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  1. cbc posted a documentary of how the Canadian government ran mind control experiments and really how under the table this was,many losing their memory coming out broken if at all. This was in the 50's and 60's, so I wonder what goes on right now, and maybe what technology or info has been discovered and developed and in use right now. https://www.cbc.ca/fifth/episodes/2017-2018/brainwashed-the-secret-cia-experiments-in-canada
  2. There's worlds beyond our worlds,worlds within ours,but now we're about to make a world within our world,which we fear might take over us and put us within their world. I'm talking about a.i and technology and all of the potential and danger it has.Then that got me thinking about whether humans might move to mars or different planets in different solar systems if a.i wipes out humanity.Then that got me thinking about traveling at the speed of light to explore the universe,which revealed by Einstein was impossible.Then I wondered about Einstein's last moment,how he must have went through death being recognized as the most intelligent human. I found this article,full thing is here :http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/tvradio/programmes/horizon/einstein_symphony_prog_summary.shtml As Albert Einstein lay on his deathbed, he asked only for his glasses, his writing implements and his latest equations. He knew he was dying, yet he continued his work. In those final hours of his life, while fading in and out of consciousness, he was working on what he hoped would be his greatest work of all. It was a project of monumental complexity. It was a project that he hoped would unlock the mind of God. "I want to know God's thoughts" "I am not interested in this phenomenon or that phenomenon," Einstein had said earlier in his life. "I want to know God's thoughts – the rest are mere details." But as he lay there dying in Princeton Hospital he must have understood that these were secrets that God was clearly keen to hang on to. The greatest scientist of his age died knowing that he had become isolated from the scientific community; revered on the one hand, ridiculed for this quest on the other. On his death bed was frantically trying to find this last breakthrough of how everything is connected.Maybe he was nearing some secret so grand that Waheguru took his life before he could discover it,to keep it gupt. I think that had to do with explaining the observer effect and every other secret of how parmatma uses hukam and maybe how the laws of our world are shattered.I think he was on the verge of explaining everything which was unexplainable,in a way commonly understood and accepted by scientisits and most today.It was going to tie everything together. Basically part of his work was founding quantum physics and in this quantum physics there's this thing called the observer effect. the observer effect is the theory that simply observing a situation or phenomenon necessarily changes that phenomenon. An interesting video on this: it just got me thinking and reinforcing this idea that our "reality" is really just an illusion,a dream.Beyond this, I think getting rid of duality and ego, has to do with connecting to everything,where everything is just waves and energy.Maybe that's why Guru ji tells us to fall in love with them, to merge with them. Maybe that's the ultimate superpower,from which all other power can be derived. Maybe that's where braham gyan touches with,that understanding that Einstein sought?It's absolutely insane to think that for hundreds of years, our fundamental understanding of science from which we based all of today's technology doesn't include the possibilities that can come from udnerstanding the observer's effect.I think the cure to cancer and many of societies limitations and maybe even an academic level of scientific understanding of miracles or supernatural events/experiences is possible in the eyes of the world through understanding all this.I think maybe then,the world would come to realize that in Sikhi all of this is already there,especially even in the SGGS,as Bani is all knowledge and therefore a science as well which gives a rationale mechanism to understand everything. I know it's a whole bunch of in cohesive rambling,with grammatical errors for which I apologize, but what that's because I really don't know enough about any of this. I wanted to know what interpretations you had on any of this?
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