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Posts posted by Balait_da_Sher

  1. Yeh, I was the one in orange dastar (not in that pic you posted above), rest of my friends were wearing black paghs with orange parna on their shoulders or something orange. You are right, I made the placards a bit technical, which meant that they had to be held in a certain way to be read correctly. From the back , the reading should be "Left to Right" but from the front it should have been "Right to Left". The guys kept getting it mixed up when were were changing sides. So when we wanted the Red font on the front they would choose the wrong placard.

    It was funny though. Also I could have just one board and keep spinning it and the it would deliver the full message whilst attracting attention because of change in font colours.

    That pic isnt us, because we had been holding the placards for a while, these guys man and his daughter offered to hold them for us. But at some point you may have been behind us because I came back after 20 mins and had the boards again.




    6:02 on this video , you can see the placards I spent hours making :) The boards were heavy and i had no time to attach the sticks. So we held them high throughout the rally. Money well spent I think, I kept telling the other guy to make sure that when we pass non-sikhs the placards are facing them. I basically held them out toward the road for 5 mins near the langar and many people driving or on the buses on the main road had a good chance to read the placard.

  3. Man It was really good, everyone kept stealing out placard, ok ok they helped us out because I didnt have enough time to put dandiya on the placards so had to hold the cardboards in our hands high up in the air. After 30 mins or so our arms would get tired. So It was really nice to see sikhs we didnt know just take the placard from us and keep it high. Overall it was really inspiring, there were only 5 of us who drove from our small town, no coaches like other towns. So we are already planning for the next one.

    There was one thing though, a lot of the speeches were in Punjabi so I think that needs to change. Otherwise amazing event, great turnout but it was my first so cant say whether it was more or less than last time. Someone recognised me, she goes he is from sikhsangat.com ;) I cant believe no one came and said fateh. I think that needs to change.

    Did anyone see our placard (the one attached). We even had our placard on the big screen.happyjumper.gif

    Also, omggggg saaagggggggg, Saagg was the best I ever tasted and it became even better when we mixed pakores in it. omg its one of those once in a life time tasty moment.

  4. ^ Internatioal Human Rights organistations say the combined figure of Sikhs killed (Bluestar, Delhi and the big one : Woodrose) is upwards of 250,000. When they (the public) see your placard of '10,000' they're not only gonna think we sikhs don't know what we're talking about....they're also gonna think we just make figures up from the air.

    I think we all know the actual figure is very high but putting 250000 is just going to make people think we are exaggerating. I will increase the figure to something like 50000+ . for me the point of placards is to hit home a simple point which will lead others to do independent research about the issue.

  5. See you all there, come and say Fateh, when you see the placard.

    See attached the design for my placard. Just spent £30 at hobby craft getting the material. I am going to have two placards, first one will read

    "India is the biggest democracy in the world"

    The second one will read

    "And the killer of 10000+ Sikhs"

    Also going to have it backward as well :) It will require 2 people to hold each part but luckily there is 5 of us going. Long drive to London tomorrow so not going to be online much tonight.


  6. This is possibly a daft unnecessary reply but can't the committe be changed?

    There is an expression in punjabi, "jado vaar hi khet nu khaan lag jai ta khet da bachna muskhil ho janda", this means that when the (vaar=boundry i think) boundry starts harming the farm instead of the protecting it then farm cannot survive.

    I feel that we need to take lessons from this and create a nationwide standard for gurdwaras, committees etc. If such standard is not met then such gurdwara must be closed. It is best to not have these pretend gurdwaras which insult what Sikhi stands for.

  7. Punjabis never cease to amaze me. Just when you think we can not go any lower, this happens. I already knew this was going to happen, In fact majority of the people knew this was going to happen. The only reason this party was booked was to ensure that sangat visiting the protest get labelled militants and violent thugs. No matter what happens, waheguru knows, who is right and who is wrong. All I see is, dudley locals with a grin of a loombri (fox) on their faces because they have achieved exactly what they set out to do. They provoked the sikh sangat to the point where guru ji's singhs had no other option, I wish this had not happened and the protest had been entirly peaceful but what is done is done.

    We talk about insult to the guru ji, what is more insulting to our gurus when instead of welcoming and doing seva of visiting sangat, dogs are set upon them and they are labelled terrorists and provoked. We have not learnt anything from our Gurus. Once Guru Ramdas ji said to baba Sri chand that he had grown a long beard to wipe the dust from the holy feet of saints like baba SriChand and here we have men with beards throwing dirt at the visiting sangat.

    I feel an opportunity has been lost here, if instead of provoking sikhs who came to protest, local sangat and gurdwara commitee had prepared langar and sat down with their brothers and sisters, any problem could have been solved.

    mn myry haumY mYlu Br nwil ]

    man maerae houmai mail bhar naal ||

    O my mind, you are filled with the filth of egotism.

  8. This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Gond on Pannaa 870

    goNf ]

    go(n)add ||


    nrU mrY nru kwim n AwvY ]

    naroo marai nar kaam n aavai ||

    When a man dies, he is of no use to anyone.

    psU mrY ds kwj svwrY ]1]

    pasoo marai dhas kaaj savaarai ||1||

    But when an animal dies, it is used in ten ways. ||1||

    Apny krm kI giq mY ikAw jwnau ]

    apanae karam kee gath mai kiaa jaano ||

    What do I know, about the state of my karma?

    mY ikAw jwnau bwbw ry ]1] rhwau ]

    mai kiaa jaano baabaa rae ||1|| rehaao ||

    What do I know, O Baba? ||1||Pause||

    hwf jly jYsy lkrI kw qUlw ]

    haadd jalae jaisae lakaree kaa thoolaa ||

    His bones burn, like a bundle of logs;

    kys jly jYsy Gws kw pUlw ]2]

    kaes jalae jaisae ghaas kaa poolaa ||2||

    his hair burns like a bale of hay. ||2||

    khu kbIr qb hI nru jwgY ]

    kahu kabeer thab hee nar jaagai ||

    Says Kabeer, the man wakes up,

    jm kw fMfu mUMf mih lwgY ]3]2]

    jam kaa dda(n)dd moo(n)dd mehi laagai ||3||2||

    only when the Messenger of Death hits him over the head with his club. ||3||2||

  9. The question is that is it allowed in sikh culture that a girl marries her cousin brothers wifes cousin? Or isn`t that allowed?

    That is no different than the girl marrying cousin brother's wife's brother. Therefore it is fine.

  10. Any lawyers here? My dad and I surrendered our indian passports after finding out recently that it is required by indian law to surrender the passports. We have never travelled on the passports since aquiring British Citizenship which was back in 2001. So now when we submitted the passport, they have fined us £145 each.

    like all Indian departments this looks like a money making scheme and has information scattered all over the place. Has anyone had this issue? How did you deal with it? Are there any lawyers who can advice?


    The following are main provision for surrender of Indian Passport:

    Under Indian law, Persons of Indian Origin, who have acquired foreign citizenship, are required to surrender their Indian passports to the nearest Indian Mission/Post immediately after acquisition of foreign citizenship. Person of Indian Origin who have already acquired foreign citizenship till 31.5.2010 are required to surrender their passports whether valid or expired to the respective Indian Mission. They will now have to pay £14(Pound fourteen) only towards Miscellaneous service charge and would not be required to pay any fee under Citizenship Act. However, those Indian citizens who acquire foreign citizenship from 1.6.2010 onwards will have to pay Rs.7,000/- (to be collected in local currency at official rate of exchange fixed by Government of India from time to time) along with a declaration of renunciation of their Indian Citizenship. The revised fee is effective form 01.06.2010. The information regarding applicable fee could be viewed atwww.mha.nic.in/uniquepage.asp?ID_PK=77.

    2. The Indian Citizenship Act, 1955, does not allow dual citizenship. Holding Indian passport/acquiring Indian passport/travelling on Indian passport after acquisition of foreign citizenship constitutes an offence under the Indian Passport Act, 1967, and attracts penalties. The Government of India has prescribed imposition of penalty on a graded scale, depending on number of trips made on Indian passport after acquiring foreign nationality, for the violation of Passport Rules and retention of Indian Passport for more than 3 years after acquiring of foreign nationality. The fee structure is as given below:-


    The fee/penalty will be collected at official rate of exchange fixed by the Government of India for each month and rounded off to the next number.

  11. Lawyers have hard enough time finding training contracts how do you expect to get a job with history degree? Are you doing a degree for the sake of doing a degree?

    What is the reason that you want to study history? Have you thought about what profession you want to go into? We used to call degrees like history colouring in degrees because majority of the student end up doing something totally unrelated to the degree in their professional life.

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