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Posts posted by mophlrkb

  1. ha ha was waiting for this type of post.

    I watched that post.

    They DIDNT say much about focussing on muslim men, although the two cases were of muslim men....

    PLEASE lets just not jump on the muslim bashing again....granted these two guys were muslims but this is more about the GIRLS that get abused, not about the idiotic guys that do these evils deeds.

    e.g. check these evil idiots out:

    (See number 12 and 30)


    Lets not forgot evil doers are EVERYWHERE....lets not think we are better then any other religion when really there are bad people in al religions...

  2. i run parallels in conjunction with leopard in my scientific life....MACS are wonderful....you can get the benefits of running leoprard...and i MEAN benefits...and also have windwos running at NATIVE FAST speed within leopard...who needs bootcamp....it rocks...

    Sorry...just having a MAC moment here...bonding with my baby....







    But honeslty, for those worried about those pesky windwos os software, a MAC CAN run windows os and run windows software VERY WELL and Leopard and Windows can mix and be coherent without any issues!!!!

  3. Two choices....respecting and following wishes of family or following what you know is the right way to go. How does one handle this situation.

    Do you follow the respectful wishes of your family? Do you ignore what you know or 'feel' is right? Do you ignore your family? From a Sikhi point of view, I would imagine that the family options is always right.

    But how does one deal with choosing the latter...and ignoring the family?

    How do you deal with those emotions and how do you accept the pain and sorry you may be causing them?

    I've kept this quite open so it would apply to many situations, I guess the most obvious with be Amrit...but perhaps lets consider other options like stuyding for a degree or moving away from home or getting married?

    Which is right and which is wrong?

  4. Handsworth park is HUGE.....how can there be total control over alcohol and smoking within the park?

    I'm not against the Celebration at all, but these issues always arise each year.

    Just because Maharaji is placed within a tent...the surrounding area could be open to filth such as people drinking, unclean people, people swearing, people not realizing Maharaji's Saroop is in their locality.

    Why is there a need to bring Maharaji's Saropp there anyway?

    Why not just have the festival without Maharaji being present?

    You wouldn't put your father or mother on a blanket in the middle of a filthy field would you? So why are we so lax when it comes to Maharajis Saroop in Handsworth Park, but we get all hoo-haa over somebody taking Maharaji to a wedding hall...?

    You can imagine the scene though, lots of wannab'es Jai Kari'ng for the sake of it...lots of Khanda flags waving around, bhangra, possibly meat, people wandering around possibly showing their flesh, shouting, maybe smoking and drinking.....

    Why do we even need Maharaji in the park?

  5. Has the issue of taking Maharaji to a such a dirty place been sorted out yet?

    There is no way you will be able to control such acts like drinking and smoking within such a HUGE PUBLIC park?

    I know there were some debates on here before about this, but isn't this just as much a Beadi as the countless Wedding Beadis we hear about?

    Will Maharaji only be present for a short period of time to reduce any disrespect or will Maharaji saroop be there all day?

  6. What kind of b***ocks is this?!?!!

    I think we need to find out if there is any truth behind this (which I doubt) but it certainly warrants some insight.

    If there is NO link, then we should all be up in arms at these defamatory remarks....

    (PS..for those who don't know The Sun...it's a RUBBISH piece of tabloid media...infamous for the top-less naked page-3 girls...full of leud and disgusting images...)

    Where is violent campaign?!?!

    Anyone with some insight into these statements, please post!!!!


    I need to help find some 'work' for my relative who is coming from india.....

    I would appreciate it you know 'anyone' in the Midlands area who could help him for a month or so.

    I hope I don't need to explain the details of it...

    PM for more info.

    This relative is pretty less well off, and he's coming over for a family wedding but if there is anyone who can help we would be VERY appreciative.


  8. Can anyone recommend a photographer who does family or solo portraits/pictures?

    Ideally in the North West or Bradford areas?

    Failing that Birmingham would also be ok.

    I'm looking to get some personal photos of myself and my wife taken to hang up in the house and am trying to find a decent photographer (as opposed to the apna run dodgy photo shops that line Soho Road!!!!).

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!!!!

  9. I'm a researcher/lecturer and pharmacist working in a School of Pharmacy/Pharm Sci.

    It will cost quite a bit to do the MSc, but some are funded.

    It will be useful if you want to make progress in the pharma industry, but i would suggest doing the 1 year MSc then do a PhD (many funded PhD are available). Once you have done that you can excel in industry. if you went into industry without a PhD, you would only excel so far.

    Typical PhD stipends are around 15k, typical salleries in the pharma industry with a Msc would be about 25k max.

    Typical PhD graudate starting salleries are around 35+k and after a few years in industry you can secure in excess of 45k.

    Good luck, PM if you need any more advice.

  10. Ha, it happened!!!

    But realistically speaking NO ONE is ashamed of their dhari....I certainly am not!!!

    But I'm sure there are circumstances when the dhari is required to be tied...e.g. if you are a chef or if a free flowing dhari is dangerous (e.g. operating heavy duty machinery). I would rather have it tied under those conditions then leave it open and flowing and liable to damage from machinery or such. Also, if you were a decorator or mechanic, you would rather have it neatly tired up rather the flowing and getting dirty and grease into the dhari....

    Common sense applies...people growing their dhari are NEVER ashamed of it....

  11. lets not kid ourselves...the hatred is often perpetuated by the youth of our generation...who will one day be out future...

    The real reason in modern day Sikhi for the hatred towards Muslims is this whole argument of conversions.

    Anyone who has been on this forum for the past 6 months will know what I'm talking about.

    I myself have no hatred towards anyway, but my opinion is that the hatred comes mainly from some of the youth and is focused on the issue of conversions. It's just funny that these things have been VERY prevalent in the Christian community for years and decades, well before partition I'm sure (but don't quote me on that), but still people always jump onto the band wagon and blame certain Muslims and ignore the major Christian element.

    But then again I guess the resentment during the partition has spread from our grandparents, to our parents and then to us....

    Let's hope we don't spread that resentment further to our kids and our grandkids...

  12. A degree to work a MAC?


    Are you mad?


    It's so easy.

    I bet all those MAC haters haven't even spent a day using a MAC before.

    At least us MAC-freaks have spent years slaving over our PC's before seeing the light in the MAC!!!!

    I certainly won't be going back EVER!!!!







  13. For all those MAC haters, read this review of MACWORLD vs CES(Microsoft):


    This pretty much sums the article up and it's SOOO true:

    " Microsoft and Bill Gates (and the rest of the captains of the tech industry) are busy showing off their great technologies.

    Apple, on the other hand, just shows off great technology in products as well as partnerships that solve customer problems. That keeps being Appleā€™s differentiator. "

    Microsofts biggest innovation at CES was their MS Surface things, that touch screen surface thing.....

    Apples was the THINNEST EVER laptop....as well as video on demand and numerous other REAL WORLD solutions...

    Thats what I love about Apples, they don't reinvent the wheel they design clever and unique solutions to real world IT problems!!!!!

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