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  1. Respect to you Bruv these loosers have been brainwashed by a cult, for all in doubt about this Pakandi Baba Jeet cult & others like Ram Rahim check this video out.......... Bhekh's don't believe in Amrit & don't wear the 5K's so if Jeet is saying he was appointed by bhekh himself ( in the courts) why are all these murakhs talking about Baba Roshan Singh doing the dastarbandi? point is Baba Roshan Singh told Jeet to make a trust at Johla which he didn't & Baba Roshan Singh is a Puran Gursikh who wears all 5 Kekars. Sant Baba Jarnail Singh ji Bhindrawala, even he didn't call himself a Baba, he always said he was a Guru da Sikh, only because the Panth respected his supreme sacrifice that we all call him Baba- they are Mahaan Shaheed Gursikh. What the hell has Pakandi Jeet ever done for the Panth? apart from bring Shergill to cause <banned word filter activated> in Oldbury & bring the excommunicated pervert Kulvinder back on the scene. These two guys are really bad news. Guru Phalla Kare. Bradford APDD should be renamed 'Nirmal Bhekh Dera Bradford'. bunch of Murakhs! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7208673952106733394 The Akal Takht is onto these Baba's, so lets do an ardass that the Panth address this, If Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwala was around he would have sorted these 'wolves in sheeps clothing' out a long time ago. Navtej Kaur Bheji , why have you gone so quiet? I thought you wanted the truth, is it too hard to deal with or something?
  2. I have heard of this situation, its all over the news. The 3 Gurudwara's in the UK have memorial plaques outside which confirm that the 3 Gurudwara's Oldbury, Bradford & Wycombe were opened by Gian Singh Maharaj & that they are 'Gurudwara's' affiliated to the eccliastical institution of Baba Karam Singh Ji Hothi Mardan. If Das Apdd is saying that they were opened by a dera then they are very misinformed. Jeet himself is saying he has left the institution of Karm Singh i.e mainstream Sikhi , so who the hell is Das APDD? what the hell is APDD ?does Das not mean GAPDD i.e Gurudwara Amrit Parchar Dharmic Diwan. Stop pulling the wool over everyones eyes. That website was made by Kulvinder Singh & the Bradford lot, it does not represent Oldbury or Wycombe. A Gurudwara is where you have a Guru Granth Sahib & Nishan Sahib so In India it is not a Dera it has always been Gurudwara Nirmal Kutia. So where the hell is all this Dera nonsense coming from? Also I have been to Nirmal Kutia & Jeet himself uses 'Gurudwara Nirmal Kutia letterhead' Das APDD is saying one thing & Jeet Singh is saying another. Jeet in court is saying he is a Bhekh & Das APDD is going on about Baba Roshan Singh who has nothing to do with Bhekh! Stop confusing the youth with your lies and treachery. This situation is all about taking control of UK Gurudwara's , so all beware. It's all fair & well saying go to Johla, but there are men with guns standing outside, not a very nice place to go. Please don't bring Dhan Guru Nanak & Dhan Guru Gobind Singh into any discussion about phekh pakundi Baba's. Kulvinder Singh & his associates from Bradford have muddied and destroyed everything that Baba Gian Singh achieved in the UK by Setting up Gurudwara's here for the Sangat, NOT TO BE PUT IN JEETS PERSONAL NAME. Over & out
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