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Posts posted by Sikhistan

  1. Delhi police is directly under central government and that is why kejriwal was upset with police system as he could't anything to correct them during his first try last year. It was congress at that time who controlled police not its modi. Kejriwal wants delhi to get the statehood but that can be only done with "YES" vote from central government.

  2. This is what happens when we let go easy on controversial preachers taking sangat stage. This is same where jagtar Singh jahchak was head granthi for years. Most of us all knows what type of person he is. Anyway, i remember he once posted on sikhnet forum that he need answers from sangat that his daughter asked him question on why not she can walk in front during anand Karaj.

    If we have a school that is giving wrong education to masses, of course we are going to see such troubles in future. Most of us choose to close eyes and let nature play its role.

  3. ਏਕਾ ਨਾਰੀ ਜਤੀ ਹੋਇ ਪਰ ਨਾਰੀ ਧੀ ਭੈਣ ਵਖਾਣੈ।

    With one woman a man becomes celibate and considers other women as daughters and sisters.

    Explains very well and to the point by our guru sahib. Those who still debate or disagree are either thick or stuck with their egoistic nature.

  4. Here's breakdown from Sikhnet http://report.sikhnet.com :


    $ 350,787 - Employees Payroll in disguise of Program Expense

    $ 20,104 - Site Development by Employees

    $ 11,039 - Customer Service by Employees

    $ 1945 - Travel of Employees

    $ 1187 - Meals & Entertainment of Employees


    $ 385,062 [ goes to founders and their team of not more than 4 people ]


    $385k goes to "sewadars" out of 500K collected donation of 2013.

    Other avoidable expenses -

    $ 11,490 - Gurdwara room rent ($1000/mo in middle of america's most rural town)

    $ 11,370 - Accounting (Invest in Quickbooks - $200 and do everything on your own & save this outrageous charges)

  5. My ideas..

    1. NO TV - Cut cable, netflix etc off. Absolutely no over-use of TV. There maybe positive channels like discover/travel channels but overall tv has more negatives than positives. Not worth it. I am not suggesting to cut it off immediately. Start it from trimming your channel packages and slowly-slowly get rid of it.

    2. NO LOAN - Take no loan. Exception can be made on house but other than that no loan on phones, cars, credit-cards etc. The reason is because your mind get caught in this vile maya circle and one tends to get too busy in earning/paying-off these loans. Precious time to remember waheguru gets over taken by tension of assets/liabilities etc

    3. Gadgets - Phone is for phone. keep it that simple. Don't use it other than calling purposes. Sure one can use to take pictures but spending hours and hours looking at phone screen is another way that our mind wants to steal our spiritual time. Keep kids under 10 away from all gadgets. Keep your phone and tablets away from toilets. Certainly don't take your phone with you to bed. Don't let phone/tablet dictates you on how to live your life. You need to show all of them their right place.

  6. This is sad example of how our folks cant appreciate someone who are trying to do some good and that too for non-profit. Yes, nobody is perfect but at least we folks need to appreciate the good work they do. If not then atleast respect them by not airing your strong negative opinions against someone who is doing for NON PROFIT.

    Tomorrow,folks will crticize that they dont like this jatha style or that jatha style etc and then we wonder why we dont have unity.

  7. I can see why sikhiseeker is against such particular singers but i am not going to reply about that issue as this will start another unholy cyber war of the most hated topic lol.

    Anyway, Dharam Seva Records of UK are the best thing to ever happen in our vulgar and disgusting Punjabi music industry. Rather than blatantly finding mistakes in them and others, you should have something positive plan chalked out. It is bit sad to see hatred against those who of course are not perfect but at least they are doing even 0.01% effort for positiveness in our society.

    Please do not go on living on by pulling legs of other person who is bit odd than your lifestyle. Pind di burriyan vang lari janday.

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