I am planning on enrolling in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes soon. I have a few questions about how I could enrol while planning on taking Amrit.
How would I keep rehit of the kakkars while practising my skills without hurting my opponent in the gym? Back when I was younger I enrolled in Taekwondo and they usually told me to take off my kara so I would not hurt my opponent while sparring. Currently my only solution is keeping my kara and a small kard or kirpan in my Kes, but this also raises another question. If I tied a normal or commando style patka, they are quite stable, but my kakkars would probably rip the cloth. I’m not going to wear a Dumala unless it it my last option because I would prefer something light weight while sparring, and during sports I have seen many Dumale fall off. What style should I wear that is stable enough for getting thrown around but not getting loose?