News), an official news agency of Catholic churches.

    Two more Christians were reportedly killed when police opened fire at a protesting crowd, but there was no immediate independent verification. With two earlier deaths, at least nine Christians have lost their lives in the violence that started on Monday, December 24, according to church estimates.

    "Where is the rule of law?" key Christian leaders asked in an appeal to authorities obtained by BosNewsLife. The regional Archbishop Raphael Cheenath, John Dayal, a member of the National Integration Council advising India's government and Reverend P R Paricha of advocacy group All India Christian Council (AICC), who signed the appeal, suggested that beside the killings some "50 churches and institutions" were known to have been "destroyed or desecrated."


    "There is deep apprehension that the State government and the police, despite their lip-service to restore peace and remove the fears of the people, have not shown the alacrity and diligence required in the face of the spreading hate campaign against Christians, coercive and threatening speeches and the violence," Friday's appeal of Christian leaders said.

    "It is strange that both the Central and State governments are pleading that police forces cannot enter the deep forest areas because hoodlums have cut trees to block roads. Surely the police have the manpower and machinery to remove such roadblocks and restore the rule of law," they said, adding that India's Central Bureau of Investigation should make arrests and "restore peace" while officials should also give "compensation to all victims."

    Regional Catholic Archbishop Raphael Cheenath said earlier in comments published by BosNewsLife this week that the bloodshed began early Monday, December 24, in the small town of Bamunigam, about 336 kilometers (210 miles) southwest of the state capital of Bhubaneswar. "Hindu fundamentalists forcefully removed the Christmas decorations which a local business association had put up [across the town] as a preparation for Christmas." After "some quarrels" a group of people attacked the Christians "with sticks, knives and other lethal weapons," he said, adding that the violence soon spread.

    On Friday, December 28, Hindu extremists reportedly continued to attack Christians with swords, wooden sticks and iron bars. Eyewitnesses said that in several places attackers set fire to vehicles, homes and churches, as well as documents and furniture gathered from Christian institutions. Catholic church officials said priests, nuns and laypeople including children and women fled their villages into jungle areas to escape the violence. The whereabouts and fate of some priests remained unknown Friday, December 28. Christian missionaries were also targeted, but there were no reports of injuries, BosNewsLife established.


    Amid the escalating violence, Christians across the country have held demonstrations, including in front of Orissa Nivas, the Orissa state government's guest house in New Delhi,

    where UCA News estimated that some 400 Christians, Catholics among them, gathered with lighted candles. Christian leaders also met India's Federal Home Minister Shivraj Patil

    this week to seek his intervention. Patil reportedly promised to help end the violence.

    Elsewhere in Bhopal, capital of the central state of Madhya Pradesh, Archbishop Leo Cornelio of Bhopal on December 27 joined about 250 priests and nuns in praying for the return of peace and normalcy in Orissa, UCA News said. The archbishop expressed "deep sorrow" over the victimization of Christians there.

    Father Anand Muttungal, spokesperson or the Catholic Church in Madhya Pradesh said in published remarks that the violence in Orissa should be seen "as a political game" of the Hindu-led Bharatiya Janata Party [bJP] or Indian People's Party. Other groups behind the violence include the Vishwa Hindu Parishad or 'World Hindu Council' which opposes the spread of Christianity and what it calls "forced conversions."

    Analysts say Orissa is a stronghold of Hindu nationalism. An anti-conversion law has been in place since 1968 in an attempt to block missionary activities by Christians. In 1967 the state adopted the Freedom of Religion Act, which started the process that has led to what human rights groups and churches describe as "repressive" anti-conversion laws. (Stay with BosNewsLife for continues coverage on the crisis in Orissa.) Also read:

  5. Nearly 700 Christians fearing attacks by Hindus took shelter in government-run relief camps Saturday after sectarian violence in eastern India left at least four people dead last week.

    Authorities were providing food, medicine and security to Christians who moved into the four relief camps on Friday in the rural district of Kandhamal in eastern Orissa state, said Pradeep Kapoor, the inspector-general of police.

    Meanwhile, two police officers were suspended for failing to prevent violence on Christmas Eve, when long-standing tensions between the Hindu majority and the small Christian community erupted over conversions to Christianity, Kapoor told The Associated Press.

    Nearly 800 police and paramilitary forces were trying to restore calm, he said.

    No fresh incidents of violence were reported Saturday for a second day in Kandhamal, nearly 200 kilometers (125 miles) west of Bhubaneshwar, the capital of Orissa state, Kapoor said.

  6. india their only one group distorted Gurbani to try and show the Jesus was the Guru of Guru Nanak.that is hindu terorists rss.like when they attacked a church and converted it into a gurudawara can yo people under stand their game.


    Hindutva Forces Convert Church into Gurudwara in Punjab

    Bajrang Dal activists converted a Christian church into a gurudwara in Lehragaga of Sangrur district of Punjab on April 10, 2007. Later Sikh leaders came to the rescue of the Christians.

    Sources told the All India Christian Council (aicc) that Pastor Malok Singh from Lehragaga was falsely accused of rape by Bajrang Dal activists. He was arrested under 109 section of the India Penal Code (IPC) and remained in jail until he was bailed out on April 18, 2007.

    In connection with the allegation against Pastor Singh, Bajrang Dal activists numbering over 100 came and attacked the church. Aicc was told that church furniture was broken and musical instruments were stolen, A Granth Sahib (Sikh religious scripture) was placed inside the church, holy reading of Granth Sahib was conducted, and church signboard was changed into Gurudwara Sahib.

    It has also been reported that Bibles were torn inside the church and large number of Christian literature was taken by two lorries to undisclosed place and reportedly burned.

    A source said that Sikh leaders along with police personnel restored the church by removing the Granth Sahib placed inside the church.

    Church members have filed a complaint against the Bajrang Dal activists at Lehragaga Police Station for provoking enmity among two religions of Christianity and Sikhism. The complaint against the culprits was lodged under the IPC sections 295, 452, 447, 506, 148, and 149 on April 11, 2007.

    Deputy Superintendent of Police Mr. Balraj Singh reported to the aicc that the District Magistrate has set up an enquiry commission under the leadership of Sunam Sub-Divisional Magistrate to submit a report within two weeks.

    No arrests of Bajrang Dal activists have been reported, while pastor Singh was arrested within short time of the complaint against him.

    Pastor Singh reported to the aicc that he was severely beaten up in the police station and forced him to accept the allegation against him. He said that a girl was brought by Bajrang Dal activists to his house and then Bajrang Dal activists locked the door from the outside and accused him of rape.

    According to a source, Bajrang Dal had a meeting at Lehragaga on April 18, 2007 and submitted a memorandum to the District Magistrate to sack the District Superintendent of Police for performing his assigned duty to protect the Christian minorities.

    Rashtriya Swayamseva Sangh, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal and Bharatiya Janata Party activists have been telling Sikh communities the false allegation that Christians are forcefully converting Sikh communities into Christianity. Hindutva leaders have called for an anti-conversion law in the state of Punjab .

    The All India Christian Council (www.aiccindia.org), birthed in 1998, exists to protect and serve the Christian community, minorities, and the oppressed castes. The aicc is a coalition of thousands of Indian denominations, organizations, and lay leaders

    try to learn

  7. Bloody christmas to you all by hindu terorists

    Hindu Terorists ransack churches and masscare christians in India

    Twelve village churches were burned and ransacked in eastern India over Christmas as Hindu terorists attacked members of the Christian minority.

    many people have died and more were injured in the violence in Orissa state.

    It was sparked after Hindu hard-liners objected to the scale of a Christmas Eve prayer vigil, according to the Catholic Bishops Conference in New Delhi.

    More than 450 police had to be deployed to quell the violence, which saw groups of Hindus rampaging through villages in the Kandhamal district, burning the mud and thatch village churches and did nothing insted aided the terorists.

    By yesterday afternoon police said the worst of the violence appeared to have subsided.

    However, local Christian leaders accused the state authorities of failing to intervene quickly enough, drawing comparison with the anti-Muslim riots in Gujarat in 2002, which left more than 1,000 dead and were state-sponsored according to human rights groups.

    "I feel the government has allowed them to continue this sort of thing somehow, because I am afraid they are repeating what happened in Gujarat in the last two-three years," Raphael Cheenath, the Archbishop of Bhubaneswar, the state capital, told local television.

    The violence is part of periodic flare-ups between Christians and followers of India's dominant religion who accuse the missionaries of trying to convert low-caste Hindus.

    Missionary activity is a source of serious tension in parts of India where hard-line Christian groups talk of "liberating" low-caste Hindus.

    Rising anti-missionary sentiment has caused several Indian state governments to pass anti-conversion laws which India's Christians - who represent 2.5 per cent of the country's 1.1 billion population - are fighting in court.

  8. well that guy with the turban is a hindu so were his elders. man and women are equal why cant women defend themself and fight it is part of sikhi for women to train for war if you gono live like hindus and treat your women like this its total hinduism . dont behead them give them a weapon so they can defend them self ,failing that convert to hinduism and start killing your own mothers and sister like this hindu in the vedio.

  9. well look wat they done know


    Hindu terorists level Catholic parish to the ground

    New Dehli, Dec 12, 2007 / 05:46 pm The news agency Fides is reporting that 150 Hindu extremists linked to rss (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) have leveled the Church of Divine Mercy to the ground before its construction could be finished.

    On December 5 at about 7am a armed gang of about 150 extremists took over the buildingsite and forced the workers to leave the premises and then began to destroy the building and the machinery for construction.

    Eyewitnesses told Fides that the mob shouted anti-Christian slogans and said they would "not tolerate Christian proselytizing” and the "the crish cant save now". When they had finished their destruction they warned the builders that if work started again, they would be killed with their intire famalies.

    The Catholic community has responded with shock and sadness to the unprovoked attack. The assault was carried out because the growing hate being spread by the hindi terorists. The complex was to include rooms for pastoral and charitable activities.

    A recent report presented to Indian authorities found no less than 464 cases of violence against Christians or Christian property have been reported in the past 20 months. This is due to growing religious extremism in india as whole the states of punjab,haryana,kashmir,Bihar, Karnataka and Gujarat are some of the worse efected state. Violence near the capital is not found to be a problem in the report.

  10. http://www.dalkhalsa.com/Archives/News/Dec..._Dec_07_01.html

    "Future lies in seeking and obtaining right to self-determination": SEMINAR

    Kashmiris, Nagas and Sikhs join hands for the common cause

    Common platform to be set-up very soon,

    Condemned the Indian state for its brutalities and human rights violations

    Saturday December 08th, 2007

    To commemorate the World Human Rights Day, the galaxy of representatives of struggling peoples and nations, gathered at Chandigarh on Saturday Dec 8 to deliberate upon the human rights conditions in their respective areas and chart out common and specific strategies for conflict resolution in respective homelands.

    Er. Ghulam Rasool Dar, General Secretary of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Janab Haqeem Abdul Rasheed and Advocate Mohammad Ashraf Lone of the All Party Hurriyat Conference, Prof. S. A. R. Geelani of Delhi University, Mr. Joyson, former Convenor of the Naga Peoples Movement for Human Rights, Senior Advocate Harvinder Singh Phoolka and Bhai Mohkam Singh, convenor of the Khalsa Action Committee presented Kashmiri, Naga and Sikh perspective respectively. Justice Retd Ajit Singh Bains presided over the seminar on Whither Human Rights of India?


    Dear Brethren:

    In the Name of God Almighty, kindly accept my greetings,

    On behalf of the Sikh nation and the Dal Khalsa, I consider it my privilege to welcome you all to this historic occasion. Today is indeed a historic moment. All the peoples and nationalities gathered here are God-fearing and devout followers of their respective faiths and religions.

    It is a matter of great pride that all peoples and nationalities represented here have a legacy of sovereignty. The Kashmiris, the Nagas, the Manipuri people and the Sikhs have had self-rule for many years and decades. The nation states of these peoples had a chequered history about which we are rightfully proud of.

    It is a matter of regret that all the nationalities assembled here have had their sovereignty usurped by the Indian state, either by chicanery of Indian imperialists or by default of their own leadership.

    Since our subjugation in the early fifties of the last century, we have all experienced slavery, torture and abrogation of our civil, economic, religious and political rights. At various points in contemporary history, each one of us has undergone repression in one form or the other. It has been a matter of degree not of kind. We have been treated virtually as enemies.

    During the last sixty-seventy years, our political life has undergone a metamorphosis. Substantial sections of our population and a sizeable chunk of our leadership have been Indianised and they participate in every political process of the country. Some of the revolutionary organisations have also experimented in the past. Existentialism seems to be the goal of a majority of our peoples.

    The Kashmiris, Manipuris, Nagas and Sikhs have faced the Indian bayonet throughout the period of Indian independence. The police, the para-military and the military have been extensively used against all of us at various times. There is no doubt that independent India has killed more people extra judicially than were killed by the British. During the ninety-eight year British rule, there was not a single custodial death, whereas now people get killed by the dozen in police custody without uproar, either from the executive or the judiciary. Unlawful arrests, illegal detention, custodial deaths, extrajudicial killings, biased trials and capital punishment have been showered upon us without reprieve.

    All of us have been governed by a set of laws which cannot stand scrutiny under norms of criminal jurisprudence, the provisions of the Indian constitution or the standards set by the UN Protocol on Civil and Political Rights. The impunity enjoyed by the security forces in each of our respective homelands has emboldened them beyond control.

    From the Delhi of 1984 to the Gujarat of 2002, political parties like the Congress and the Bharatiya Janta Party have reaped the benefits of political bigotry and vandalism. We believe that like the leaders, the masses too who quietly acquiesce to this role of the government are equally responsible for the sad plight of the regional and religious minorities and ethnic peoples and nationalities.

    A 16-year-old schoolgirl is disrobed in the middle of the road and made to run on the streets for a full 45 minutes in the heart of Gauwhati, the capital of Assam. Chanu Sharmila – a frail but determined lady is on fast for the last six years protesting the Armed Forces Special Forces Act in Manipur and other parts of the northeast. Wailing Kashmiri mothers mourn the acts of the Indian army almost every day and the images are seen in the print media and in sections of the satellite television medium. The leading prosecuting agency in the country, the Central Bureau of Investigation colludes with high-ranking leaders and expresses inability to trace key witnesses in the November 1984 anti-Sikh carnage cases. The agony of the Nagas finds no mention in more than three-fourth part of the country. Indian courts continue to discriminate between one category of victims and criminals as compared to the others.

    All of us here have been at the receiving end of the mainstream media, who has ignored our agony and grief. Notwithstanding our fundamental beliefs, commitments and facts, a big section of the print and satellite media has always tainted us in wrong light. This it has done either at the behest of the powers that be or demonstration of its own inflated sense of patriotism and bias against minorities. We are however thankful for small mercies which have given us some solace from time to time.

    Though we have heard voices of sympathy and empathy from many a quarter, but in totality, the international community has failed all of us. As a result of the pressures of modern day politics where self-interest is paramount; the pain, sufferings and rights of other peoples are not only secondary but also subject to commercial interests of the country in question.

    Though we should all take some blame for our inefficacy in lobbying, by and large, all of us have been effectively ignored by various wings of the United Nations. At every appropriate forum, the Indian state has spitted lies after lies about the deteriorating human rights situation in Kashmir, Panjab, Nagaland and Manipur and all of it has been lapped up by the august body. The Universal Declaration for Human Rights is a nice piece of paper which carries no weight with brown imperialists cocooned in the corridors of power in Delhi. We, however, continue to clutch on it as the last straw.

    Significantly, though we have been overtaken by events of history and though some of our own people sometimes question the rationale of our approach, all representatives of the organizations here are convinced that the future of our peoples and nations lies in seeking and obtaining the right to self-determination. Universally, this right has rarely been exercised but wherever it been, it has reaped results.

    On this occasion, let us all congratulate the people of Eritrea and East Timor who have in the recent past gained freedom through a determined struggle and the instrument of self-determination. It is significant that in each of our cases, our moral, legal and political lien over our sovereignty still stands.

    I think that we would be failing in our duty if we do not express solidarity with all other ethnic peoples who are in the thick of formation of their nation-states in South-Asia, particularly the people of Tamil Eelam. We should condemn the flagrant violations of the fundamental rights of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka.

    Some laudable attempts were made in the past by some individuals and organizations to forge unity among us all but rightly or wrongly, wittingly or unwittingly, there have never been consistent and coordinated attempts to wage a determined and joint struggle. To begin with, let us start exchange and dissemination of information of human rights violations and arrange for media exposure on a regular basis. Let us set up a coordinating agency, manned by representatives of all our organizations. In keeping with the times, let us put to effective use latest technologies, including the internet, to reinforce and focus on the rights of all constituents present here today.

    On this historic day, let us all pledge to join hands. There is no doubt that each struggle has its own peculiar features. Our perception about the status of each struggle and the support bank that we enjoy differs. Be that as it may, it is now time to look towards a bright future by rendering moral, legal and logistic support to each other.

    ( This text was read by Kanwar Pal Singh, general secretary, Dal Khalsa )


    After serious deliberations on the human rights conditions in respective areas, the following resolutions were unanimously passed:

    1. India must sign and ratify the Optional protocol of civil and political rights. The United Nations must ensure that fundamental rights of the people are protected and India is effectively made accountable to various international forums.

    2. This gathering seeks the implementation of the Right to Self-determination of the people of Kashmir, Nagaland, Manipur and Panjab. The United Nations must create a climate whereby the real aspirations of the people of these regions are truly known and demonstrated.

    3. The government of India must create a climate of tolerance and respect for ethnic peoples and nations. A mechanism to control mass violence must be put in place so that minorities are not made subject of rebuke, ridicule and revenge by the state.

    4. The impunity granted to the police, the para-military and the military must be withdrawn forthwith. The extra-constitutional powers given to the security forces under which they carry on gross human rights violations must be terminated and only universal norms of criminal jurisprudence should be implemented. The Armed Forces Special Powers

    Act must be withdrawn in the north-east and detained activist, Chanu Sharmila must be released and allowed to lead a normal life.

    5. This meet calls for the immediate arrest of the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Mr. Narendra Modi for his open condoning and glorification of an extrajudicial murder. His candidature in the forthcoming Gujarat elections must be cancelled and he should be debarred from contesting elections till he is tried for his fascist remarks and utterances. This meeting also notes that the Indian Supreme Court is to discuss the case of Mr. Modi on 10th December, which is the World Human Rights Day and it would be significant to note as to how the apex court adjudicates the matter.

    6. All representative organizations gathered here have resolved to support all efforts being made by Amnesty International, the United Nations and other bodies to abolish death penalty from the world. We appeal to the Indian government to take the first step in this direction by deciding to have a moratorium on capital punishment until it is finally removed from the statute. The sentence of all people on the death row across the country must be commuted by the government.

    7. This meet calls for the immediate and unconditional release of political detenues of Kashmir, North-east and Punjab languishing in jails.

    8. In a historic move, the Dal Khalsa, All Party Hurriyat Conference and the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front have decided to form a coordination body whose setup and parameters will be announced in due course. This body will make consistent and coordinated attempts to wage a determined and joint struggle in order to ensure that ethnic, religious and cultural minorities are able to maintain their distinct identity. We will exchange and disseminate information of human rights violations and arrange for media exposure of the information on a regular basis. We will pursue other peoples and nations to join this campaign. We have also resolved to provide moral, legal and logistic support to each other.

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