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Posts posted by japmans

  1. veerji, i'm sorry it sounds like i'm on your back.. i've noticed how that may be too with diff topics. but it's just that it's in topics i care about, that's all... so i'm sorry, i'm not trying to attack you as an individual at all, i'm sorry

    but it's just that the term nigger isn't for you or me to say.. it's just like.. i don't care if another singh calls me turbanator, but if a gora says it, i'm like "what you mean by THAT!"... it's the same with Nigger... you coulda jus said Blacks.. African Americans... either of those is alot more suitable for a public forum than nigger.... that's all... and the timing of it, in a post where we're dealing with essentially a racial comment about sardars, coinciding with a relgious discriminatory comment about Sikhs.. you said NIggers.. that's all..

  2. mklq: i understand what you're saying.. but look, you're ridiculing to sikhs who may have good intentions based on the fact that some stupid columnist wrote something... is it the models's fault that the article says that? no, it's t he columnists fault.... that's what i'm trying to say... like maybe they're doing anything in their immediate power to kinda change what sikhs look like in India..

    and bhanji, i understand.. i agree fully, that theys hould become khalsas.. but even though they're not, they still may be feeling the urge to help out their fellow sikh brothers, and maybe they feel this is helping in a way.. i dunno about you, but if this changes the image from goofy and stupid to something more pleasant.. i dunno.. i think that's a good thing

  3. i dunno.. it only looks like two of them are trimmers.. and i dunno aobut you, but that's alot better than the whole bunch being trimmers....

    i think it's positive exposure.. it's like, whatever sikhs do in india, we hafta punish them, just cuz it's in india..

    sure, it's not as much as you'd like, but at least it's ONE positive step into making the sikh image less ridiculed.. it's like nothing is good enough for alotta people... the article seems pretty genuine.. i mean the last line is an absolutel farce, and i agree with bhenji on that part, but like.. it seems like they're seriously trying to better the image a bit

  4. rochak.. no one's doing anything like that... i don't agree with mandeep that it shouldn't be treated seriously, but i do agree with mandeep that people treat certain jokes one way and certain jokes another way...

    of course i'd like to see him get shut up, but look past the joke and look at us too... we can so easily look at all the things where sikhs are opressed, but we dont' look twice when someone else is being oppressed.. it's like we've forgotten that we're supposed to lend ourselves to humanity and not just to us

    Forget the Joke! look at the fact that we're disgusted at this joke, but not at the Osama Jokes.

    i Don't agree with the joke, so don't get me wrong, i hate him for saying it anyways.. but i also hate when soemone voices an opinion different frrom the consensus, that it's totally rejected. it's a totally logical opinion by Mandeep.. but it's shunned cuz it's not "pleasing".... sure sunjay's wrong, but so are we for laughing at other religious jokes

  5. Mandeep I find it funny that you have made 1 post on this site and its to defend your favorite actor. LOL ridiculous

    first off, number of posts doesn't lead to status, so i dunno what you're trying to say that cuz he only has one post, he shouldn't express his opinion... but somehow it's funny? wow.. ok

    secondly, i'm in utter disgust that someone who's playing a Sikh would say stuff like that, but i'll admit to the fact that i've laguhed at blonde jokes, black jokes and all that stuff. the wierd part si that alotta people on this board feel there should be double standards... we shouldn't laugh at jokes about sikhs, but it's okay to laugh athjokes abbout muslims and stuff.. i'm in agreement with Mandeep about that..

    regardless, i don't agree with Dutt's comments

  6. i personally bleieve we do pesh for only the four kurehits, cuz otherwise, we'd be takin amrit and getting pesh everyday... we say a word wrong in japji sahib, isn't that even worse than consuming egg? isn't distorting baani worse than eating an egg (debateable, i suppose)... anywhoo, for that reason, i'd think that we only seek pesh for the 4 kurehits and not whenever we make any mistake..

    but, as someone said, you have a very personal relationship with your Guru, and you shuld do what you feel is right, not what a bunch of people on the internet say... if your punj said that you should pesh if you eat egg, then go for it.

    keep this in mind.. the 4 kurehits are pretty goood measuring point.. cuz i mean, generally, you know when you're committing adultrey, eating meat (or halaal meat, if you're in line with akal takht), taking intoxicants or cutting your hair... you can't "unknowingly" commit adultery... so like, you didn't know you were consumingegg, it was a natural mistake, and it happens..

    i would personally just do ardaas, but i'm not in your position, and you should do what you feel is right

  7. actually, rochak veerji... i hjafta correct you... the Baha'i HOly Scripture is the only religion in the world who's scripture is written by its founder. with us, even our Shri Guru Granth Sahib wasnot written by our "founder", Guru Nanak Dev Ji...techincally speaking, we can argue and say that his jot was and is n each of the remaining 10 gurus... but as far as like.. you know.. the pen it came from, it was Guru Arjan Dev Ji first, and then Guru Gobind Singh Ji, later. Actually, correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't Bhai Gurdas Ji compile the first Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

    anywhoo, point i'm trying to make is that Baha'i is the only reliigon who's holy scripture is written by their sole founder.

    don't mean to offend anyone, just sayin my view

  8. are you guys serious??? you guys are all trying to pop fly the penguin!! it's all about line driving the penguin! i got 593... one of my friends got 593.5, and i got so addicted to trying to beat it, i just gave up... trust me... it's possible to get these scores..

  9. the wierdest part is that that's actually really funny... like are they really THAT stupid?! they're gonna ban BEARDS... wow... like its actually funny if you look at it objectively... obviously not funny for the situations of sikhs there, but just step back and like.. read that headline..."FRANCE BANS BEARDS".... next thing you know, they're gonna ban your toenails being longer than 0.5 mm!

  10. yeah, JSingh has made crazy points... really good points.. and in the end, when it comes down to it.. AKAL TAKHT rehit condones meat... if you look at what Guru Sahib said is the Headquarters for Sikh Issues, their rehit condones the eating of meat... therefore, i can't see how that rehit of not sitting with meat eating humans making sense... i mean... we ain't ANYONE to judge akal takht.. that's like judgin Guru Sahib himself... i can't see that rehitnaama making sense... my own personal views..

  11. the part that opened my eyes the most was:

    β€˜β€˜The aim is to give them another chance to join the mainstream.’’

    oh..really?? well that's nice of them!! but... uhmm.. define "mainstream"... in india, that would equal the hindu nation.. that's the mainstream in india... i guess i shouldn't be surprised since its coming from the BJP.

  12. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

    I would like to apologize to the Sangat for starting this thread. If you go back and read the initial post, you will see that i was not trying to start a debate...i just wanted to share something that a Gursikh with so much Piar told me. I know its not good to praise someone so much but, this Gursikh's Nitnem consists of 7 Banis, Asa Di //, Sukhmani Sahib, and ALOT of other Gurbani, and of course Simran 24/7... What he was talking about was how people argue with others saying "we are right, you are wrong"..."this is our jatha, and you are different"...he just sees God in EVERYTHING.

    I should have been smarter before starting this thread and i sort of forgot that WE LOVE TO FIGHT. WE LOVE CONTROVERSY. IF THERE WASN'T ANY, ALOT OF US PROBABLY WOULDN'T EVEN GO ON MESSAGE BOARDS....these days we can't even share beautiful things that Gursikhs have told us about the Oneness of God throughout His creation, without getting into a fight.

    Whats wrong with the Panth?....according to my beliefs...we have too much ego. We think we are right and all others are lost. Do you think that people who have different views from you on certain matters, are purposely trying to go to against Sikhi? No..they really believe with their hearts and souls that they what they are doing is right. Personally...i think we should follow the Rehat t

    he Panj Piaray told us, and and when we meet someone who has different views, we should remember one thing... These Gursikhs gave their heads to Guru Ji, just like you did, they are following the Rehat given to them by the Panj Piaray, just like you do...We must learn form our mistakes: when we argue with each other about Rehat, nothing gets resolved, we just put our Sikhi on hold, and fill ourselves with ego and anger. We could spend that time and energy towards something so much more useful such as Naam Simran, reading Gurbani, having Gurbani Vichars etc...things we actually came on earth to do.

    So it is my request that we stop arguing over everything, because not only are we effecting our Sikh, but we are also effecting the Sikhi of many others. Remember, we all have the same goal, and that is: to become one with God. We have all given our heads to Guru Ji, and he is our Father...a Father never likes to see his children fight with each other, so why do we do it?

    Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

    veerji, don't blame yourself.. i personally started the discussion, and i attempted to moderate it as much as i could because for the first 3 pages, it really was just a discussion... then everything fell apart...

    your contribution in the beginning was awesome, though, that's for sure.

    i'm not gonna repeat them, cuz they're already bolded point, but each of the point that you put in bold are essential for people to understand..

    and again, don't blame yourself for it

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