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Posts posted by Vato

  1. Im not saying your hating eachother, Im saying their are too many hate thread hating muslims, christians hindus , india etc.

    lets have some POSATIVE THREADS, that show all is not doom and gloom, so that MORE people want to come here!

    Get it??

    I agree with you we need more postive threads about sikhism rather than negative threads of other religions

  2. The word lust means sexual desire (this meaning is sometimes metaphorically extended to other forms of desire, e.g. lust for power). It is considered a vice by many religions.

    Now within a marriage would it be love or lust? Use your common sense and do what u feel is right and what is wrong.

  3. All the religions of the world, while they may differ in other respects, unitedly proclaim that nothing lives in this world but Truth.

    The essence of all religions is one. Only their approaches are different.

    I dont see why religions cannot accept each other as different instead of just trying to find faults in them or bringing them under their fold. This is were religion has become demonic.

    As for Sikhism belonging to Hinduism surely it must be the decsion of each Sikh to decide whether they feel they are part of hinduism.

  4. All religion seems to need to prove that it's the only truth. And that's where it turns demonic. Because that's when you get religious wars and persecutions and burning heretics at the stake.

    I think all paths are quite valid. And I think one of the great tragedies of religion is that we've made each path exclusive. It's ludicrous.

    God is the source of life. And if God is the source of life, the only way I can worship God is by living fully. And I've got to dedicate myself as a follower of this God to building a world where everybody has an opportunity to live fully.

  5. ak47, you know the score, and so do i, however i think its best if we leave this for a while untill it is really required, its funy how most ppl dont know much about someone however always bang on aobut he was from this jatha etc. rather amusing when you realise the true facts and how others disti=ort the facts and history likewise. anyway our prayer are with bhai sahib hope all goes well. dhan dhan sahib sri guru granth sahib jee

    Babbar Khalsa consists of Sikhs of all different jathas and not just AKJ. It is true that people have distorted things and made it seem that the Babbar Khalsa is a hardcore AKJ group.

  6. Sadhana, daily spiritual practice, is the base, the foundation of all spiritual endeavor. Sadhana is your personal, individual spiritual effort. It is the main tool you use to work on yourself to achieve the purpose of life. It can be done alone or in a group. Sadhana is whatever you do consistently to clear your own consciousness so you can relate to the infinity within you. Before you face the world each day, do yourself a favor and tune up your nervous system and attune yourself to your highest inner self. To cover all your bases, include exercise, meditation, and prayer.

  7. A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion. Small amounts of philosophy lead to atheism, but larger amounts bring us back to God.

    Selfishness is the only real atheism, unselfishness the only real religion.

  8. A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion. Small amounts of philosophy lead to atheism, but larger amounts bring us back to God.

    Selfishness is the only real atheism, unselfishness the only real religion.

  9. A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion. Small amounts of philosophy lead to atheism, but larger amounts bring us back to God.

    Selfishness is the only real atheism, unselfishness the only real religion.

  10. Call it revenge or justice. But if there were people out their who have killed, raped and tortured my people. I would want to get them back whether its morally wrong or right thats for others to debate over but to me that would be right

    Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more a man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out. Revenge is profitable, gratitude is expensive.

  11. It is becoming increasingly fashionable today for seekers to dabble with the occult in the pursuit of esoteric powers and experience. However the ancient spiritual traditions discourage this – why should the seekers of truth preoccupy themselves with powers over the material plane? These practices are distractions from the real goal of trancsendent truth and they can become a source of ego (which the seeker is desires to transcend).

    The deliberate pursuit of psychic powers is not favoured by sages and advanced sincere seekers. They discourage such practices deeming them an obstacle to realising oneness of being. Powers are in the realm of phenomena which are obscuring factors in self-realisation; on the whole dangerous ground to tread for those still on the way to stop the discursive activities of the mind in order to attain a one-pointed flow of awareness. In the course of spiritual practice powers may manifest spontaneously as a result of practice of concentration in previous lives. Great is the allurement of psychic powers such as knowledge of future events, understanding the language of birds or animals,spirit mediumship, clairvoyance, astsal travel, telekinesis, reading of tarot, making oneself invisible or tiny as an atom (anima), and its opposite (mahima) and many more! And great is the discernment of those who have the strength to withstand them. No doubt the acquisition and perseverance resulting in concentration which could be used on the royal road instead of by-lanes.

    Acquired powers are to some extent due to a cultivation of generally available techniques and to some extent to development of an aptitude for spontaneous power that was inherent but not powerful enough to manifest without training. It is enough to say that they are not approved of by true masters. In order to seek them, a man's mind must be directed towards them, not towards spiritual liberation. Therefore they cannot lead him to Liberation. Preoccupation with them is far more likely to distract him from it; and it can do this just as effectively as preoccupation with physical wealth and power. At best they exist within the phenomenal world which we should be striving to transcend; at worst they degenerate into sorcery and magnify his ego by giving him power over other s and winning their submission and adulation.

    Midway between these two subcategories are powers which come to a man spontaneously in the course of his quest and as a by product of it. They also can be a hindrance on the quest. Whether and how far to use them will be a matter for decision by the Guru or for sober, dispassionate judgement if there is no physical Guru.

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