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  1. peacemaker - the way to change is by creating public opinion. Forget tailing me, we are to insignificant to worry about each other . Create change - try to create the vision of a modern, powerful Khalsa, a religion not dictated by hatred of fools but by the glory of the Gurus.
  2. Here we go again - *edited*. The topic was about taking the Kirpan on the road, and not about any perceived insult to our Guru. But let me answer the above. WE ( 0.2 % OR LESS ) feel that Guru Gobind Singh was a Guru. In the eyes of the rest of the world, he was a warrior. We cannot behave like frogs in the well and convince ourselves that the Khalsa viewpoint is the only one worth discussing. As revolutionary said – "It seems they're starting to copy islamists with their violent protests.." Lets all ( whatever our differences with each other ) stay on common ground. Our common ground is that we love our religion, our identity, and the respect that we still get from the majority of the Indians. Lets not ruin that. Amongst Muslims too, only a fraction called the extreme Right wing is mad, but this fraction has become very powerful. The hindu extreme right wing also exists, but they are in control of the majority of peace loving Hindus. The majority amongst us Sikhs should realize that we are a successful, thriving community within India, we have no reason to feel insecure. *edited*
  3. I am a Sikh and I believe that Bal Thakrey is a communal man, but in the case of him criticising Sikhs for brandishing Kirpans , well – there he is right. Sikhs pickup their Kirpans at the slightest reason and start misbehaving on the roads. Why, do we think we are very brave ? I want to educate my fellow Sikhs about this Khalsa bravery rubbish in our heads which title actually the Bristish gave us The White man has colonized the whole world only by going to a native land, and identifying pockets of idiots in some areas of that native land whom he could use to fight for him. The American s had their Muslim Idiots – The Afghans - against the Russians, The British had their Hindu idiots – the Gurkhas . Of course we are primarily concerned with the the Sikh idiots the British identified – our great community of lions and *edited*, who were so happy with the title brave that they went to a country France, to fight for another country – England, against a 3rd country Germany. Sure – we fought the wars against Pakistan. But that is because Pakistan is at Punjabs doorstep and it came naturally to us to defend Punjab. If Pakistan was 1000 km away from Punjab, how many Sikhs would be in the army ? We like to over exaggerate our bravery. We like to imagine that Guru Gobind Singh and Ranjit Singh were like Alexander of Greece or Genghis Khan of Mongolia. That is not true. *edited* *edited*
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