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Posts posted by Eshani

  1. LOL

    a duel is a fight

    we can freestyle it taksali style/yudh/tournament style

    or u can make the rules, provided they're not unfair

    You are really so stupid.

    How can you want to fight Gurus daughter in combat?

    I was thinking most people on world will not do it, are you worst then 99 percent population.

    Ok my way write a code to find OEP of MIda and recreate the Iat manually?

    Do this make sense to you?

    You dont have any honor even if you beat me, still what you say i have bitten a girlin fight, you are truely disgusting.

    I think you will have no honor, sorry singh i have no respect for you. :(

    You are only a male who are good in using Physical strenght when they are beaten by Girl.

    You are good for nothing :(

    No Regards for you.

  2. well backtrack my IP and fight with me!


    Fight with girl.

    I was thinking Nihangs have some honour.

    But you are bad spot on nihangs :(

    What Guru will say,

    his son is fighting with its daughter,

    you are really disgusting:(

    See Akali Phoola singh jee, S hari singh jee, when we require Nihangs in 84 they ranaway, make Gurudware on behest of Indian gove and now they want to fight your daughters.

    I respect s Avtar singh Brahma only few great nihang warrior i know. rest are good in fighting with gurus daughters.


  3. eshani this is the fun section

    this is where i get most of my posts

    in other words

    this is where i scroo around the most

    but if u like

    i can challenge u to a duel, jus to cool things down


    Thanks, duel about what?

    I amgood in coding,

    ok in drawing, science (Physics, chemistry. biology and maths)

    What you are good at.

    Can you start where raju left?


  4. Sat Sri Akal,

    Remember one thing, GOVERNMENTs are the biggest terrorist.

    You can start with book from Mark Tuly, i think it is a book from an independent writer.

    For me Sant jee was a great Sikh. I have only one thing i wished from him. At least S. Amrik Singh should be sent to Pakistan to guide future gen.

    I always wish that they should have some ideology for future course too.

    They thought India would never attack Darbar sahib.

    Read about Pheruman's death.

    If you can read 2001 June edition of Sikh Shadat, it is great.

    can you read Punjabi? I can post some links.

    You are the judge , just use your heart and soul it will tell you truth.


  5. Again bro,

    Even no promise that i have full faith and i will post the prominent Hindu Granth which refers to Indians as Hindu.

    If you cant say that, you don't know Sikhism or Hinduism.

    So i get you, you can only be a Christian.

    I am sorry for thinking of you as Hindu.

    Is there any Hindu in this forum who can give answer to this, as Mr Raju is leaving the conversation :(


  6. Post full.

    My assumptions are mostly right.

    But it is only assumption based on facts.

    raju cant me Muslim, Christian.

    It can be jain or buddhist.

    You have good knowledge of Hinduism.

    probability you may get it from parents

    Conclusion you are hindu or have adopted it.

    Above is technical understanding we use in coding.

    I was wrong, so so so ;;;

    This is what i write, from your reply i said i was wrong in my assumption, Just read it full.

    Just read all posts again you will understand. May be you are not able to understand.I am too technical :)

    I got it, you cant give me Granth(Prominent) and page which say Hindus as Indians.

    If i was at your place i would have produced proof before posting further.


  7. Ok Bro,

    I think you have limited knowledge about Hinduism, i have not evn started to talk about in detail about Hinduism, so forget it.

    Have you gained any level in merging Hinduism and christianity,

    means can you relate them.

    If yes my Christian friends will love to talk to you.

    But you have to really Good.

    We can stop this here come on PM.


  8. So what you say??????

    If one know too much about Sikhism, then one be Sikh or convert to sikhi. i think

    so your logic

    If one know too much about Hinduism one can be a Muslim. Happy now

    I never quit. Only people who are not sure of themselves Quit.

    Eshani, you're just making yourself look stupid now. Quit while you're ahead. How do you know what Raju is?!!! Just by their name?!!

    Eshani just can't believe that someone with a 'Hinduised/Indianised' name can be anything but Hindu.

    Eshani .. the word root is Esh ~ Shiv

    Eshani .. of Shiv.

    So is Eshani a Hindu ?

    Ok i will change my name to GurBaksh Kaur, happy now.

  9. Raju,

    Sorry bro, I am in field in which i have to made large assumptions so it has become my way of life.

    My assumptions are mostly right.

    But it is only assumption based on facts.

    raju cant me Muslim, Christian.

    It can be jain or buddhist.

    You have good knowledge of Hinduism.

    probability you may get it from parents

    Conclusion you are hindu or have adopted it.

    Above is technical understanding we use in coding.

    I was wrong, so so so ;;;

    I hope you can give me name of Granth(prominent) and page number.

    See its logical bro.

    See i am not taking it personal, you should enjoy and learn.


  10. You are a worthy Hindu, nothing offensive very few in your race present today, rest are useless as most modern sikhs.

    I really want to know why you don't like Hindus or Indians or even "modern sikhs". I sense much trouble in your life, Eshani.

    Ok Bro _>Modern Sikhs are those born in great akali families whose both parents are Sikhs, some are amritdharis. they have cut hairs , take drugs and all time run after girls.

    I beat one.

    90 percent of Sikhs in Punjab and most in west are such.

    Who think religion is nothing.

    I have so pain when i see Sikhs having Amritdhari parents roaming for girls.

    90 percent Sikhs don't know names of 10 Gurus.

    I just want to say there was nothing against you or any individual it is against the majority of todays Sikhs.

    Sons of Great warriors who are lost.

    I am not good in debate its pain in my heart that take forum of words, i don't write with brain but with my heart.

    Modern Sikhs -> i used for Sikhs who cut or trim beard, roam for girls, take drugs or drink, and are no way resemble our ancestors.

    even if you love India, i am not against you until you are not doing above things.

    I never say anything to you, just few problem with some nihangs.

    Take lightly everything have fun, improve understandings it is all. :)

    See if i can praise raju, i have no intention to hurt you.

    I really care for all true Sikhs who really have feeling to walk on path shown by our gurus.

    I respect people who respect there religion as well as other.

    I have no feeling for Sikhs who do wrong actions.

    How do you get idea that i target you?

    Which line.

    After our conversation it was over from me , it was just with sher-e-moreau.

    Let God give us strength that we learn to live in his wishes.


  11. see Bro,

    Read article, i can post it , but it is too lenghty and boring,The author raised many valid points

    Can you give answer to them?

    Question : do you agree with Dayanand Saraswati or not?

    I dont want to offend so i give full target id.

    If i want to offend i will only give lines without target.

    Ok now thing is very clear, when we have doubt we consult bani.

    I will only accept your point if you provide me with exact page number from any prominent Hindu Granth.

    I think it is a valid statement.

    Just give me name of Granth (Some prominent) and its page number.

    Which refererred to people living in India as Hindu.

    I will accept :)

    Just one thing what does Kush meaans in Hindi.

    One person was saying it means genocide and Hindu-Kush gets its name when Muslim murdered innocent Hindus. It is not offensive but just want to know it.

    You are a worthy Hindu, nothing offensive very few in your race present today, rest are useless as most modern sikhs.

  12. JAI HIND!

    Hi Bro,

    I have found a link for you, may be you will find it too interesting ;)


    “Moreover, it is correct that this name [Hindu] has been given to the original Aryan race of the region by Muslim invaders to humiliate them. In Persian, says our author, the word means slave, and according to Islam, all those who did not embrace Islam were termed as slaves.” (Maharishi Shri Dayanand Saraswati Aur Unka Kaam, edited by Lala Lajpat Rai, published in Lahore, 1898, in the Introduction)

    See above is writings of even Maharishi Shri Dayanand Saraswati.

    Furthermore, a Persian dictionary titled Lughet-e-Kishwari, published in Lucknow in 1964, gives the meaning of the word Hindu as “chore [thief], dakoo [dacoit], raahzan [waylayer], and ghulam [slave].” In another dictionary, Urdu-Feroze-ul-Laghat (Part One, p. 615) the Persian meaning of the word Hindu is further described as barda (obedient servant), sia faam (balck color) and kaalaa (black). So these are all derogatory expressions for the translation of the term hindu in the Persian label of the people of India.

    It is just first few paragraphs,when i google hindu+persia and you will find more, i have no time to read full, may be Raju should read all and explane :)

    Have fun:)

    Just Nihangs feel so proud of Hind and Bharat Mata. It is really strange?

    You should answer not use this and that, i view all your responses are based on useless words then facts and explanation.

    I think that you are are useless in debate. sher-e-moreau i challenge you prove your skills, if you have.

    Just one thing i assume you are Nihang and general perception Nihangs are closer to Indian govt then sikhs. (Sorry just my own exp is bad)




    I dont know when was Bharat Mata formed?

    Pre British there were many small countries?

    Hyderabad, mysore, Peshwa,Mughal, that were never one country?

    How do you explane a one country when it was not before 2 anglo sikh war, it was just named one country.

    Before it there were countless small countries each having different ruler and boundry.

    Even in your case head of Bharat mata is in Pakistan and Pak occupied Kashmir?

    Its left arm in China:)

    The truth is there was no single country British conquered and named entire as one.

    A point answer this :)

    It is from wikipedia


    Britain made Burma a province of India in 1886 with the capital at Rangoon.

    So pre independence Burma was also part of India, so why is it not Bharat Mata?

    Some part of Bharat mata is in Bangladeesh.

    The truth is term Bharat Mata is only used to infuse feeling of nationality but truth is its hollow concept from onside:)

    There was no thing as Bharat Mata ever, and is used by few to give few Indians fake nationalism

    Reply, i love them, give facts or ideologies:)

  14. Just are you proud of work done by Muslims in India too?

    Just not find Taj or other work

    i was accepting

    I'm proud of what every person on this planet accomplishes.


    But all dont think like this.

    How can i proud of Americans or Japnese :(

    Do you feel proud in German engg?

    I dont get it.

    I dont google anything, try to use your own knowledge and type.

    But again good reply :)

  15. Eshani, I don't have time to write a 20 page essay on the recent accomplishments of India, so let's just leave it at that.

    Not write essays just prove it wrong.

    I think then i am ready for 200 page book :)

    Just are you proud of work done by Muslims in India too?

    Just not find Taj or other work

    i was accepting

  16. [*]India is the world's largest, oldest, continuous civilization.

    So is Chinese, egyption, mesopotamian, Egyption nad chinese are strongest. egyption civilization built Pyramids. The language of Harappa civilization is not deciphered as they are so less. And this civilization is not in India but mostly in pakistan. This civilazion was destroyed by aryan invaders.

    It was not only ancient civilization but one of many.

    [*]India never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history.

    Yes , there was no invasion in nBangladesh and sri lanka.

    Indian Govt promoted terrorism in Bangladesh even Mukti Vahini was armed and trained by Indian Govt, same that is done by pakistan in Kashmir. LTTE was created and armed by India.

    India never got independence was slaved long ago. Ranjit singh attacked Afganistan and Tiget.

    All Indian Rulers were always fughting with each other.

    India has only come into existence from47 as capability to attack .

    Even read wikipedia India is responsible for 62 war with china.

    [*]India is the world's largest democracy.

    The democracy, all corrupt and criminals wins. Voted are won by liquor. There is no democracy but democracy of hate. BJP wins for hate against Muslims( Ram Mandir) . No rioters are ever punished.People responsible for riots as jagdish Tytler are reelected. The Democracy no educated people vote, max vote are of illetrated. You cannot give thi spoint if you live in India. Resevation 50 % vote bank.

    [*]Varanasi, also known as Benares, was called "the ancient city" when Lord Buddha visited it in 500 B.C.E, and is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today.

    Buddhism was destroyed by Hindu i think shankracharya.

    There are many ancient cities in world, It gives you any proud.

    I feel proud of varanasi, never heard.

    Proud comes from actions not by things that are present in every country.

    [*]India invented the Number System. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.

    I give credit, Aryabhatta was great , so was veramahira and Charaka. full credit to them. I am proud of them.

    [*]The World's first university was established in Takshashila in 700BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.

    Despite the Nalanda university belongs to buddhists. The Buddhism was destroyed in India by force,So its work is useless.

    [*]Sanskrit is the mother of all the European languages. Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software - a report in Forbes magazine, July 1987.

    If a article comes it doesnt mean so, other languages have eveolved from thousands of years.

    All Muslims in India were earlies Hindus(ancesstors), yet they are not brothers.

    Sanskrit will never be used in computers, You have no Idea what computer lang is.

    May be if Indian invented OS it can be used. It can be most suited?

    Not _ There will never be any change of Computer lang from Eng to sanskrit.

    [*]Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans. Charaka, the father of medicine consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago. Today Ayurveda is fast regaining its rightful place in our civilization.

    I like Chitra, he was great, first valid point.

    [*]Although modern images of India often show poverty and lack of development, India was the richest country on earth until the time of British invasion in the early 17th Century. Christopher Columbus was attracted by India's wealth.

    So where is proud in it. We were richest 500 years ago, do you feel proud by this?

    [*]The art of Navigation was bornin the river Sindhu 6000 years ago. The very word Navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word navy is also derived from Sanskrit 'Nou'.

    Can you give any Link to this? wikipedia likely.

    By third party.

    [*]Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. Time taken by earth to orbit the sun: (5th century) 365.258756484 days.

    Chinese developed this are about 4000 Bc and were accurately solar and lunar eclipse most advanced.

    [*]The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century long before the European mathematicians.

    can you give link, It is stated Pythgorus theorem was first used by Egyptions in construction of Pyramids. Its is in 3000BC. So again too late.

    [*]Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India. Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th century. The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Hindus used numbers as big as 10**53(10 to the power of 53) with specific names as early as 5000 BCE during the Vedic period. Even today, the largest used number is Tera 10**12(10 to the power of 12).

    Calculas was built by Newton.

    [*]IEEE has proved what has been a century old suspicion in the world scientific community that the pioneer of wireless communication was Prof. Jagdish Bose and not Marconi.

    Sorry not aware of this, but i think it is valid :)

    [*]The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.

    Cannot prove it was first dam, it can be one of earliest.

    [*]According to Saka King Rudradaman I of 150 CE a beautiful lake called Sudarshana was constructed on the hills of Raivataka during Chandragupta Maurya's time.

    [*]Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was invented in India.

    Good,but same, cards chinese, cricket england.

    But it can be accepted.

    [*]Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted complicated surgeries like cesareans, cataract, artificial limbs, fractures, urinary stones and even plastic surgery and brain surgery. Usage of anesthesia was well known in ancient India. Over 125 surgical equipment were used. Deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology, etiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism, genetics and immunity is also found in many texts.

    Most points are very very old. Do you continue to feel proud of long lost glory.

    [*]When many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization).

    Already stated.

    [*]The four religions born in India, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, are followed by 25% of the world's population.

    So Islam christians are most proud, then islamic, then hindus and sikhs are not proud as we have very less number compared to others.

    [*]The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.

    [*]India is one of the few countries in the World, which gained independence without violence.

    Just leave it, India got independence solely of Hitler.

    You can clearly see all asian countreis gain independence during this time.

    So pay tribute to Hitler to weaken UK so that we got independence.

    Hitler is the only cause of Indian Independence.

    [*]India has the second largest pool of Scientists and Engineers in the World.

    Where, in It doing west job, almost all great scientists are eithermigrated to west or working for them.

    [*]India is the largest English speaking nation in the world.

    So speaking English made you proud.

    Then China is largest chinese speaking nation of world

    [*]India is the only country other than US and Japan, to have built a super computer indigenously.

    Third one, not own tech:(

    It is much easy to imitate then research.

    Are you bored yet?

    The thing is you are talking of Lost Glory. How long you will feel proud of it.

    See today there is no invention. Scientists migrate, corruption ,reservation, oppression, terrorism,hatred, politics, decline of police, decline of judiciary.

    Can you give me name of any single project or tech only developed or currently under development only in India and nowhere else.

    I noticed you dont like muslim rulers so not mention there achievements, any negative thought on them.

    You should be proud that we were slaves for thousands of years, first by Muslim rulers and then by British. Proud of slavery.

    You sshould give some achievements in this era too.

    I give taj mahal :)

  17. Sat Sri Akal,

    It is really a very serious issue to me and to some sikhs , i really want to know what is opinion of most sangat.

    What do you think about future of Punjab.

    1) Remains as it one of state of India.

    2) Given more powers and function like an independent state, States should have much great powers.

    3) Complete independence.

    4) I don't care.

    Just help me to get real views of sangat as what most sangat thinks about this.

    If i miss any other possibility kindly let me know.

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