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singhbj singh

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Everything posted by singhbj singh

  1. Volunteer Induction Training https://www.facebook.com/singhstation.net/photos/a.488688294482609.113696.484780038206768/1305798726104891/?type=3&theater
  2. WIN YOUR DREAM WEDDING ! http://www.confetti.co.uk/competitions/win-your-dream-wedding
  3. Sell tickets to your wedding and have foreign tourists attend http://www.hindustantimes.com/art-and-culture/getting-married-soon-sell-tickets-to-your-wedding-and-have-foreign-tourists-attend/story-3sQMG207jCrbaS0U2LQ6GM.html
  4. I guess newbies should learn from more Successful old school Babas like Baba Iqbal Singh ji - Baru Sahib Baba Amar Singh ji - Nanaksar Thath Isher Darbar
  5. Eat, Pray, Love (Or is it the other way around?) Went to the Gurudwara in Dubai last evening. Never been to a Gurudwara before. Unfortunately I was separated from the rest and went in alone. Deposited my shoes, had a pee, washed hands and then did not know where to go. I tried to locate the prayer hall. Could not find it and wandered accidentally into the Langar hall. Someone gave me a plastic plate and a spoon and waved me in. They asked me to cover my head which I promptly did with my handkerchief. People were sitting on mats laid out on the floor waiting for food to be served. I took my place next to a family at the head of a row. Sikh men in a traditional blue religious garment, with Turbans and Kirpans passed about serving dal, subzi, roti and rice. There was a strict etiquette to be followed which I was not aware of. The roti was to be accepted with both hands much like Prasadam (consecrated food), which I did not realize and committed my first faux pas. I went on to do others in the course of the meal. It was embarrassing to be there, sitting in front of a plate with only dal and subzi and nothing to eat them with. Fortunately Jeera rice came soon, saving me from further disgrace. I did not have much choice but to sit and finish the meal before making an unobtrusive exit. The food was simple yet tasty and I soon forgot my predicament and thoroughly enjoyed it. From the Langar room I could make out through the CCTV telecast that the prayer hall was upstairs . I finished up and went up the stairs where I found the rest of my gang poised for a selfie in the landing. The prayer hall was big with sharp white lamps hanging from a large ring in the ceiling; there was a podium under a golden arch below which a venerable old man sat, gently swaying a white mane over the Guru Granth Sahib (decked under red embroidered cloth), the holy book of the Sikh which is treated as equivalent to a Living Guru. A long queue of devout waited patiently to prostrate themselves before the podium; several people sat around on the carpet, lost in contemplation, or gently swaying to the cadence of sonorous music. I sat cross legged for a while observing the tableau of worship, unable to partake spiritually, more a detached observer than a participant. I liked this aspect of religion, the worship and supplication to an entity or idea beyond the self, although the opulence and ostentatious display of wealth one encountered in most places of worship was often a put off. The Gurudwara was open to all, irrespective of faith, it was not exclusive, it served food too every visitor and treated everyone equally, amply demonstrating the magnanimity of the Sikh. The transcendence of self in worship and the idea of service embodied in Kar Seva pro bono work undertaken as penance, provided a path for sublimation of the ego. This certainly was a great benefit offered by Sikhism (as any other religion) to the individual as well as the society. In India, Sikh community had gone through turbulent and bloody times in recent history the bid for secession, the terrorist attacks, the infamous siege pf the golden temple, the killing of Mrs. Gandhi, the subsequent massacre of Sikhs in Delhi, the perpetrators of which are yet to be brought to justice -the wounds of which are not healed, they are festering yet. This is the aspect of religion, this divisiveness and consequent carnage it has engendered in most prominent world religions, this is what I found most disturbing, which continually reaffirms my faith in the merits of an atheist, rational outlook. It is my belief that the metaphysical tenets of every religion is under question in most civilized societies (certain states of US of A could be an exception), by a majority (!!!) of educated people. As science advances, more and more mysteries that surround us would be unravelled, providing a comprehensive and precise knowledge of the physical world. In such a world, the current notion of God would have lesser and lesser relevance, and God and associated concepts are likely to be driven to abstraction. Whether superstition and religious beliefs will eventually be discarded remains to be seen; this is unlikely. Given that God is mans own creation and so tightly integrated to various levels of existence and identity personal, spiritual, cultural, religious and social, spanning several continents; and given the resurgence of militant forms of religion in recent times, it is quite improbable that we will witness the demise of religion in our lifetime unless we manage to annihilate the planet in the meantime. Im not aware of the underlying principles and ideas behind Sikhism. In the Gurudwara I have witnessed and briefly participated in its positive side. Just as every religion it ought to have its negative side dogmatism, superstitions, meaningless rituals, sectarianism redeemed by the notions of self sacrifice, selfless service and devotion. It is a tenacious religion and has countless followers across the globe. Its conceptions of God, Eternity, Morality are bound to endure, whether right or wrong (I do not think any religion is absolutely right in its conceptualization of these ideas). My hope is that the good side of Sikhism is not overwhelmed by fanaticism as it is subjected to stress from within and without (as every religion will be in the future). That the spirit of service which is fundamental to this religion survives beyond all else. If not, it will also degenerate into yet another religion rendering life unbearable under the weight of it. Source - https://tailrace.wordpress.com/2016/07/09/eat-pray-love/ Location of the Gurudwara Near Ibn Batuta Gate hotel, Jebel Ali, Dubai. Exit from Sheikh Sayed road on to the ramp, take right from the roundabout in front of gate hotel and follow the road to find the Gurudwara on the right side.
  6. Another option https://www.instagram.com/p/BH1YAxgBtjn/
  7. Sikh Coalition is making efforts to ensure the accurate teaching of our history in California schools, including the Sikh religions resistance to caste and the Hindu social order when Sikhism was founded. http://indianexpress.com/article/blogs/california-textbooks-the-next-stage-of-the-battle/
  8. Godmen and their fear of guns: Baba Bullet-proof http://www.hindustantimes.com/punjab/ht-spotlight-self-styled-godmen-fear-guns-baba-bullet-proof/story-vcjbMtH80z6oGbr5Uv8BfK.html
  9. Brexit vote sparks open season for racists say workers at Sikh soup kitchen http://www.thenational.scot/news/brexit-vote-sparks-open-season-for-racists-say-workers-at-sikh-soup-kitchen.19954
  10. Film Submissions for SAFF 2016 Sikhlens invites all prospective film makers to submit their films for our annual Sikhlens: The Sikh Arts & Film Festival being held at The Frida Cinema and Dodge College of Film and Media Arts at Chapman University in Orange, California from November 17-20, 2016. Sikhlens was created to provide a unique venue for artists to present their Sikh-centric films, art, and music to the broader community with the intent of showcasing their talents and generating increased Sikh awareness. This festival is a premiere venue to highlight social issues, recognize talent, and foster harmony between the Sikh faith and the external cultures that surround its diverse followers. The success of past festivals and our flourishing collaboration with Dodge College of Film and Media Arts at Chapman University has enabled us to reach far and wide to put together a vibrant showcase, treating our audience the many facets of Sikh culture and heritage. We are accepting submissions for short films, feature films, documentaries, childrens films, literary works, audio and visual works of art and artists. Our distinguished selection committee will diligently work towards selecting films, art and media for the festival. Please complete the Submission Form, and upload or mail your media using the directions listed in the form. The deadline for submissions is October 14th, 2016. We would like to thank you in advance for your interest and we look forward to being able to share in your artistic vision. Download the submission form here: SAFF 2016 Film Submission Form Source - http://sikhlens.com/film-submissions-for-saff-2016/
  11. Workshop: Preparing for turban day The Danish Turbandag 2016 is imminent and therefore invites Sikh Youth for a workshop where you will learn how to tell strangers about Sikhi and Punjabi culture as well as how to tie turbans. The workshop is based on the Basics of Sikhis flyer about Sikhism. You do not therefore have a great knowledge of Sikhi to participate in this workshop, as you will learn how to speak on 2-3 topics in a short and precise manner. Therefore, the workshop open to all, regardless of background knowledge. In addition, we will review the "frequently asked questions" in relation to how to answer the other questions asked by the participants probably will ask. In the second half will be taught how to tie turbans on participants turban day. PROGRAM 12:00 to 14:00 How do you tell about Sikhism? 14:00 to 16:00 How to tie a turban Source - https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A//heyevent.uk/event/njlfonjdoxupaa/workshop-forberedelse-til-turbandagen
  12. These are my brothers. we don't see color, race, religion, etc. we took over the Highline to share UNITY & LOVE. we know tensions are running high right now but remember, only LOVE conquers hate ! https://www.instagram.com/p/BHm3EGwBI8r/?taken-by=bellisima81 https://www.instagram.com/singhinthecity/
  13. What Happened Next Will Leave You In Splits ! http://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/this-sikh-groom-s-pyjama-falls-during-his-wedding-what-happened-next-will-leave-you-in-splits-258175.html
  14. Gurpreet Singh becomes Western Australias First SIKH Police Officer ! http://barusahib.org/general/gurpreet-singh-becomes-western-australias-first-sikh-police-officer/
  15. Family Picnic https://www.facebook.com/Gurdwarasahibsukhsagar/photos/gm.273895269637065/1175797692450474/?type=3&theater
  16. Elementary teachers Summary Information: Employer: Khalsa School Surrey Position Type: Teaching Categories: Elementary Elementary (Primary) Elementary (Intermediate) School / Org: Khalsa School Location: Surrey, British Columbia FTE: FTE No. of Positions: 6 Salary: $4075/month Posting Date: Saturday, 09 July 2016 Closing Date: Tuesday, 26 July 2016 Details: Khalsa School is a faith-based independent school system composed of over 2700 students with four campuses in Surrey and one in Mission serving students from Kg Grade 12. We offer a holistic approach and our students excel academically, socially and in sports. We are currently seeking an enthusiastic teachers to join our friendly and supportive team starting in Sept. 2016. Qualifications: A valid BC Teaching Certificate Training or experience in English Language Learners is an asset A caring nature and an attitude of continuous self-improvement A strong understanding of the developmental needs of students Superior communication and interpersonal skills Please provide your cover letter, resume, evaluation reports (practicum or employment) and contact information for three professional references by email to Ms. Bajwa at jbajwa@khalsaschool.ca Source - http://jobsearch.educationcanada.com/index.phtml?a=v&j=161979
  17. Darbar Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is looking for Priest for our temple in Surrey BC https://www.workbc.ca/Jobs-Careers/Find-Jobs/Jobs/Job-Posting.aspx?jobid=316482&from=Search
  18. Gurdwara Sri Guru Harkrishan Sahib Religious Worker (Granthi ji) Job description Duties: Granthis (Religious Workers) required to work in a busy and demanding Manchester Gurdwara Sahib with a minimum weekly congregation of up to 400 people. 1) Performing Kirtan in the Morning and Evening 2) Nitnem, 3) Sukhmani Sahib Paath, 4) Sehaj Paath 5) Carry Out other Religious duties. Requirements 1) Previous experience is essential, 2) Must be fluent in writing, reading and speaking Punjabi. 3) Must be of have clean character and appearance. 4) Must be able to provide references of previous experience. Duration: Fixed term contract. Benefits: 1) UK National Living Wage, Source - https://jobsearch.direct.gov.uk/GetJob.aspx?JobID=32377501
  19. Choices and Rights Disability Coalition - Kingston upon Hull https://jobsearch.direct.gov.uk/GetJob.aspx?JobID=23750164
  20. Fundraising Event coordinator (Part-time, Weekends only) UNITED SIKHS - Orange, CA Part-time http://www.indeed.com/cmp/UNITED-SIKHS/jobs/Fundraising-Event-Coordinator-b11a5f2f54649ff1 Executive Director, Sikh American Legal Defense & Education Fund (SALDEF) http://www.idealist.org/view/job/ZGhWxm7SGJNp?utm_source=Indeed&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=Indeed
  21. Kid what is done is done ! As per Gurbani we all are Fallible. ਭੁਲਣ ਅੰਦਰਿ ਸਭੁ ਕੋ ਅਭੁਲੁ ਗੁਰੂ ਕਰਤਾਰੁ ॥ Bhulan Andhar Sabh Ko Abhul Guroo Karathaar || भुलण अंदरि सभु को अभुलु गुरू करतारु ॥ Everyone makes mistakes; only the Guru and the Creator are infallible. Ang 61 Line 7 Sri Raag: Guru Nanak Dev That is why provision for PESH is there in Rehat Maryada. Confess in front of Guru Sahib + Punj Piyaras, accept the penance and be guilt free. Don't worry about the guy he will pay for what he did with Interest ! Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh
  22. A lonely Sikh taxi driver working the late shift is befriended by one of his passengers http://miff.com.au/program/film/big-city
  23. Opposition has united in hopes of ending the reign of nearly twenty years of a one-party rule and what it calls, Jurassic thinking and old-fashioned ways. http://thelinkpaper.ca/?p=56910
  24. Seven Kings Sikh Empowerment Association hold sponsored walk for the homeless http://www.ilfordrecorder.co.uk/news/seven_kings_sikh_empowerment_association_hold_sponsored_walk_for_the_homeless_1_4610056
  25. The individual involved in the incident who has asked for his real name not be used in the media made the following post on Facbeook on Friday morning: https://mobile.twitter.com/JazGulati/status/751704716975992832/photo/1 http://sikhpa.com/wimbledon-respond-to-security-removing-sikh-man-for-making-people-uncomfortable/
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