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Posts posted by mushroom

  1. i'm sorry to hear about ur loss. i can understand ur confusion. i know exactly how you feel.

    i think about this same question all the time! its so frustrating, we're only told what happens after death but we can't know for sure. i mean thats where faith comes in but still..as a human being you can't help but wonder. its easier to believe things when you actaully see it in front of your own eyes but, in this case, obviously you can't really do that. you can't die, see what happens, and then come back to life. plus, there's so many different beliefs. like in Sikhi, i don't know that much about it, but i do know that theres the different levels of.. i cant think of the word for it..but thers like sach khand, gyan khand, etc etc. and then theres the 8.4 million cycle..and im not sure about hell. some say we're currently living in hell? sounds possible. i dont know. and yeah the jam dhoot..that really freaks me out sometimes.

    but at the end of the day, we should just try to be the best we can be. don't do bad, don't hurt another soul. try not to think negative about things. keep a clean, positive mind. and of course, follow Sikhi as much as you can. try to get Amrit but i know alot of ppl are struggling with that and are not strong enough. its okay though, just keep trying and ask for Guru Ji's guidance and one day, you might be blessed with it.

    anyways, thats just my opinion. forgive me for any offensive/wrong comments i might have made.

    wjkk wjkf

  2. wow. u sound like a really great person. i know someone at the gurdwara i go to who sounds really similar to you. but i dont know them personally, so i could be wrong. but yeah anywayys...you really see the bigger picture..you're not caught up in cars, money, girls..thats really good. but the whole marriage thing...i think you need to re-think about it. think long term...do you want to stay single your whole life? or do you want to start a new family and bring a new child into the world. or you stay single your whole life. live alone. earn enough for yourself and just live a simple life. its all up to you. but this is a big decision to make so you should think about it seriously. in my opinion, i think it would be wise to get married. but thats just my opinion. this is totally up to you. even if you do get married , it doesn't mean you can't continue living a simple life like how you do now. you're just gona have more responsiblites and a family to look after. sometimes you should considfer the advice of elders. liek the ppl who talk to you at the gurdwara, they may seem annoying/stupid but still. just think about it. other than that, you shouldn't let people bother you. you can do sewa all you want, its none of their business. who are they to tell you that you're 'over-doing it'. thats your own personal thing and no one else's.

    so yeah, good luck on your decision and forgive me if i said anything offensive/rude. i didn't mean to if i did.

    wjkk wjkf


    There's a shabad that Bhai Tejinderpal Singh(Dulla Ji) did

    its called Karo Kirpa Gopal Gobind Apna Naam Japavo ...

    it was somewhere on the internet. i used to have it saved but i lost it somehow and now i can't find it anymore:( does anyone have this track or know where i can find it??

    any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!


  4. i think we're supposed to give 10% of our earnings to the gurdwara or sumtin like that..?

    but yeah.. i think u shud always bring something wen u go cuz like..wen u put money in the golak, they use that money for payin the bills and stuff for the gurdwara..and one person cant pay for everything so its good if everyone gives a little bit to help

    and if not money then i think bringing somethin like atta/milk/or wtv is good too..for langar

    i cud b wrong tho..thats jus my opinion..

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