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Posts posted by japmans

  1. Actually I do understand that why jewish and middle eastern community consider it as hygience.. It was hygiene thing in old days not now... Becauz during those stoneage days their country/area does not have enuf water around umm ummm to be clean and stuff.. so that's why they do this circumcision thing.. And now they do it cauz this event becomes some sort of tradition or cultural thingy... At the end it's cruel and against god wishes...

    in french class last yera we had to do huge biographies and documentaries on countries that were colonized by the french....

    anywhoo, one girl did a country...either belgium or bulgaria..... but it's like.. at the age of 13, all boys who turn 13 that year, they are circumcized publicly and the grandfather of the child eats the foreskin.... i know this sounds absolutely ridiculous... but assuming her source was true, then i promise the same...

  2. What makes one a SIKH?

    i don't know.. even if i do know, i won't go out and tell others that who are sikh or what are the requirement for being a sikh.. Im not perfect in anyway.. first i need to define the correct and real defination of sikhi to my soul then maybe i can explain who are Sikh !

    I hate when one person say to other.. "Hey, you are mona, YOU are not sikh" ..

    WE (YOU & ME) have no right to tell others who are sikhs and who are not.. Don't judge.. Rules (rehit) are set and it's rite in front of everyone, go and read it.. If he choose to disagree, then good luck, but don't go on and say "External" roop is not required etc.. If agree then Welcome to Sikhi ! Either way I will still have the same respect to that person no matter what..

    Request to singhs and kaurs.. PLZ stop the judging part.. It's better for our community ! If anyone(Sikh) ask who are sikh, Just give him/her link of Universal rehit meryada and let it be on him/her to decide..

    Bhull chaak Kaeyy maaf Karna



    good call...it makes sense... it's true..if someone calls themselves sikh.. show them the rehit maryada.. if they can say they follow all or AT THE VERY LEAST 85% (where the remaining 15% are things like having taken amrit or having all panj kakkaars on you at all times), then good for them....if they can't...good for them...either way, if you are or aren't acording to the rehit, i'm not going to treat you any differently..that's my personal view..

    why is it that i can feel Khalsa Soulja breathing down my neck :(:@;) here comes his reply :)

  3. urgh... i'm sorry to say this, but it sounds like such an islamic view.... i HIGHLY doubt that Khalsa Raj means only Sikhs who walk around in baana and all that. I'm still convinced that it means when the world is rid of corruption... when the pure shall rule... all this about it only being Sikhs and stuff.... it doesn't make sense, especially considering everything else that Guru's said through their times... something this blunt doesn't seem straight... there's gotta be more to it than just "if you're amritdhari and you're all that, then you're gonna be part of it". this isn't questionning the amritdhari portion, i'm just saying i don't think that it applies only to Sikhs.. it just seems that since the so much of baani is in metaphorical terms, there's gotta be a bit morethere....

  4. gurfateh!

    well..for the past 3 months or so, that i have been a member of this group... people will talk about bad things that have happened to them, and how to get through it and such.. responses have generally been that it's a test from Guruji (or a supreme force anyways, i.e God, Waheguru, Satguru..whatever you wish to call it)..

    as no offense is offended, i wish to rebel against this view.

    Tests have been shown in the Bible as they believe not in reincarnation. every difficulty that arises is to be taken as a test that is to strengthen you. from this we get "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". whether it be with Moses and the Jews, or other famous "tests", the Bible makes it clear that difficulty in life is simply a test.

    the problem is that we, as uneducated youth, say the same thing. that gods' just testing us. we make it through and we'll be better off. This is so blatantly wrong. Sikhi is a religion that believs in reincarnation. Thus, picchhlay karam (previous deeds...previous doings) are the only things that bear an impact on our current life. This is certainly true in Sikhi because the simplicity of "being a good person" is emphasized greatly. Our Good Karams now will then benefit us in our aglay janam, just as our picchlay bad karams are bearing an impact on our current life.

    People make the argument that every good karam writes off a bad karam. i go against this as well. i say this because, in line with my theory above, good things and bad things happen so often to us. if they wrote each other off, our life would be solely full of good things, or solely full of bad things.. therefore every single thing that you do will

    have an effect on your next life.. i guess in a sense this goes with Newtons law, as Every action as an equal (or opposite) reaction, where the equal reaction would be appropriate...

    please comment.

    no offense was intended


  5. hahaha.. i wasnt saying it like that.. i meant it as a joke.. its done at most akj programs at the end of keertan before ardas with beating of the dugee...

    its nice.. thats all..

    just for the record... they do this at dodra programs too....

  6. anyone heard the akj jakara?


    the point is its the same message, it can be changed..

    also i beleive historically it was correctly JO bole.. because it makes more sense than just bole so nihaal.. jo bole so nihaal seems more gramatically correct.

    the AKJ jaikaara? is it copyright? no one else can use it?

    c'mon MKhalsa...be more consistent.you get so mad when people mention stuff with jatheybandees.... so don't do it yourself.. let's be consistent here.

  7. N30, underground sikhi.. you people dont even know me. You just want to label me.

    about 2 years ago i would have thought hey thats awesome.. but back then i had no love for gurbani.. i loved tupac.. back then i cared about the beats... the only thing people may get from this is a fat beat to dance to. And using crude language in the same song about sikhi just defeats the whole purpose in the first place!!! what are you gonna get out of cussing and using guru sahibs or our sacred terms in the same song? its shameful really. I agree you have a good approach, but why not make it more appropriate, i know you meant well, but try to tone it down.. sikhi isnt about being a gangsta.. and you aint black.

    no one's asking you to care about anything.if you don't wanna care about the beat, then don't.... do what you did with baani.don't care about the tune, care about the message.....

    on one hand you've got people who disown monay.....then we have a potential solution to get them attracted to sikhi, and you disown the solution.... sounds like some people don't WANT the monay to think about sikhi.

    don't say quality over quantity..that's got nothing to do with it

  8. Gabroo....that totally contradicts everything you wanna be... you say you'll follow all of guru gobind singh's requirements to a T... and then he says don't worship me like god or you'll burn in hell, and you totally disregard it... disregard it all then! if you choose one thing, you best be choosin all of it... it ain't no partial promise to Guruji...

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