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Posts posted by Papi

  1. pjs sio, I'm sure he already knows it's wrong. Most of the time I know what's wrong and what's right, yet I continue to do that what's wrong. As Guru Sahib says,

    kbIr mnu jwnY sB bwq jwnq hI Aaugnu krY ]

    kwhy kI kuslwq hwiQ dIpu kUey prY ]216]

    I have been around a few raagi's and I must point out that as a lot of them don't have laptops, they do tend to share them with others as they travel around. So it could be the case that someone else did it. In any case, I do not know how to deal with this. If you tell parents then surely he will get the beats and talking to him directly is probably not a good idea; likely he will deny it, I know I would.

    I bet I have made you even more indecisive now :rolleyes:

    PS. pjs bara sohna lagda :L:

  2. The Puratan granths state it is 10,000 births. i suggest you watch the videos of the Vaheguru Mantar Katha from Sedgeley Street Gurdwara of Sant Hari SIngh Ji i recorded last year on www.gurmatveechar.com and you will find the details of the granth and the quotes in it. Amazing the recording has been up for a year but not alot of poepl have heard it so far.

    Can you provide direct links please? It'll be easier for everyone to find them then.
  3. There is no problem within Sikh Community and Mr Hindu i have seen u people talk too much about Dharma . Anyone who have chat with Hindus must have notice the use of word DHARMA by them . People here says all this hateread started during early 80s some say after 1947 but truth is this hatread was there in Guru Sahibs time . How can we forgot how hindu and Muslims were give information to Mugal army of Sikh hideouts.
    Okay, lets hate hindus and muslims because they did that. Now let's also add Christians to our hate list because they are converting Sikhs to Chistianity :rolleyes:

    In over a decade I spent in India, I lived with Hindu folks, they were my neighbours. I can tell you that ordinary Hindus are perfectly normal, fun loving, and affectionate human beings. This is a very worrying trend I have noticed with western born Sikhs, there is this deep rooted hatred toward the Hindu faith and the Muslim faith. All this hatred is only making your own mind unstable and weakning your Sikhi. Guru Sahib says,

    jb DwrY koaU bYrI mIqu ]

    jab dhhaarai kooo bairee meet ||

    As long as he considers one an enemy, and another a friend,

    qb lgu inhclu nwhI cIqu ]

    thab lag nehchal naahee cheet ||

    his mind shall not come to rest.

  4. Tell our kids what Hindus have done to us and they are doing, tell them about 1984 and Punjabi Suba problems
    Yes and make them hate every single hindu in the end. Oh they will surely be the best of Sikhs then :rolleyes:
    What did the Hindus do to the Sikhs in 1984? I've read many books and read reports. I think the finger pointing goes to the Indian Government at that time.
  5. As I said before, if you want to do it, go right ahead. But do NOT try to find excuses to justify that it's okay as per Sikhi because it is NOT. That has been made crystal clear by every single post in this thread.

  6. Typical thinking of today's "modern" kuria where they always want things to go their way always and refuse to make adjustments, even when it's clear that agreeing to a compromise is the only solution.

    Plain and simple, you have 2 choices, either you live with his mother or you can forget about him. If you insist on having your own house etc. then do the munda a big favour, break it up right away, take the guy out of his misery.

    PS. Get offended if you like, I gave you the truth without any bs

  7. inrml nIru suhwvxw suBr srvir kvl PulMdy ]

    niramal neer suhaavanaa subhar saravar kaval fulandey|

    It is a pond full of pure and fine water wherein the lotuses blossom

    rUp AnUp srUp Aiq gMD sugMD hoie mhkMdy ]

    roop anoop saroop att gandh sugandh hoe mahkandey|

    Lotuses are of beautiful form and they make the environment fragrant.

    BvrW vwsw vMJ vix Kojih eydo Koij lhMdy ]

    bhavaraan vaasaa vanjh van khojahe eko khoj lahanday |

    Black bees live in bamboo forest but they somehow search and get [find] the lotus.

    loB luBiq mkrMd ris dUir idsMqir Awid imlMdy ]

    lobh lubhat makarand ras door disantar aad milandey|

    With the sunrise, they come attracted [to fragnance of Lotus] from far and wide and meet the lotus.

    sUrj ggin audoq hoie srvr kvl iDAwnu DrMdy ]

    sooraj gagan udot hoe saravar kaval dhiaan dharandey|

    With the sunrise, the lotuses of the pond also turn their faces toward the sun.

    f`fU ickiV vwsu hY kvs isAwix n mwix skMdy ]

    dadoo chikarh vaas hai kavas siaan n maan sakandey|

    Frond lives in the nearby mire close to the lotus but not understanding the real delight it cannot enjoy like lotus.

    But just as the frog is bound by the dirty mire despite being very close to the fragrant lotus

    swDsMgiq gur sbdu suix gur aupdys n rhq rhMdy ]

    saadhasangat gur sabad sun gur upadays n rahat rahandey|

    [such are] Those unfortunate persons who listening to the teachings of the Guru in the holy congregation do not adopt them.

    msqik Bwg ijnHW dy mMdy ]2]

    masatak bhaag jinhaa dey mandey ॥2॥

    They are most unfortunate in life like the frogs

  8. Nah jee ,its never too late!! I even have inspired (thru Guru's kirpa) white guys to give up their spliffing and go to the gym , and you are trillion trillion and more times better, bcos you are khalsa ,so, go 4 it. I know you are already a very strong fit guy anyway , if u remember our xchange about weight lifting hahaaaaa . a-see ta, tuhadeh tuh, thar thar dar ke, kambdeh ha,hahaaaaaaa .
    lol You are a funny guy! mai ta ik shota jeha banda and I'm not being humble here, it is the truth.

    I do want to learn some form of martial arts but the clubs are quite expensive, combine that with a gym membership it gets quite expensive. Additionally, lifting weights does make me sore so I doubt I'll be able to do both at the same time anyway. Maybe in the future I will loose interst in weights and join a Muy Thai club instead.

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