Wedding guests injured after a Sikh temple was targeted in a 'deliberate explosion by a masked attacker' in western Germany Police said a masked person fled the scene after the 'quite violent' blast
Three people have been injured in the deliberate explosion
Sikh temple in western city of Essen hit at 7pm after hosting a wedding
By Isabel Hunter For Mailonline and Associated Press
Published: 20:57, 16 April 2016 | Updated: 22:25, 16 April 2016
Three people have been injured in what police are descibing as an 'apparently deliberate' explosion at a Sikh temple in Essen, west Germany.
A masked attacked reportedly to have fled the scene shortly after the blast at 7pm on Saturday local time.
Essen Police spokesman Lars Lindemann said the explosion was 'quite violent,' blowing out several windows, with one of the injured said to be in a serious condition.
Police officer passes by a Sikh temple after three people have been injured in an apparently deliberate explosion Saturday evening
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