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Posts posted by mani_singh1

  1. As someone who has trained in Krav Maga, only for short period due to injury i would recommend it as a pure self defence system, simple and very effective. Although i feel you will get more out of it if you trained in thai boxing first, to perfect striking using all your limbs and this will ensure when you do take up krav, you can strike properly and the journey to become an instructor level, as many Krav systems do not have belts, is alot quicker. Plus alot of the instructors have either learnt thai boxing or do it alonside Krav.

    PS i would highly recommend Krav Maga central, if your based in and around the Mdlands.

  2. Hi all,

    i personally did attend the exhibition and yes there was some very interesting artifacts there. The people undertaking the guided tours were very professional and articulate. It is just a shame that they were promoting sanatamism. The guide, many times made comparisons between hindus and sikhs i.e. a sikh can be there is no difference between someone keeping their hair and those that chose not to, he talked about the rituals performed at Hazoor Sahib, which many right thinking individuals know to be totally against sikhi, ey they stated that was what our Guru ji's wanted and what was happening outside Hazoor Sahib was largely the modernised version of sikhi!!

    I was just ashamed that anti-sikh pratices were being promoted is such a professional manner, something which is totally alien to the majority of sikh camps, lectures, literature or like minded events.

    Unfortunately i was told they will be undertaking another exhibition next year some time which will be bigger and better.

  3. Wjkk Wjkf

    All the advice offered is very pertinent. I was in a similar situation some time ago (2-3 years ago) and am too based in the midlands.

    On a sikhi level, you need to have total faith in Waheguru and believe that you will get a job - when doing your paarth i.e. over and above your usual nitnem, keep your goal in mind. I, by the grace of God, managed to get a job which I knew very little about and started on a similar wage and level to my previous role, I was very lucky indeed.

    On a practical level I would not necessarily sign up to lots of agencies as the danger is your CV will be forwarded to the same company a number of times making you look desperate. I would suggest that you contact the agencies and state that prior to forwarding your CV they check with you in the first instance, if you’re suitable they will do this.

    Secondly I would look at your transferable skills rather than the field you were in i.e. project management skills, people management skills, IT, organisational, analytical and diversify the roles that you apply for but stressing the advantages you can bring to a particular company.

    Thirdly, when applying for jobs it is about quality and not quantity. Make sure your application are specific to the company you are applying for, do some research and then utilise this information is your covering letter, application form.

    Also bare in mind that if something is hard or takes longer to fill in then people will be inclined to think the same and these would be worth spending additional time on.

    You will be fine, trust Waheguru.

  4. I think it would be a good idea to have the Union Jack along with the Nishan Sahib or other Sikh related signage next year for the following reasons:

    1) the general British public will see the Union and be more inquisitive i.e. why are they walking with our flag? This will create greater interaction and interest from those watching and hopefully result in them wanting to find out more

    2) it will highlight that we are not militants or terrorists we are British Sikhs living in Britain and proud Britons looking for justice in our so-called homeland/motherland.

    I believe this would show the goreh that we are not another loads of P@kis complaining/marching but an integral element of the British society that is proud of our British heritage and nationality seeking justice and support from our fellow countrymen.

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