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Posts posted by rammuuu

  1. This is wat namdharis claim

    You do not see the true Guru ji.

    Open Your Eyes Satguru Jagjit Singh is your Guru.

    It is a book of scripture nothing more.

    Guru Sahib gave Amrit to only Men and not women. But today it seems like most people are assuming that Guru Sahib gave Amrit to both men and women as well as 'all' of the Sikhs during the time.

    see this site if you trust me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXSNSPvSH_M

  2. in southall namdhari comunity center nadharies are keeping guru granth sahib in a cuboard,for your information.they are just using guru maharaj as book.they are mokey worshipers

    fateh jee

    daas went in to the southall namdhari place too see if they r doing beadbi if they were i wud tell them to stop...they took me into there room where they keep maharaj...maharaj was santokhd in a white palaki with curtains around it..i was really suprised as i thought they would hav maharaj in a cupboard wat ever they believe in if they want to keep maharaj they should treat maharaj with respect no matter what

    fateh jee

    *MOD EDIT* it is because people like you that pakhandi cults like namdhari are here.You support them and you support beadbi.

    tell do you know they do havans

    instead of anad karajj they do agni da pheraa

    listen they also are idolworshipers

    ramchander *MOD EDIT* the love him and *MOD EDIT* krishna and *MOD EDIT* hanuman as well

    and tell why should they have guru granth sahib if they dont even belive init

    you are anti sikh wat you want to say you are with them *MOD EDIT*

    MOD NOTE - please refrain from using such vulgar language else your posts will be removed. Thank you.

  3. PLease do not use words like that against the Namdharis. Whatever our feelngs or understanding of them we have no right to call them monkeys just like they have no right to call us monkeys. Any problem we have with them should be discussed between ourselves first and then with representaatives of them. Dont make a mistake and rush in all angry and fired up. You will be the losers . Use your brains and use tactics will will ahve short term and long term benefits. You gonna cal them names aint gonna stop them doing nothing. Educate the Sikhs about whatthese people are doing first.

    guru granth sahib is the only truth and those preten to be living gurus are just idots and i will like to tell every body that bani is the truth every thing else is a lie. with out guru granth sahib we are totaly lost as guru explain in ramlaki mahala 3 verse 22

    Whosoever deserts the Guru, will never obtain salvation without the True Guru.

    You may inquire from wise saints, they will tell you that such a person will never obtain salvation elsewhere.

    He shall wander in many births and deaths and will not obtain Salvation without the True Guru.

    However he may subsequently obtain Salvation, by attaching himself with the feet (obeying the instructions) of the True Guru, who will infuse in him the Word.

    Nanak says reflect carefully on this matter; there can be no Salvation without the True Guru. (22)

  4. iam hindu convert to sikhism.i known these namdharis very well they are total fulls.they are monkey worshipers in white turbans.i heard that their was protest againts namdharies by southall sangat lead by somebody called jathedar gurcharan singh.i am totaly infovour of any thing againts these pakhandis as u will see in this vedio


    jagi is a pakhandi he is no satguru .

    guru granth sahib is the only truth in this world and the saviour of humanity in the world ,that is way we call sabadh guru is the only thruth not this pakhandi jagjit the idot

  5. we are missing are very big point in this that women are equal to men in sikhism.they are not sheep which need protection from a man ,these organisation trying scar you are stupid hindu.guru nanak have given full rights to women to protest them self and if want impose that women or girls need to be protected by men then we are not sikhs we hindus.ours sisters need to inpower them self and use all means to protect them self,we are here to help them if they want but act instead of them.

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