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Everything posted by LionHeart

  1. OH MY GOODNESS. MY APOLOGIES. I didn't know that there were so many women here (5). That makes 5 women and like 300 guys. Don't try and get smart, because ur not Vicky. Sukh (read the tag)
  2. I think that it is perfectly fine to date in order to find your soulmate, but it is important to save yourself for marriage. When I say date, I don't mean in the white sense, going out with everyone and anyone who is willing just to have sex or what not. I see sikhs now days dating and "hooking up" so casually. Granted, these people that I see doing this are not religious at all. Before I went to college, my parents sat me down and told me that I can look for a proper Sikhni at college. I appreciate them for saying that. It is just too bad that I cannot find any Sikhnis over here in Northern California. I just think that it would be great to have someone to share your feelings and emotions with. The emotional and spirtual relationship are far more deeper than the physical relationship. It is just hard to find a 20 year old female who has the same views of religion, life, and culture. Sukh
  3. I do not find anything wrong with a woman bleaching her hair. Why is almost everyone in here so militant and hardcore. If a woman wants to bleach, or wax her body hair, its her perogative. Who are we to judge? If a woman uncomfortable with facial hair, she should have the right to do what it takes to feel comfortable. I don't like the way the kuttard (hardcore) sikhs say something and expect every other sikh to follow it like its the law of the land. If you don't want to do something, than don't, but tell others what to do. Are you going to tell your wife that she can't bleach her hair? Also, everytime I come to this forum, all I read are male points of view. Where are the female points of view? Sukh
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