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cool water

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Posts posted by cool water

  1. Check this video out, it's quite outrageous and disturbing how this british Indian (non-muslim) Sikh guy who is lawfully minding his own business gets held up and questioned on suspicion of being a muslim terrorist on what seems to be based on his ethnicity/race/colour.

    These mor0ns want to racially profile innocent non-muslim asian/brown faced members of the public?


  2. Good on him!

    If a Sikh is going to wear the uniform the Guru has given him he also has to be ready to use the shasters the Guru has ordered his Sikhs to carry for self defence purposes.

    After 1984 anti-Sikh genocide, a Sikh should always be armed in India especially since even after 30years no rapist or murderer has been punished thus far.

  3. I think one of the previous posters hit the nail on the head, there is government funding that is involved so it is in the interests that these groups like Aikh Saath and individuals like Sunny Hundal try to exploit these things in order to get publicity and funding. Sunny Hundal in fact sits on the board of Aikh Saath.

    Domestic abuse of Punjabi/Sikh women by Punjabi/Sikh men is by and large fuelled by alcohol.

    Punjabi women and women in general have always had their female support networks, men (Punjabi men)have a lot of pressures and strains which they keep bottled up and when the inhibitions are lost when consumed by alcohol combined with some incessant nagging, they lose it.

    For all the complaints by Punjabi women, there is a bigger problem of alcohol related deaths within Punjabi men which is not being addressed.

    Whenever I go to the Gurdwara, and there is a funeral announcement and I see quite a few men in their 40s and 50s passing away and I look at their pictures and I think to myself , "what kind of personal hell have you been going through for you to lose your zest for life in your prime". Now I cannot claim to know the cause of their death but seeing many other Punjabi men in the same age group pass away due to alcohol - related issues you can guesstimate.

    You are right, there is alot of help for punjabi sikh women and other ethnic women, however there is no help group for punjabi Sikh men and their issues. Alot of them turn to alcoholism and depression due to pressures of life and cultural expectations (look good enough to attract a beautiful wife, get married, be main breadwinner in family, get high paying job, look after parents in old age, etc). So there should be some forum or organisation to help them too.

    After all equality works both ways.

  4. Your commentary here has been mentioned on Sunny Hundal's twitter page.


    Notice he hasnt posted the full post because it would show the problem of islamo-fascism that British Sikhs have had to deal with since 1990s he only took the last 2 paragraphs so it looks completely out of context.

    Many of us know sunny hundal reads this forum because he loves to bash his so called own community and arse lick the muslim community (as he was dating a Islamo-fascist journalist woman who worked for the guardian) and he gets easily buttered up in to backing up pro-indian government propaganda and hindu punjabi brahmin extremists (especially on twitter and social media) whose community murdered over 250,000 Sikh punjabi's since 1947 he wont speak up for Sikh victims of Indian state terror because that would go against his leftist marxist mindset.

    It was hilarious when a female conservative MP mentioned him in her twitter feed as a muslim guy because of the pro-muslim tweets he had then he replied to her saying "i'm from sikh background". If he was a Sikh he would tell her "I am a Sikh" but no he goes he was from a Sikh family.

    So he is an atheist punjabi simpleton with little IQ, who believes the sunshines out of his backside and the universe was created out of nothing.

    BTW sunny hundal is the real brother of jagraj singh (basics of sikh). At least one hundal is doing something positive for the community and a great asset for Sikhi.

    Don't expect Sunny to speak any pro-Sikh views any time soon he is biased against punjabi Sikh's.

  5. When Christian pastors feel the need to bash Sikhism to promote their Christianity it really shows how threatened they feel about the growing number and rise of "white Sikhs" who came from Christian backgrounds.

    Christanity's reign is coming to an end, it has fooled and hoodwinked people for many centuries and now only the 3rd world people are still believing in its ideology. Most white western people are now atheists and other religions/ideologies are growing amoung them.

    I dont know what to make of Pastor Steven. L Anderson, I have recently seen his other speech videos and some of the things he says do make sense (eg he is against foreign wars, he speaks out against george bush even though he acts like him and talks like him lol, he bashes israel unlike most christian preachers who lick israels backside)

    So this pastor does talk sense in some ways and is entertaining even though is speaking ill of Sikhism, Sikhs and our Guru's and deserves to be roundly bashed by every Sikh who feels he should not get away with his nonsense against our faith and community without exposing Christianity for what it is an Abrahamic man made roman empire cult.

  6. Unfortunately our community also has been infiltrated by left-wing liberal sell-outs, working with government back-hands to create a false sense of "harmony" amoungst community's. "EK Saath" slough (http://www.aiksaath.com) Sunny Hundal (most devious media trouble-maker in this country), balwinder rana (turban campaign) all devious money-hungry exploiters of race-relations.

    These scumbags job is to divert attention from real issues, create histeria that 1000's of sikhs are going militant, only for them to then claim grants from the government to "defuse" the problem.

    Ek Saath- these guys used the 1990's Slough SP vs sullah fights to create a funding pool to "solve the problem" they infact just brushed over the real causes of the tension, held dumb workshops with sikh children and muslims only for a sullaah to start dating the sikh lady they employed to coordinate the whole thing! lol.. ridiculous!

    Sunny Hundal- with mates at bbc asian network, balwinder rana, turban campaign.. sadh sangat ji, these guys are professional Con men.. do not be fooled!! first find out how they are funding their groups and campaigns..... From an old post

    You make some good points, I remember watching a channel 4 documentary on the Sikh vs Muslim rising tensions in 1997. Especially after 50 Sikh youths of shere punjab in a convey of cars smashed the Muslim islamo-fascist area of chalvey in slough. At the time Sikh youths in the documentary quite openly stated the Muslims hate them because they are non-muslims and so need to defend themselves in gangs. The Muslim youths mostly of Pakistani ethnicity feeling emboldened by their large demographical numbers and number of Islam-fascist hate preachers and jihadi organisations thought they could bully Sikhs and attack them as they please as they do in islam held countries but no Sikhs gave as good as they got.

    That guy who ran http://www.aiksaath.com was featured trying to diffuse tensions when the real issue was aggressive Islamifisation of London and UK. British Sikhs had long recognised the evil nasty face of islamo-fascism and were carrying out revenge attacks on muslim wonnabe bad boys and gangsters. Many liberal Sikhs or those who had no knowledge of Sikhi become quite militantly Sikh due to the oppression and harassment muslim youths were giving non-muslims in educational institutions and on the streets. This all ties in with how UK had given safe haven to Islamo-fascists and rising muslim demographics from muslim countries/refugee's resulting in the problem they face now with the enemy within.

    The liberal "Sikh" who is usually a punjabi atheist born in a Sikh household doesnt care much for Sikhi until the problem comes home and he see's his sister sexually exploited or harassed by non-sikh usually muslim paedophile/rapist or if their father/brother is attacked in the street for being a Sikh then the penny drops of why Sikhs get militant and fight back against the oppressor.

    Liberal Sikhs (atheist punjabi's) are a curse on our community, God forbid any family being cursed with a liberal sikh because they will actively aid the enemy against their own Sikh community. The only type of Sikh we should respect is one who furthers the spread of Sikhism, increases Sikh demographical strength and encourages eloping of non-sikh women with Sikh guys so that we are in a good place in the coming future.

  7. And even though these atheist freemasons are so smart and 50 years ahead of everyone, you have somehow figured it all out? Probably by watching a few youtube conspiracy theory documentaries? Oh man, someone should really let the freemasons know their plans have been figured out on SikhSangat. I do agree a lot of these conflicts are heavily based on geo-politics, but it seems to be the cool new trendy thing to blame it all on "western freemason atheists" when in my opinion there are tons of reigonal players. And I'm not sure if I understand, but do you seem to think Russians, Chinese, North Koreans and so on are victims and much better than the West? Because I am sure they're playing the same geo-political games to maintain their dominance.

    You can believe what you want no one is forcing you to believe in my analysis. I however do not believe in all youtube conspiracy theories as you imply. I take what makes sense and is logical rather than what any old propaganda people put out there. You maybe one of these people that don't subscribe that governments and powerful people have agenda's that are evil and aid attacks against innocent civilians. You probably dont believe that freemason atheists brought down the twin towers in 9/11 when overwhelming evidence shows you cant bring down the towers in that way using just planes without using controlling demolition and termite which was seen leaking in the videos taken that day. The passport of the hijackers found in the rubble? Norad was made to stand down on the day of the attacks why? 19 hijackers were saudi yet america didnt attack saudi arabia? Bin laden family who are connected to bush family were flown out of the country under protection by american security why? The oil pipeline negotiations with taliban in afghanistan prior 9/11 but the taliban refused to do a deal and thus set a pretext for invasion of afghanistan. Need i go on?

    You probably dont believe that air india flight was brought down by indian and canandian intelligence agents as majority of Sikhs believe and as evidence and motivations point fingers towards the indian government. Maybe you didnt even believe that the british government under Margaret thatchers reign aided and abetted Indian state terrorism against Sikhs in india by colluding with indira gandhi as shocking secret documents have recently proved. You probably dont believe in any conspires because in your limited capacity of thinking all governments and their atheist bankster funders are good people and wish well for humanity.

    Like I wrote about ealier why was M16 and SAS aiding the assassination of cornal gadaffi why back in 1996? Why were they dropping arms and giving specialised training to jihadi's to over run libyan government forces? Why was Hillary clinton screaming like a banshee with joy with the extra-judcial murder of head of state of libya when that is a war crime? Unless you want chaos you wouldnt do that. And chaos is what is happening in middle east right now. Freemasonic saying is "order out of chaos" can you explain now what your analysis is why western governments have been complict in aiding islamic jihadi nutjobs?

    I am not saying Russians, Iranians, North koreans, syria, libya's gadaffi are/were the good guys but a Sikhs job is not to back one side over the other but to speak out when they see an injustice or evil. And we must question why are our western governments covertly aiding islamic terrorists via proxy puppet arab regimes? For whose benefit? Whats the real geo-political bankster agenda at play at the expense of our innocent civilians?

    Ok great you carry on living in your hippy world, while the rest of us explore the realities of the powers behind the shadows.

  8. As an observer of humanity and society I see how western culture is all about hedonist lifestyles where getting drunk or taking drugs is the main highlight of a often depressing week. I see how the drugs epidemic has taken its hold of youth in punjab because they either think its cool getting zoned out or their lives are that depressing and no hope they just want to not face up to reality of their life.

    Now as a follower of the Sikh religion, I dont have any need for intoxicants. I get high and spiritual uplifting from reading about Sikh history, Sikh scriptures and mediating on Waheguru.

    We have to ask people, particularly our younger generation who are falling in the traps of atheist lifestyles via peer pressure and social media....... which is more healthier for their mind, bodies and society in the long run.

    Sikhi or intoxicants?

  9. Not true. Darwinian evolution easily accounts for the existence of morality, without the presupposition of any godhead. Social cohesiveness was advantageous to our distant ancestors' survival, and therefore a distinguishing factor in natural selection. Social cohesion is after all only possible if the individuals who constitute a population are mindful of the well-being of those around them.

    Freemasonry is not atheistic either. The cult has a rule which explicitly states 'No Atheist may be made a Freemason'.

    I disagree with Darwinian theory on specific issue of existence of morality without any Godhead. Furthermore you dont just need a God figure to be moral you can be Buddhist who dont believe in a God but believe in good karma to progress your soul in to a better existance in the afterlife. My rational is that if your an atheist you dont have anyone to answer to but yourself and fellow flawed human beings. You create your own rules of the game as do your fellow human beings. If you have a supreme being who gives you instructs and who you will have to answer to you will always be thinking you are being judged and must act to do the right thing according to the ideology you follow.

    As for freemasonry is not atheistic? I disagree as I dont follow the mainstream theories on freemasony from islamic or Christian propaganda sources (most of which is flooded on youtube and social media). The abrahmics have their own reasons to label freemasons as satanic or devil worshippers. I just look at logic and so studied history and geo-politics and researched what freemasonary really ment and why they had to display weird cultish rituals to members in order not to get found out, as they were outlawed by the christian government powers of the day.

  10. I don't know, I just think it's all about trade and making money at the end of the day.

    Gansta lifestyle is what people like to fantasise about, the feminist pro divorce agenda is simply about making money for the divorce industry, the whole divide and rule strategy of working environments is about making more cash for the business and shareholders.

    This freemason thing I'm not sure, I think they are viewed as the spooks in the cupboard and they have a lot less power than they used to.

    In fact I think people give them more credit than they are worth.

    Actually on the subject of Freemasonry they have a whole esoteric side that studies God and religion, they have their own rituals so you can't really call a Freemason an atheist.

    Freemasonary is basically atheism because when the knights templers the elite warriors of christainity entered king solomans temple they realised all the abrahmic religions were made up and it was all a money making industry. They started to blackmail the vatican church whose leaders also were atheists but pretended to be some kind of pious leaders of christian masses. They knew the game would be up if the knight templers revealed what they had discovered back in Jerusalem, so they started to give them lots of money to keep them sweet and hush up. The templers became very rich over night and commanded huge power and wealth. But they got greedy and the vatican and other christian kings plotted against them to have them removed from power. So they were perseucted to death, with them being declared heritics and thus they were exterminated but they all didnt die out they made underground cells where they operated outside of chrsitian state control, and that is how they become freemasons.

    A freemason basically meant a person who is a free builder, a person who is a free thinker basically an atheist. In those days atheists were seen as evil or abnormal so they had to created secret societies with elaborate rituals to make sure they dont get found out by the violent religious Christian authorities of the day. Freemason atheists founded the united states. George washington (1st american president and father of ameria) and the other founding fathers all were members of this club just google on any freemasonary website they show their famous members.

    The modern day freemasons no longer hold on to their freemasonic past as atheists are free to operate in the free world. And as an atheist you dont have any moral compulsion or religious God figure higher power to answer to, you can kill, rape, loot with impunity because who is there above you to judge you? Only fellow flawed human beings. So if you are a rich power hungry atheist like rothschild or rockfella's you will do as you wish.... and thus their agenda for enslaving more people to their economic pyrimid tax system's by pretending to free women from traditional family roles were put in place when they started to fund the feminist movement.

  11. I am kind of tired of female centred Asian female oppressed, evil male patriarch, forced arranged marriage, fall in love with non Asian person, sympathised by gay best friend storyline.

    But I guess it fits in with the lefty/liberal/luvvy agenda.

    I like to see something fresh from Asian writers without having to resort to same old clichés.

    Let's have a male centred story where the Asian male is being molly coddled by his manipulative conniving mother and being bullied by his man hating lesbian sister where he strives to regain his masculinity of which his cuckold beta male father is unable to provide.

    This wont happen as the racist white mainstream media agenda is to promote and subconsciously put in the minds of the general people of ideas of portraying "white atheist hedonist males with oppressed asian/brown women", "homosexual couples", "indian/asian/brown men as oppressive rapists", "violent or sex seeking black men with easy liberal hedonist white women".

    Take for example the shows on TV right now. Big bang theory that character Raj is portrayed as a loser indian guy who never gets girls and when he likes a white girl they reject him after or wont be his girlfriend. While his white friend gets with his Indian sister who is sneaking around her traditional parents.

    Lets look at gurinder chanda's bride and prejudice where the indian woman gets with a white guy in over the top cringe worthy so called fairy tale romance. Gurinder chada also created "desi rascals" where she casted mostly muslim guys to take the lead roles flirting around with asian girls.

    It is very rare to see any kind of positive protray of brown skinned/asian males. Lenny henry the comedian got roundly attacked by the establishment media when talked about black males not getting any roles in British media. I would say black males are overly represented in the media (movies, music artists, TV presenters, footballers and other sport stars) compared with their population percentage however our ethnic demographics are not. We do not even have an asian lenny henry to come out and speak about this either.

    We just need to analyse how the white mainstream media works to see what the agenda is, they cant be overtly racist against brown/asian males so they do it very subtlety. They dont want to tell the truth of how much oppression, hardships, racism, discrimination, prejudice, aswell as cultural restrictions asian/brown males face. That important story they dont want to tell or push in the mainstream agenda because they want to make asian/brown males as unappealing as possible for their further victimisation in society.

  12. Just thought I would post this here, it seems a load of mosques in Tunisia are being shut for spreading hate filled rhetoric.

    The question I have is why does it take a major mass slaughter before anything is done by the establishment the protect the people?

    "Tunisia will shut down about 80 mosques accused of inciting violence, Prime Minister Habib Essid has said, after a beach attack that left 39 people dead.

    The mosques, which operate outside state control, are spreading "venom" and will close within a week, he said.

    On Friday a gunman opened fire on tourists in the resort town of Sousse.

    Tunisians, Britons, Germans, Belgians, French and at least one Irish citizen were among those killed in the attack, claimed by Islamic State (IS)."


    "The majority of the 38 people killed in the attack on a Tunisian beach resort were British, the country's prime minister Habib Essid has said.

    An emergency Cobra meeting chaired by the prime minister is due to take place later to look at the UK's response to the attacks."


    Because the government needs these kind of attacks to justify their crackdowns which is why most of these attacks can be traced to governments hand via proxies who use the attacks to restrict human rights and freedoms and bring in non-democratic legislation. Those who crave police state powers are on the same said as the islamic nutjobs, they often pay the mullahs who train the jihadi's and carry out attacks on the behest of the people whose evil agenda they need furthering.

    Why did they bring down gadafffi when he was a secular muslim who locked up islamic salafi jihadi's in jails and beat them daily. The SAS, M16 were seen in bengazi shipping weapons to the jihadi rebels and giving them training. Why would you do that unless you want the jihadi's to take over and take over from stable government. The British government tried 2 times to assassinate cornol gaddaffi in 1996 via SAS and M16 by paying local jihadi's both attacks failed and innocent libyan civilians were murdered. The british government to this day have not been tried for war crimes or done for aiding and abet terrorism. Just like how Evil Margaret thatcher aided and abetted indian state terrorism against Sikhs in 1980s via arms shipments, military intelligence sharing, plots to murder religious figures in the Golden temple via SAS and M16.

    The Western governments are 50 years ahead of what anyone is thinking right now, they have strategic planners what future scenarios can be if they take action. They did not attack secular muslim saddam Iraq for no reason they wanted chaos. They did not attack syria by aiding islamic jihadi terrorists for no reason they wanted chaos. The atheist freemason saying is "order out of chaos" so they need chaos before they can bring their order. They are trying to line up their geo-political assets against Russian and Chinese influence in the world. They have the other big world player the Indian government slaves in their pay pocket via swiss bank accounts. But they do not have the chinese, the north koreans, the iranians and the Russians. Hence why they plot and plot and plot against these states not caring how many innocent civilians of their side or ours get caught up in the crossfire because they are above the law. We are not all equal the atheist freemason powers behind the American and British establishment only care for what they can get in this world and the net result in their favor.

  13. I'm not too concerned about lack of media coverage when a non-white british or american citizen is a victim of white racist terrorism.

    What im concerned about is these m0rons keep attacking innocent brown skinned people like the Sikhs rather than the real target who they say they are against (radical muslim terrorists). These racist white nationalist cowards are no different from islamic terrorists they go for innocent people no matter what their background is. The sikh community laid down 80,000 precious lives for defence of the freedom of Britian and the western way of life in general. They could have used all that manpower to defeat the british imperialists in india by siding with Germans and Hitler but instead used their manpower to defeat the fascist german nazi's in both world wars.

    Vast majority of white people are nice people. White atheist /christian people usually have nothing but praise for Sikhs and vice versa. We have common interests, common values of human rights and freedoms. But there is a tiny crazy minority amongst them that do have mental health issues like the muslims jihadi's and are vulnerable to be groomed into poisonousness hateful narratives against innocents.

  14. This didnt care if the British Sikh victim was a muslim or not he claimed to be doing it in revenge for lee rigby british soldier murdered by 2 black muslim converts. But this fool just saw the victims race as being asian and his colour brown and thus trying to carry out his act of terrorism.

    It seems British Sikhs are indifferent about combating racist white prejudice, discrimination, attacks and eventual acts of terrorism and yet have been attacked many times in canada, america and USA. Because of their lack of speaking out and too tolerant of cowardly racist white extremists who only hate brown/ asian coloured people they dont even go for jihadi's who they claim they are against.

    Western white mainstream media and politicians are indifferent they dont care if non-white gets attacked by white terrorist because its not important in their eyes to harm innocent ethnic/religious minority communities.

    Imagine if it was the other way around brown/asian british sikhs going around trying to kill innocent whites for their alleged crimes aboard or in the past how would it play out in the media? Are we truly equal in terms of getting justice, media fair representation and equal before the law? We all know the answer.

    British Sikhs need to take a long hard look in the mirror how they are allowing this to go on for so long.


    An act of terror': Sikh family of dentist attacked in Tesco by machete-wielding extremist speak out

    • 17:35, 25 June 2015
    • By Elwyn Roberts

    The family of injured dentist Dr Sarandev Bhambra said Zack Davies had committed “an act of terror” in launching a machete race attack in a Tesco store.

    If their races had been reversed the family had no doubt it would have been reported as “terrorism”.

    Dr Bhambra’s brother, Dr Tarlochan Singh Bhambra, made a statement outside Mold Crown Court after Davies was found guilty of attempted murder.

    'This should be rightly defined as an act of terrorism'

    “Sarandev was singled out because of the colour of his skin. We are in no doubt that had the racial disposition of this case been reversed this would be reported as an act of terror with a wider media coverage.

    “We as a family have listened intently to the evidence... and are in no doubt given the racial and political motivation that this should be rightly defined as an act of terrorism.

    “By his own admission Zach Davies had extreme neo-nazi views and is a member of a white supremacist organisation.”

    1.jpgZack Davies in a screengrab from a YouTube video

    Dr Bhambra said there had been a display of “ignorance” throughout the trial.

    “Ethnic minorities have and continue to contribute positively to the multicultural Britain of 2015. Sikhs have sacrificed their lives in both world wars to facilitate the freedom that Britain enjoys today.”

    Cowardly attack left him with 'life-changing injuries'

    He said his brother, who was born in Leeds, was a young man his family was immensely proud of and had just started out on his chosen career.

    “This cowardly assault has left him with life changing injuries. Sarandev is currently undergoing an extensive programme of rehabilitation.

    “We are indebted and will be forever grateful to Mr Peter Fuller who risked his own safety to save Sarandev from this wanton act of terror. We are in no doubt Mr Fuller’s actions, couple with Sarandev’s strength and agility, saved his life.

    “Sarandev has also asked us to convey out gratitude to the attending emergency services, North Wales Police, Pc Ross Tutton and Iolo Edwards and Eleri Thomas. We would also like to thank the staff at Mold Tesco that helped Sarandev.”

    They were also grateful for messages of support from people in Mold.

    'An embarrassment and shock'

    DCI Alun Oldfield said North Wales Police welcomed the verdict and had no doubt there would be a lengthy sentence.

    The racially motivated attack was an “embarrassment and shock” for the people of Mold but not typical.

    He hoped Dr Bhambra would one day return to work in Mold and he would be supported in every way possible.

    “Zack Davies is clearly a dangerous individual and this, I am sure, will be clearly reflected in the sentence,” he said.


  15. Not sure about the funding etc will have to do a bit of research but a modern white feminist would probably fight to allow a Muslim women to wear the full Burkha in public and in effect they are encouraging the mental attitude of "hey it's my right to be oppressed as long as I choose it, it is OK to be oppressed if I choose to allow it".

    On the subject of oppression of women within Islam modern feminists blow a head gasket due to the mental pressure and their thinking gets proper fcked up. :stupidme:

    Check this video at around 8mins in, this movie director guy (who died in 2007 from cancer had nothing to lose or nothing to gain from exposing) was a close friend of the super rich rockafella family and he was told about the agenda of what the elitist families have for rest of humanity and how they funded the womens liberation movement to not liberate women but to control the population and break up families. These are the same bankster families that funded 9/11 attacks on america via islamic saudi agents, funded cold war with russia, funded global recession, funded depopulation schemes across the world selling drugs and weapons

  16. I see this particular argument quite often, but I really do think it does huge swathes of the male population a disservice.

    Men are the most loyal of the sexes, there is no doubt about that. Fundamentally, for a certain type of man for whom promiscuity is the norm, even he will - once the headiness and foolishness of youth has worn off - gravitate towards a woman for companionship and love. A man has no ulterior motives when he finds the woman - he assumes - to be the one he wishes to spend his life with. Whereas a woman has a laundry list of needs she wants fulfilled long before love and companionship are even considered, mostly centred around status and wealth, i.e. an increase in both factors for her benefit dependent on the man in question. In fact you could argue that men are incredibly naive when it comes to these type of issues.

    The modern woman definitely does not seek emotional attachment to just one person. When she thinks she has the opportunity to "trade up" (even if later she comes to realise she made a mistake) all notions of love and loyalty are discarded in an instant.

    Due to these and other related issues, I've come to realise that the way the old-timers did things in our community - on balance - when it came to marriage, etc, truly was the best way to approach matters. In light of modern existence such ways are being viewed as cold and calculated, but those ways were based on a practical and unemotional view on the best criteria for finding a partner and raising a family.

    Nowadays, people throw the word love around like a toy, when in fact they know nothing about true love at all; what they think is love is actually lust. And people fall out of lust as easily as they fall into lust.

    But I understand that mentality is increasingly considered as antiquated even amongst Sikhs today. But we'll reap the affects of our hubris and our attachment to so-called "enlightened sophistication" in the coming decades, mark my words.

    But regarding modern feminism (which I believe is a distortion of what it started out as), as one of my favourite film characters said (to paraphrase), "They were so preoccupied with whether they could, that they didn't stop to think if they should."

    Good points

    Feminism was great in the early 1900's when it was predicated on such matters as securing the female right to vote, but I don't see that it is of much relevance to the modern, Western woman.

    Women are simply not treated as second class citizens in the developed world. If anything the system is invariably skewed in their favour - Women are favored in child custody cases, a woman receives half of her husband's property if the two should divorce, and the news of the rape and domestic abuse of a woman is something to be received with horror by all whereas the same circumstances are considered joke-worthy if their subject is a man.

    Ironically, feminism has very condescending notions about the female sex, namely, that women are so stupid or impressionable that they mindlessly adhere to the subliminal edicts of the so called patriarchy It's chief concern is not emancipation, but censorship. Feminists hate jokes.

    Their ideology has a place in the third world, where women are genuinely subservient to men. Not here, where a woman has the freedom to do anything she chooses. These bourgeois libtards are perpetually venerating their own psychosis.

    Good points

    I agree 100%.

    Try getting a modern feminist to criticise extremist and literal Islam, they shrink away and start complaining about the question being some form of male entrapment.

    Or they will make the excuse that it is disrepectful and culturally insensitive and maybe racist to criticise another persons culture and that in the end under the doctrine of multi culturism all cultures are equal under the clause of cultural relativism and that any change within the Islamic community must come from its own people.

    Yes I found that weird too how feminists are actually facilitating the moral crusade against western liberal societies and values by making the country more ripe for an islamic agenda and eventual take over. They say not to objectify women in media yet they are quite happy for men to be objectified and deny women their rights if they wish to be objectified in the media. They say drunk women who have sex are not in the wrong if they later claim they are raped yet a man cant claim the same defence that he was drunk too, he would legally be held liable for having drunken rape sex. There are so many contradictions and discriminations that feminist agenda has facilitated that it has allowed islamic demographics and propaganda to grow and take over many of the area's that western liberal men and women once enjoyed in terms of freedom, sexuality, sexual imagery,etc,etc.

    And as muslims are easier to control via mullahs and imams it suits the people who fund the feminist movement to make everyone muslim as they are easier to control and forced to conform at the pain of death if they dont. Hence why the same bankster people who fund ISIS covertly via the west -->> saudi are actually the same super rich families who funded the dangerous feminist ideologues.

  17. Rid gurdwaras of politics, say Sikh intellectuals

    Posted at: Jun 8 2015 1:09AM

    Perneet Singh

    Tribune News Service

    Amritsar, June 7

    Perturbed over another clash at the Golden Temple Complex on the Operation Bluestar anniversary, Sikh intellectuals say this disturbing trend reflects the community in poor light.

    They believe there is an urgent need to rid gurdwaras of politics while those associated with the SGPC are seeking a thorough probe into the incident to expose the forces behind it.

    Talking to The Tribune, former National Commission for Minorities chairman Tarlochan Singh termed it a consequence of leadership failure.

    The post of Jathedar has been reduced to a mere decorative one as they neither have the authority nor any following. He also raised a question mark over organising such events at the Golden Temple complex.

    These are purely religious places for solace of mind and they should remain so. The holy shrine should not be turned into a political battleground. We should keep it free from politics, he said.

    According to him, incidents like yesterdays violent clash are damaging Sikh tenets and faith. He also wondered what people gain by brandishing swords at the Golden Temple complex.

    He said the religious places should not politicised and the jathedars should find a permanent solution to it.

    Noted Sikh scholar Ashok Singh Bagrian also felt that the first thing that needs to be done today is to divest gurdwaras of politics.

    This (yesterdays clash) is the result of politics dominating the gurdwaras. People must understand that a gurdwara is not a place to fight. The community as a whole should raise the voice on this issue. It is never too late. He also wondered why political leaders were totally silent on the issue.

    SGPC member Bibi Kiranjot Kaur felt that the community has suffered a lot after Operation Bluestar but there has been no sense of closure at all. She said todays youth are directionless as there is no Sikh leader (non-political) who can channelise their energy in a positive manner and guide them.

    She said the sort of hooliganism which was resorted to by Sikh youths in yesterdays clash was damaging to the community.

    She said it needs to be investigated that while nothing happened in the first 30 years, why such clashes have been taking place on the anniversary over the past couple of years.

    Who is sending these youths many of whom are clean-shaved? Why are they creating fear among devotees by brandishing swords? All this needs to be thoroughly probed, she said.

    Former Guru Nanak Dev University VC SP Singh said it reflects an undercurrent of some sort of resentment with the Panthic policy of those at the helm of affairs. He said this undercurrent needs to be checked as it is not a healthy sign. If ignored, the resentment will only increase, which will lead to an alarming situation, he added.

    Former SGPC secretary Kulwant Singh justified the action taken by the SGPC task force against the Sikh youth. While the SGPC task forces action was flayed last year, it was not the case this time, he added.

    Source - http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/punjab/rid-gurdwaras-of-politics-say-sikh-intellectuals/90946.html

    The SGPC members are money hungry corrupt atheist freemason morons who are they to decide what goes on in the Sikh religions anyways? They dont have any credibility and authority any more thats why Sikhs dont listen to them. Sikhs only respect leaders and organisations that have pro-sikh interests at heart and those who safeguard the lives and livelihoods of Sikhs across the world. SGPC has failed in all aspects and seen the decline of Sikh demographics and influence in the world thus making those who run it atheist punjabi non-sikhs and it a defunct non-sikh entity.

    Does this tarlochan singh even know the history of darbar sahib and Sikh gurdwara's? The very symbol of Sikh political independence and thought that is the Sri Akal takht, the Sikh parliament was built by Guru Hargobind Sahib ji for Sikhs to have political and religious spiritual authority over their own affairs and destiny. How can you remove politics from gurdwaras when our Sikh history tells its story of Sikhs using gurdwara's not only for religious prayers but also have political discussions and plan political rallies / movements. Sikh gurdwara's were used as places for refuge and storing of arms against the invading forces of islamic mughuls, persians, afghans and British white christian colonialists and recent times the atheist secular Indian army/govt.

    What is needed to prevent clashes at gurdwara's is everyone to observe a code of conduct that no Sikh is allowed to disrespect another Sikh of any sect/jatha within a gurdwara premises and no Sikh is allowed to use any physical force against another Sikh. Civilised behaviour is what is lacking instead of behaving like jungali's that have no respect for the sangat or Guru ji. Those clowns and thugs who start the fights will be labelled a non-sikh and rightfully barred from the premises. Also CCTV should be used in places where controversial political discussions are taking place so that there is evidence and everyone knows who has started the trouble,

  18. I think its more important we celebrate Vaisakhi and Gurpurbs in the style of how Sikhs in the west celebrate xmas currently.

    Our people spend all that money on a christian/pagan festival to make loved ones happy because of non-sikh mainstream media brainwashing yet we dont really give a damn about our own religious festivals. We must make a change, we must educate our people not to not celebrate other peoples festivals but to start celebrating our own by giving gifts to our families and friends so that they also have a love for Sikh festivals.

  19. I personally believe feminism is an anti-sikh atheist concept, which is dangerous ideology to any religious community that allows for it to grow. Atheists in governments obviously have a vested interest in seeing it flourish because they want religions destroyed and few people in power in government being everyone's parent.

    However If your a person of religion you can not reconcile being a feminist with being religious. As most of the worlds biggest religions have scriptures that dictate or guide on gender specific behaviours and roles. As the ancients realised before religion, if you cant control a woman's mind with either physical or mental constraint then you wont have cohesive civlised functioning society as everyone would be free to do as they wish and your population will decrease rapidly with no one looking after the needs of a family.

    Feminists believe that men and women are equal which sounds a good idea on paper until you realise what that actually entails in practical sense and how absurd that is for human civilisation, in my view because: 1) we have different physical bodies with different functional abilities so we arent born equal to seed or give birth 2) we have different emotional needs, men generally want to play the field with many whereas women usually need emotional attachment with one person 3) We claim to live in a equal society in the west yet women still want to have their own separate changing rooms, separate sports teams, separate laws to protect them. Still genders are equal? we can safely conclude no.

    In Sikh scripture there are quotes that give guidance for women to cover up and dress modestly. There is also scripture quotes that praise women for giving birth to kings but we have Sikh household born females who subscribe to the feminist ideology and will only pick and chose the guidance that they like and neglect guru's advice on covering up or not to drink or not be lustful and cheat around. In feminists mind if men can do it why cant women its their body? if he can jump of a bridge why cant she? But if they were a true Sikh who were taught sikhi properly and had love for their religion over their atheist feminist main stream media brainwashing they would realise that the approval of what their Guru is saying is worth a million times more than what they are currently being told how to think and behave. And there is always a reason why Guru ji is saying things for our benefit that we dont realise until we get older or wiser.

  20. Also another point I would like to make is if there is any doubt in any Sikhs mind that India is not a real nation that has any care for Sikhs or other minorities groups then events of 1984 confirmed it. To send your national army to kill and attack "your own" people is unthinkable. This is why the indian army was so free with killings Sikhs because they saw them as foreigners. The punjabi Sikhs who were foreigners in their own homeland for wanting their own basic human rights,

    Even now, we see in india if you see an injustice and you want to peacefully protest against that injustice by blocking traffic or demonstration by sitting down you will get lahthi charged and tear gassed by the state police. Few hundred years ago if a group of people did that to your group of people there would be armed conflict that is why it was wise not to engage in such uncivilised behaviour however in todays modern world all the power and weapons are with those who want you deny you your basic human rightts and justice.

    Just the other day I was watching a 2015 video of punjabi transport workers being slapped around, and lathi attacked and charged by punjab police. Just because they werent given their wages for 2 months. These people have every right to protest how are they ment to feed their families and pay the bills if they have no income? Such an unjust system was set up by the white british colonist invaders so that they enjoy the power and money rolling in and the natives live like slaves and servants and yet to this day little has changed in their former colonies. Why do these evil elitists in power still aid indian govt and other oppressive regimes? because it suits their interests in them living the high life at the expensive of others around the world.

  21. @ bro Cool Water

    Bro ur totally right about the British, Israel and Russians all helping Indira in her Genocide against Sikhs.

    But one thing peeps are not aware of is that the USA+UK+Israel form a nexus (CIA+MI5+Mossad) and that secretly the USA was also helping Indira Gandhi kill Sikhs (through the British and Israeli's as hidden American proxies).

    The only thing was that America had to pretend not to support Indira Gandhi (in order for things to look cool in front of the ISI due to the Afghanistan conflict being more important than the Genocide of Sikhs to the USA + Ronald Reagan).

    The cosy secret relationship between the USA and India also got exposed in the Bhopal poison gas scandal


    ... when Rajiv Gandhi personally authorised the safe evacuation of the Union Carbide boss out of India.

    So one American dude effectively kills thousands of people and gets airlifted out of India but Sikhs who never hurt anybody are hit by an evil Genocide with the USA, Russia, UK, Canada, France all helping Indira Gandhi + Congress

    Also the Longowal secretary letter was exposed as a fake + it was Indira Gandhi who was 100% responsible for 1984.

    Bhutto + Pakistan helping Congress do the Genocide of Sikhs is nothing new as the Pakistani Genocide of Sikhs in 1947 was twenty times worse in percentages against Sikhs than the Congress+Indira Genocide of Sikhs in the 1980's.

    I dont think the americans nor the other western governments had a specific agenda of aiding Indira/congress/indian govt in the killing Sikhs. In my view the Sikhs just happened to be incontinently in the way of their geo-political games with Russia. And look at the situation now in present times the west is still playing geo-political games with russia by meddling in their economic well being, aiding far right nationalists in ukraine (russia's sphere of influence and former soviet state), meddling with russia's allies of syria by aidding jihadi islamic terrorist groups using their puppets of saudi arabia and qatar, attacking gaddafi's libya and looting his oil and gold, destroying saddams iraq and looting his oil, investment and military bases in kazahestan, uzbekistan,etc. And putin retaliating by drawing up plans to revive the soviet system.

    As for bhutto's pakistan might have aided Sant bhindranwale during 1984 that would never have happened, as you said the pakistani muslims have no care or love for non-muslims so they would not risk their own state's existence by aiding a non-muslim group of people no matter how oppressed they maybe. They only aided their fellow muslims in kashmir in 1989. The Dal khalsa is a group that is suspiciously in the camp of CIA/ pakistani (british) ISI as they openly was in darbar sahib trying to get sant bhindranwale's to be in support of creation of Khalistan but he remained neutral and just wanted equal rights for Sikhs in "hindustan". Dal Khalsa reprenstatives also were in pakistan and new york and london requesting political and military aid. Maybe the dal khalsa leaders were hoodwinked by the west in a clever gave that gave them false hope that they would be helped if India did attack darbar sahib. It is even its suggested general sahbeg singh believed the pakistani army would come to the rescue of the Sikhs if the Indian army attacked darbar sahib because the Sikhs of punjab would rebel and there would be armed insuragency meaning pakistan could take advantage and get its revenge for 1971. But no one came to the aid of those brave Sikhs of punjab because they had no true friends or world allies.

    So the question is who gave the intelligence to Indira gandhi to suggest that the pakistani army would come to the aid of Sikhs in darbar sahib or would invade? Because Indira was evil but wasnt stupid she sent 100,000 Indian troops (1/3 of all of indian army) not to fight 250 Sikhs in darbar sahib. But she would have definitely have sent them to fight pakistani army in my view she had to send that number of troops. So did the KGB of russia using Indian raw (who were feeding indira's ears) give the false information? Or did the American CIA/British M16/israeli Mossad give that information? Did these group of evil atheist white people in power create a chess game of death and destruction for not only our own Sikh people but many since they alleged lost their overt rule over their former colonies? Lets face it why would you give up your ecomomic power bases of india, usa, canada, austraila,middle east and else where in the world until you setup systems that ment you still ruled over them but very covertly using the global Monterey system.

    Operation blue star "of david"? zionist Israeli connection? looks very likely as the black cat commando's were trained in israel prior operation blue star. Also we know the indian army trained prior operation blue star in 1982-83 of a mock up of the golden temple. They held rehearsals how to fight against the Sikhs. Yet still they took a huge beating by the Singhs defending the darbar sahib killed over 80+ elite indian commando's and taking out a further hundred Indian troops using limited supply of arms by amateur so called "rag tag" fanatical Sikh dharmic soldiers is an amazing achievement by any standards in miltiary world history.

    One thing that keeps coming up is false intelligence and agent provoceteurs, who are these evil soul sons of demons that keep supplying the western mainstream media western governments false information so that wars can start and more money can be made from stealing other peoples resources, selling weapons, exporting military training camps and rebuilding contracts,etc.

    The more we learn the truth the more questions we need to ask and find the truth about the role of powers behind the scenes.

  22. All this is well known to educated and well informed Sikhs the simpletons however will not understand the complexities of geo-politics of the 1980s.

    This is why so many Sikhs respect sant bhindranwale who fought for the best interests of the Sikhs rather than the interests of global powers.

    CIA America was funding pakistan ISI (British created and headed) against USSR soviet invasion in afghanistan and USSR soviet allied India. Therefore the Americans intelligence agents were complicit in aiding action against soviet allied India by supplying arms to Khalistan separatists and Afghan mujahadeen. And the British were complicit in aiding India govt aswell as seeking its overthrow having founded pakistans ISI.

    British M16 and Israeli Mossad and KGB soviet Russia was aiding Indian govt.

    British MI16, Israeli Mossad and CIA were an enemy of KGB soviet russia.

    Bunch of oxymoronic rats funding death and destruction against non-white non-western people making huge amounts of money from arms sales and training.

  23. I was wondering, if a group of liberal Sikhs decided to form a new Sikh sect and call it Sikhism reformed and allowed behaviors such as homosexuality etc, how would the wider Sikh community react?

    Sikhs wouldnt care as theres already a group of that claim to be gay sikhs but most mainstream Sikhs just ignore them because they we all know what they get up (drinking, sleeping around, drug abuse, passing STI's HIV around,etc). They basically atheist punjabis who want to feel they belong to a religious community.

    You can be homosexual punjabi thats your right but you cant be a real Sikh at the same time as these are 2 different lifestyles. Homosexuality is not really a biological DNA thing like race/skin colour/ethnicity is. Homosexuality is a taught and learned behaviour. There is some evidence to suggest homosexuals are born more attracted to the same gender due to hormonal changes of the their mothers pre-birth. But it doesn't mean a homosexual cant life a straight heterosexual life nor a heterosexual live a homosexual life as these are sexual lifestyle choices. There are many videos on youtube of former homosexuals so people can choice to be one or not. The gay lobby will lie to the world making the argument that homosexuality is like skin colour /race which is highly offensive as homosexual white folk will never understand what it would be like to be a person of colour and denied equality as they can hide their homosexuality but if your of a different skin colour you cant hide your race.

    In sikh scriptures and traditions/culture homosexuals are not mentioned therefore there is a general attitude amoung punjabis / Sikh of live and let live as long as they keep that kinda stuff behind closed doors thats there own business what they do in the bedroom dont need to let the world know. Only homosexual activity, their lust would be considered a sin, a vice. And also homosexual relationships are not to be encouraged either by the faith if we want our demographics to increase rather then equalise or decrease.

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