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Everything posted by daasndaas

  1. Chatanga has posted this topic on another site as well. I feel that i should post a reply as the person he is talking about is not himself but me. There are various ways deal i could deal with this:- 1. Completely ignore it and do nothing 2. Go on a nimarta trip and say Bly inMdau Bly inMdau Bly inMdau logu ] Slander me well, slander me well, slander me well, O people. gauVI ] inMdau inMdau mo kau logu inMdau ] inMdw jn kau KrI ipAwrI ] Slander me, slander me - go ahead, people, and slander me. Slander is pleasing to the Lord's humble servant. inMdw bwpu inMdw mhqwrI ]1] rhwau ] Slander is my father, slander is my mother. ||1||Pause|| inMdw hoie q bYkuMiT jweIAY ] nwmu pdwrQu mnih bsweIAY ] If I am slandered, I go to heaven; the wealth of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides within my mind. irdY suD jau inMdw hoie ] hmry kpry inMdku Doie ]1] If my heart is pure, and I am slandered, then the slanderer washes my clothes. ||1|| inMdw krY su hmrw mIqu ] inMdk mwih hmwrw cIqu ] One who slanders me is my friend; the slanderer is in my thoughts. inMdku so jo inMdw horY ] hmrw jIvnu inMdku lorY ]2] The slanderer is the one who prevents me from being slandered. The slanderer wishes me long life. ||2|| inMdw hmrI pRym ipAwru ] inMdw hmrw krY auDwru ] I have love and affection for the slanderer. Slander is my salvation. jn kbIr kau inMdw swru ] inMdku fUbw hm auqry pwir ]3]20]71] Slander is the best thing for servant Kabeer. The slanderer is drowned, while I am carried across. ||3||20||71|| 3. Tell it how it is, although I don't feel the need to vindicate myself to any person, just to give you a glimpse of the reality. I will apologise before proceeding further, some of this will sound like i am having a personal dig. Let's start with....QUOTING - Chatanga 'cos im not there at the gurdwara , then the matter doesnt exist to me . As long as im wiv the jatha doing krtan, that matters more, than if the other sewadaars have to absorb the sewa that i would do. i forget about the sewa and leave it to the others " without really caring about how my lack of support affects them" ? Should I take the " they'll cope one way or another " attitude? the prog is 4 hours drive away,so cannot make there and back. Impractical. i was 110% committed to the sewa when it first started. Over time i felt that i can pass the buck to the other sewadaars , so i can enjoy what i want to do, without really concerning myself about what they feel. my mind is telling me that i should go to the rainsbhai, becasue of 3 points : 1. it will get me out of doing seva. 2. i dont really care how the other sewadaars manage if im not there. 3. becuz of the wikid kirtaniz.lol.hahaha.omdzz.gurooooo. 'i can push the thought of the seva never being completed to the back of my mind. then i could the same for next sunday as well.' 'if i'm the main instigator of the sewa, then i have the right to sit back and let others do it' Firstly Chatanga (as he calls himself) and I only do some Seva in unison. We do not know each very well personally, so it begs the question how does he know what i am thinking, what i am feeling and what my intentions are? I KNOW! He has got super natural powers and he can read people's minds and knows their innermost thoughts/feelings. He is ANTARJAMI. WOW. How else would he know? 'the thing is that i want to do this every week now, go to rainsbhais and stuff' (Chatanga) Mmmmmm i think i have been to 3 Raensbai Kirtans this year. I am guilty. Guilty of not doing enough Sangat. Need i explain the importance, the power, the inspiration, the strength and glory of Sangat? Avir kwj qyrY ikqY n kwm ] imlu swDsMgiq Bju kyvl nwm ]1] Nothing else will work. Join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; vibrate and meditate on the Jewel of the Naam. ||1|| ------------- nYxI ibrhu dyKw pRB suAwmI rsnw nwmu vKwnI ] sRvxI kIrqnu sunau idnu rwqI ihrdY hir hir BwnI ]3] With my eyes, I gaze lovingly upon God, my Lord and Master. I chant His Name with my tongue. With my ears, I listen to the Kirtan of His Praises, day and night. I love the Lord, Har, Har, with all my heart. ||3|| ---------------------- mn krhlw myry pRwn qUM mYlu pwKMfu Brmu gvwie ] hir AMimRq sru guir pUirAw imil sMgqI mlu lih jwie ]7] O camel-like mind, you are my breath of life; rid yourself of the pollution of hypocrisy and doubt. The Perfect Guru is the Ambrosial Pool of the Lord's Nectar; join the Holy Congregation, and wash away this pollution. ||7|| ---------------------- vfY Bwig sqsMgiq pweI hir pwieAw shij Anµdu ]2] By great good fortune, I found the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation; I have found the Lord, with intuitive ease and ecstasy. ||2|| --------------- ijin iknY pwieAw swDsMgqI pUrY Bwig bYrwig ] Whoever has found it, has done so in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. Through perfect good fortune, such balanced detachment is attained. ---------------------- sqsMgqI sMig hir Dnu KtIAY hor QY horqu aupwie hir Dnu ikqY n pweI ] In the company of the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, you shall earn the wealth of the Lord; this wealth of the Lord is not obtained anywhere else, by any other means, at all. -------------------- swDsMgiq kY AwsrY pRB isau rMgu lwey ] Aaugx kit muKu aujlw hir nwim qrwey ] With the support of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, one falls in love with God. One's faults are eradicated, and one's face becomes radiant and bright; through the Lord's Name, one crosses over. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Chatanga has fed you false information so you will come to false conclusions. If he feels so strongly about this, would a mature and sensible approach not be sit down and talk about it like adults? Just realised Chatanga has got further supernatural powers. Yes folks. He is so humble, he makes himself invisible so no one knows he is doing seva. He did appear this Sunday for a few minutes but the nimarta must have taken over and became invisible. Mmmmm. There is a Punjabi saying: pihlw Apxy mMjy hyTw fMfw Pyro Also 'Let him who is without sin cast the first stone' I apologise for the sarcasm. Seriously though, Chatanga has no supernatural powers. I think it's called being judgemental. His philosophy is if you have a problem with an issue/person at your local Gurdwara, you write about them on the web, then send them an e-mail directing them to the topic and telling them to take heed of the advice. Should we base our seva on falsehood? How far will we get? Will this solve the issue? Will this achieve anything? As we lack sevadars he should written a message like 'Do you live in the WV postcode area? We need Sevadaars to help with STTM and Sikhi Stall Sun mornings, also presenters/speakers for the weekly Sun eve Youth Darbar, designing posters and any other ideas welcome. Even if you volunteer once a month that would be appreciated. Pls phone 07877 759090. A message like this may have been more effective. Please do help us with the seva. I shall not be visiting this topic again. Please PM or phone if you can help with the seva. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
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