Very worrying news coming from Panjab, Bhai Amrik Singh Ji Ajnala (Mukh Sevadar Damdami Taksaal) has been shot and injured by the Panjab police. Over 20 other Gursikhs have been shot too, some are in critical condition.
The news is skechy at the moment, a Jatha of Gusikhs went to help local sikhs in Taran Taran Sahib where a cult was threating the local villgers.
Bhai Amrik Singh Ajnala has on countless times risked his life to stop beadbi of Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and to stood up to injustices against the local population.
The Panjab police open fire on the Sikhs and were helping the cult follower in attacking the sikhs. As we have seen countless times the Sikhs are treated worse then animals. The rule of law is for others and not sikhs who stand up for justice.
A benti to everyone is to read Sri Chaupai Sahib Paath and do Ardas for the Chardi Kala of the injured sikhs.
The Singhs at the Gurdwara Sahib have done 5 Singh Ardaas and Degh for the Chardi Kala of the injured Gursikhs.
May Guru Sahib keep Bhai Amrik Singh Ji in Chardi Kala and good health so he can continue to lead the Sikhs against the corrupt state.