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Posts posted by Pyara

  1. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

    but i have a khanda in my car! grin.gif

    is that bad?

    it can be very useful for me!

    sometimes friends will come in my car and then they start asking what that is!

    So i can explain them the meaning of Khanda and Sikhi.

    you can get positive things out of it too.

    but back to the point.

    is it bad to have a khanda on a flag in my car??? no.gif

    Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

    Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

    Visably the Khanda is a powerful looking image and does attract attention.

    You can't deprive the right for someone with good intentions to display the Khanda. But don't you find it upsetting when a car full of Guys with a 'Khanda 'cruises past you with everyone smoking, pumping some loud base, shouting/whistling at girls?

    It boils down to who is carrying the Khanda symbol. In my opinion the Khanda symbol should only be w

    orn or displayed by a Sikh in Guruji's Roop. But the way things are that's highly unlikely to happen.

    'Flying Sikh Man', I am assuming you are an Amritdhari or heading in that direction. You have every right to display the Khanda with pride if this is the case. Moreover you will be an excellent ambassodor. But what about individuals who do not follow Guruji's path in anyway but want to be assocaited with the Khanda because it's a powerful image or it's just a symbol linked to their ethnic origin.

    Even the moon and crescent (the Muslim symbol) is not abused as much as the Khanda is. Do you know when a a person of Muslim origin owns an Off-Licence (Liquour store)? You can easily identify if a person of Sikh origin owns a Liquor store, even if they are a mona, as there will be a Khanda or a picture of Guru Nanak in the shop somewhere.

  2. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

    We should all do the sewa of distributing this flyer around Gurdwaras in the UK. Nothing will change overnight unless we start being proactive.

    I am so sick of the 'KHANDA ABUSE' out there. People think that being Sikh is to have a Khanda displayed in your car or around your neck or even in their ear ring.

    Sikh Shops like DTF don't help in the matter. They further make money by designing merchandise revolved around the Khanda, like key rings, mock boxing gloves, medalions, cuddly teddy bears.

    Off licenece shops, Newsagents, Convenience stores have Khandas on their shop signs and they go around serving alcohol, ciggerettes and meat.

    And the thong!!! Well sooner or later that was bound to happen!

  3. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

    Saw the pictures of the Nagar Kirtan in Coventry. Wierd. They have made Baba Nand Singh and Baba Meeha Singh look like idols.

    However on the dancing issue. This is no difference to the bhangra dance group that always turn up to the Southall Nagar Kirtans. Personally most, if not all Nagar Kirtans, in the UK are messed up.

    All we seem to do is bang a DHOL, stop some traffic and wave flags. Is that what a Nagar Kirtan is meant to be about ??? !!!!

  4. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

    Gianiji was a strong Sikh figure for many.

    Gianiji was in East Africa during the 1950's and early 1960's, his presence helped promote Sikhi in the region. And today there are some notable GurSikhs from that area such as Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh (Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha)

    In the 1960's Gianiji's presence in the UK was poineering. He was part of the orginal Southall Group and was part of the Punj Pyaray that carried out the first Amrit Sanchar in the UK in 1969. He helped Bhai Rama Singh get into Sikhi. He was once Pardaan of Havelock Road Gurdwara.

    Gianiji had been in the presence of great GurSikhs such as Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh, Baba Isher Singh Rarewale and Baba Puran Singh Kerichowala.

    Sikhi in the UK would not be what it is today if it was not for Gianiji.

  5. Gurdwaras have been established in the UK, then why do we need to take

    Guruji to a banqueting hall for a wedding? Because we are stuck in an

    overlap of Culture and Religion. Cultural aspects are highly regarded by

    many which includes drinking, food, dancing and egoist hopes of giving

    the world the best reception ever.

    Then, in second place is Religion. Because our Culture comes from

    Punjab this does not mean it represents the Sikh Religion. Those who

    practice Sikhi can easily identify the differences.

    An Anand Karaj is a sacred act in the presence of Guruji, it's been

    reduced to a Cultural Ritual. I have been to weddings in Gurdwaras were

    people do not care where they are and seen the divan hall as a gossip

    room. What respect is there in a banqueting hall were people have

    blatantly not come for Guruji or to witness an Anand Karaj, but to

    dance, drink & eat!!

    This whole situation highlights the problems we are facing as a


  6. stopsingh2

    When an apology has been made what do you want a meeting for?

    :lol: @

    is it so you can go around saying that look what we got done?

    The GurSikhs deserve a meeting.

    Bhenji, this is not some small incident where a slap on the wrist will sort the problem out. The beadbi carried out is massive. If someone brought alcohol into a mosque they would go balistic as this is the most blasphomous act that could happen in Islam.

    Avtar Singh took our Guru into a public place where alcohol is served, not once but on a few occasions. I am sorry but an apology on the phone is not enough, an apology should be done in front of Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the Sadh Sangat. Again if you organise the meeting, it will be short to the point, an apology in front of Guru Maharaj, confirmation that it won't happen again followed by Ardas and a Hukumnama.

    Naujawan Khalsa UK, National Council of Sikh Gurdwaras, Akhand Keertan Jatha, Damdami Taksal, Nanaksar, RaraSahib, BOSS, Sikh Federation all take a stand against this kind of behaviour. All condemn the actions of Avtar Singh and committee leaders like him. All jathabandis are united in this.

    We should make an example of this situation to deter

    this beadbi from ever happening again. GurSikhs around the UK now look forward to this already delayed public meeting.

    Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

  7. Its a good cause, act responsibly, educate the people, do it peacefully as the Guruji would have wanted from his sewaks.

    In UK we are all literate and educated. No one becomes a President unless he or she is educated to some point. The Sangat are also educated. No one is stupid!! Everyone knows the bare basics of Sikhi, everyone knows Sikhs are not supposed to drink, yet the so called Sikhs still drink.

    Everyone knows that a pub, club, bar serves alcohol. Everyone knows that it's not the right place to bring Guru Granth Sahib jee to. Yet when people get caught out and are faced with reality they blame it on a lack of education. This is the easy way out.

    The Jatha are acting responsibly and are doing it peacefully and are doing what the Guruji would have wanted his Sewaks to do. Stand up for the Khalsa!

  8. The Keertan was actually carried out by

    Satvinder Singh Sarl and his Son (Mobile Number 07932 037522).

    They are affiliated to Mangat Hall. They are not professional Ragis but do it on the side. Satwinder Singh Sarl has done Keertan at other Hotels, Banqueting Halls in the past and probably was responsible for the beadbi at C&L on 22 August.

    Satvinder Sarl regularly sings Bollywood Songs at Clay Oven, Alperton, Middlesex.

  9. Brent Sikh Centre Gurdwara has just allowed Guru Granth Sahib Ji's Saroop to go to Vikram Palace Banqueting Hall in Slough for a wedding The wedding is happening right now and this Gurdwara Sahib allows Guruji's Saroop to enter Bars, Hotels and Banqueting Halls on a regular basis.

    Brent Sikh Centre Gurdwara, 241 Stag Lane,



    NW9 0EF -

    Tel 020 8206 1231.

    President - Avtar Singh

    Please can the 'Respect for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Campaign' get in touch with the committee ASAP and arrange a meeting.


  10. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

    So what's the family's reply??

    If they are still willing to go ahead with the beadbi then we GurSikhs are in every right to prevent this from happening.

    We must turn up on 3rd October at the Hotel to stop this beadbi taking place just like we did at Northampton

    'Respect for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Campaign' please start co-ordinating the protest.


    Pyara Singh

  11. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

    HardeepSinghKhalsa, I think you need to listen to admin and must tone down.

    Firstly, Sedgley Street Gurdwara (Wolverhampton) have already taken one Guru Maharaj's Saroop from this dera. This was immediatly replaced by the dera. Therefore the tough tactic approach has already been attempted. Threatening them futher will make them look like the victims.

    This is a big issue which has to have the input of Sikh Organisations and the Sikh media. This is where we should focus our attention. Rather than threatening phonecalls there should formal communication.

    HardeepSinghKhalsa, you have to understand the scale of this issue. Included in sects such as Ek Niwas are Radhasoamis, Nirankaris, Darshan Dasis and Namdharis all of which have no regard for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. We have to have a structured planned of action and be prepared for the backlash.

    This is outside of 'bully boy' tatics and whatever action we take we must ensure we promote the Khalsa and not degrade it.

    Don't assume this posting means that nothing will be done with Ek Niwas, but it won't happen today. We have to address this over a timescale.

    Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

  12. Amarjit Singh, would Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji have arranged a Diwan at the MoatHouse Hotel or any other Hotel ??!!?? Would Guru Gobind Singh Ji have even walked into a Hotel ??!!??

    Use your logic as an elected President of a Gurdwara.

    It's all about 'Sarbat Da Bhalla'. We are all reponsible for our actions, all our actions cause reactions. If you allow the Anand Karaj to take place in the Hotel, you have contributed to the profits of that Hotel by paying for the hire of the suite. The profits will be used by the Hotel for the every day running of their activities such as buying drinks for bar, purchasing meat for the restaurant. All these activites are against Gurmat. And to top this you want to do it in the name of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

    Come on!!!!! Use your logic!!!

  13. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

    I have just joined this forum, because for the first time I feel that something proactive can be done to put a stop to all these bad practices carried out by our Gurdwara Committees. An example has to be made and it's the right time to do it. In 1 months time we will be celebrating 400 years of Guru Granth Sahib Ji's Parkash and the treatment of Guruji is at it's worst.

    Weddings like this happen all the time but we never do anything about it. So now we are in an embarrising situation, which the Committees are ready to exploit.

    I believe in my Guru, I respect my Guru. I will not let my Guru be abused.

    I don't believe writting to the Committee will achieve anything. The only action would be to physically turn up and stop the wedding from happening. I will be there and I expect all Gursikhs to be there too.

    I am arranging meeting up with some Singhs in our local area to decide what to do. Keep us posted.

    Bhul Chuk Maaf

    Inderjeet Singh.

    Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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