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Posts posted by TheVampire

  1. wjkk wjkf

    bhajji showing- SINGH is KING......huh

    dont be mistaken guys, he came in whiskey advert and he had his hair open and spread over his shoulders..... and the big posters were all over in Indian roads and streets. would you promote sikhi like that?

    s a l a . badda aiya singh is king da bachaa...!!! why the hell he shave his beard, does king shave his beard?????

    bhuk chuk maaf.

    wjkk wjkf

    You should delete the khalsa bit from your name as the language (s a l a ) is not befitting of a true khalsa.

    There is only 1 king - and he has no form - so he cannot shave as he has no kesh to shave.

  2. Here we have it again - the resident extremists with their anti-Hindu venom.

    BTW On which page of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji does it state that a Sikh should only marry a Sikh?

    I thought we all originated from the One - Ram, Hari, Vaheguru. And i thaught the Guru Granth Sahib Ji states all are equal and God is in everyone and not to discriminate.

    Sikhs of the Guru or Sikhs of rehatnamas? grin.gif

  3. The user who posted this topic...(I hope your not a vampire :s )

    This salok is in Jaapji Sahib... Guru Nanak Maharaj ji said this while talking to the sidhs or yogis...the yogis believed in putting ashes on themselves...So my Guruji says: make meditation your ashes on your body...and so on...as in the salok...

    This yogi katha is quite long...This happened when Maharaj ji went to the Sumer Parbat... =)

    Moreover, this was a different era...But I admire how you compared the two eras...very nice =)

    Guru Granth Sahib Ji is for all era's.

    Guru Nanak is sending a message to everyone.

  4. This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Jap on Pannaa 6

    mu(n)dhaa sa(n)thokh saram path jholee dhhiaan kee karehi bibhooth ||

    Make contentment your ear-rings, humility your begging bowl, and meditation the ashes you apply to your body.

    khi(n)thhaa kaal kuaaree kaaeiaa jugath dda(n)ddaa paratheeth ||

    Let the remembrance of death be the patched coat you wear, let the purity of virginity be your way in the world, and let faith in the Lord be your walking stick.

    aaee pa(n)thhee sagal jamaathee man jeethai jag jeeth ||

    See the brotherhood of all mankind as the highest order of Yogis; conquer your own mind, and conquer the world.

    aadhaes thisai aadhaes ||

    I bow to Him, I humbly bow.

    To expand this to a wider audience.

    Make contentment your kesh, humility your kanga and meditation your kirpan.

    Let the rememberance of death be your keski, let the purity of virginity be your kachera in the world and let faith in th Lord be your amrit. See the brotherhood of all mankind as the highest order of the Khalsa, conquer your own mind, and conquer the world.

    Bhul chuk marf

  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/7076670.stm

    Pakistan has been moving toward civil war for years.

    With Islamic fanatics in the west gradually moving towards the east and closer to India.

    Their aim is to establish an Islamic state under sharia law - this means one rule for muslims

    and another for non-muslims.

    They are luring, blackmailing girls of other faiths, including Sikh girls, and having underage sex with them.

    Yet we have Khalistanis who do not want to hear a bad word about their Pakistani bedfellows.

    Shame on them!

  6. It seems like the 'sikh' fanatics only obey the hukam of the Akal Takht when it suits their agenda.

    They were all saying Akal Takht this and that during the Dera, Ek Niwas, table/chair issues - now its come back on them.

    Which Damdami Taksal is to be boycotted.

    Last i heard there were a few of them around.

    Damdami Taksal has become a joke.

  7. Hawk - i will have to disagree with you.

    To state that Guru Nanak Ji was revolutionary in that he believed in one God is incorrect.

    Jesus, Moses, Allah and even Hindus believe in one almighty God. So this thought was not new to Guru Nank Ji.

    Kabir, Farid and other bhagats believed in ek aunkar and they lived prior to Guru Nanak Ji.

    The Guru's recognised this, hence their writings were included in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

    I might question a lot of things but not the Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

  8. The best place on earth is a mandir - the HariMANDIR.

    Slowy the fascits 'Sikhs' - ( they are not even Sikhs) want to change the name to Darbar Sahib - to escape from Hindu associations.

    Soon they will want to change the writings of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji and take out all references to Hinduism like RAM, HARI, etc -

    If Sarpanch and other fascists do not like Sikhis association with Hinduism - and if Islam is so attractive to them - they should convert to Islam and go to Pakistan.

    People like Sarpanch are an embarrassement to Sikhs.

    All they spew out is anit- Hindu hatred.

    - The name is Harmandar Sahib ( Not Hari Mandir). I have noted on the other-hand, that it is the “Hindu” media are the ones which mis-spell Harmandar as “Hari Mandir”

    - Every gurdwara has a Darbar (Darwar) Sahib. Darbar Sahib comes into being when, on a specially prepared place, the parkash of Siri Guru Granth Sahib is done. SachKhand part of the Harmandar Sahib complex is not the only place where Darbar Sahib is in the complex. There is also a Darbar Sahib in the Akal Takht within that complex. However, it so happens that because of the importance of the Harmandar Sahib to Sikhism , the place has also come to be known as “The” Darbar Sahib. Calling Harmandar Sahib as “the” Darbar Sahib is in no way related to the association or dissociation of Sikhism with Hinduism.

    -Theology of Sikhism is different from that of Hinduism. It has been so right from Guru Nanak. So articulating it clearly as different from Hinduism should not make you so nervous. Sikhism did not come out of Hindu “thought”. Sikhism is based on that which was “revealed” to Guru Nanak. ( By the times of Guru Nanak the Hindu thought was fully developed. So what would have been the purpose of God to reveal the Hindu thought again ). Sikhism is not a midpoint between Hinduism and Islam either. Neither it was a “movement” to reform Hinduism. Sikhism is based upon the revelation to Guru Nanak of the “Truth” about the universe and how Human being relate to Formless entity (Nirankar). It totally rejects that deities are being gods and it rejects “Human gods” like Ram of Ayudhia.

    Guru Nanak wrote in the terminology of religion that was being used in those days to convey his message. The reference to Ram in Siri Guru Granth Sahib appears many times to point out that Ram of Ayudhia is not “God” and that if one insists on calling Ram as God it should be thought as the same entity as is Narankar ( formless) not that Ram who lived in Ayudhia. That Ram died like all other human beings and therefore is “NOT GOD”. So don’t get too worried about it either. Sikhs are not going to remove that reference to Ram as it is there to remind people that the theology of Sikhism is different from that of Hinduism.

    Thank you for your reply Mohan Singh.

    Guru Nanak Ji's thoughts and beliefs were prevailent prior to Guru Nanak Ji's times as well.

    Tha Bhakti movement can be traced hundreds of years priro to Guru Ji.

    That is why we have bani's of Farid Ji, Kabir Ji and other bhakats in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

    These bhagats were around prior to Guru Nanak Ji.

    Guru Nanak Ji togeter with his own revelations put these thoughts together and set in motion what is Sikhism.

    Re Ram, Hari etc.

    I know these words refer to the one God, not to ramchandar or other Hindu characters.

    My point was that these are words undoubtedly have Hindu connotatitions - and it seems that today anything associated with Hinduism is demonised and in fact insulted.

    Soon these Sikh extremists will want to change the names of Guru Arjun Ji, Guru Ram Das Ji, Guru Har Krishan Ji, Guru Gobind Singh Ji because they all refer to Hindu historical characters.

    Re Harimandir or Harmandar.

    Even if we take the latter spelling

    HAR means God

    Mandar means ? please tell me

    To me it does not matter if we call the Golden Temple - Harmandar, Harimandir or Darbar Sahib.

    As we all know some say ram ram and some kudha - all the same.


  9. The best place on earth is a mandir - the HariMANDIR.

    Slowy the fascits 'Sikhs' - ( they are not even Sikhs) want to change the name to Darbar Sahib - to escape from Hindu associations.

    Soon they will want to change the writings of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji and take out all references to Hinduism like RAM, HARI, etc -

    If Sarpanch and other fascists do not like Sikhis association with Hinduism - and if Islam is so attractive to them - they should convert to Islam and go to Pakistan.

    People like Sarpanch are an embarrassement to Sikhs.

    All they spew out is anit- Hindu hatred.

  10. Another thing - who cares if the Sarbat Khalsa pronounced declared something in 1986.

    Sarbat Khalsa don't represent me or the majority of the Panjabi population.

    Do they represent the Panjabi Hindus?

    Do they represent the Panjabi Muslims?

    Do they represent the non-amritdhari Sikhs?

    So who are they to declare Khalistan?

    They just represent a minority of views and should be ignored as they have been all these years.

  11. Typical Khalistani's - anybody who raises valid questions is termed a communist etc.

    The truth is the Khalistani's have no answers to the question.

    Around half of Punjab is non- Sikh, and of the 50% of those that are Sikhs are non - Amritdhari.

    So Khalistan will be majority non- Amritdhari.

    Khalistani's do not even know the territory of the so called Khalistan.

    Some want it to extend to the sea.

    So the minority of Amritdharis will become a miniscule in the new Khalistan.

    I suggest the Khalistanis congregate themeselves in a few villages and become a majority and proclaim Khalistan.

    The fact of the matter is the Khalistanis have no answers to the:

    demographics, political institutions, geographical entity; the electoral process;

    Bacially it will be the minority ruling the majority- enforcing their own views etc.

    There will be no democracy as the Khalistanis will be kicked out at the 1st election - as they will be the minority.

    Some deluded souls proclaim the Sarbat Khalsa proclaimed this or that.

    So what has happened and who cares?

    We will all leave this world in the end, Khalistan or no Khalistan.

    This is all a drama and a temporary phoenomena.

    We will all go in the end - nothing will accompany us except the Name of God.

  12. mkl ji, I am a sikh and have been bought up to belive in this pilgrimage, which I did when I was quite young, so how do you go about explaining this to the gurdwara that I use to attend and do attend. Most of them do say this, so how can we say that the darshan dasi's need to learn more about sikhi. I think that our Gurdwara Granthi's need to have further education as what they are telling us isnt actually the truth either as you and a few of my brothers on this site see it. So please enlighten me.

    Your pyari penji

    Dear Sister,

    On numerous occasions the Guru Granth Sahib Ji teaches us that pilgrimages to sacred shrines are

    useless and worthless. Love for God - The Name of God is everything, it is the real sacred shrine of pilgrimage.

    I agree with you that many people in the Sikh community and those who should know better emphasise the importance of pilgrimages to sacred shrines but they are mistaken.

    Personally i do not agree with anyone except the Guru Granth Sahib Ji

    Below is just one example of the teachings from our Guru.

    This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Siree Raag on Pannaa 52

    isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]

    sireeraag mehalaa 5 ||

    Siree Raag, Fifth Mehla:

    sMq jnhu suix BweIho CUtnu swcY nwie ]

    sa(n)th janahu sun bhaaeeho shhoottan saachai naae ||

    O Saints, O Siblings of Destiny, listen: release comes only through the True Name.

    gur ky crx sryvxy qIrQ hir kw nwau ]

    gur kae charan saraevanae theerathh har kaa naao ||

    Worship the Feet of the Guru. Let the Name of the Lord be your sacred shrine of pilgrimage.

    AwgY drgih mMnIAih imlY inQwvy Qwau ]1]

    aagai dharagehi ma(n)neeahi milai nithhaavae thhaao ||1||

    Hereafter, you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord; there, even the homeless find a home. ||1||

    There are many more such recitations. I suggest you read the Guru Granth Sahib Ji yourself and if you have difficulties translations into English are readily available. I suggest www.sikhitothemax - this site provides invaluable information.

  13. Further to the point that the majority of Punjab population do not want Khalistan.

    ---- The most prominent Sikh political party, the Akali's, won the last election with the help of the Hindu BJP. So Sikhs teamed up with right wing Hindus and the Punjab population voted for them.

    --- In the previous election, who won in Punjab? The Congress party.

    The very party that was responsible for the attack on Harimandir Sahib and the massacres in Delhi. Yet the Punjab population put them in power in Punjab.

    Vaheguru Vaheguru

  14. As maj of Panjabi's do not want Khalistan.

    Khalistan would need to reject democracy.

    If you want a majority Khalsa in Khalistan, it needs to become smaller than Panjab.

    Maybe khalsa should concentracte in and around a few towns in order to be a majority and then declare Khalistan for that locality.

    I know Sikhs have grievances but imho Khalistan is not the solution.


  15. Should we criticise our sisters if they wish to remove excess facial hair?

    I am saying this because there is a bibi at our local Gurdwara who has facial hair and she covers it with a shawl/chunni etc.

    I feel sorry for her.

    I want her and similar women to be proud of Sikhi not embarrassed and sad.

    Should a formal hukkam nama be issued saying it is ok for girls to remove facial hair?

    Guru Gobind Singh Ji has given us the leeway to introduce/change things - he created the 5 pyare who can do so. I do not think Guru Ji would want his daughters to be sad.

    What do you think?

    Or am i being too controversial.

  16. Regarding the geography of Khalistan.

    Would Khalistan be the current Punjab?

    If so, around 40% of the Punjab population is non-Sikh. (Just do internet search for figs)

    Of the 60% Sikhs, the majority are non-keshdari.

    Would Khalistan be a democracy or ruled by hukkumnamma from the Akal Takht?

    If Khalistan is to be the current Punjab, i think it will be vulnerable.

    It will be surrounded by India that will be looking at every opportunity to undermine the new country.

    It will also be surrounded by Pakistan - which is becoming increasingly Talibanised.


  17. I and my mates frequently go to the India matches when they tour the Uk.

    We usually take our home made Nishan Sahib's and it is great to see the Indian fans, mostly Hindus, bowing their heads at the Nishan Sahib as a sign of respect.

    BTW Monty is an ardent follower of 'Baba' Harnek, who was convicted of drink driving in Canada.

    The Baba and his followers also hold an annual procession in Coventy where dancing is common. At last year's procession there was a confrontation between the followers of the baba and Babbar Khalsa.

  18. Vampire, then what is the purpose of having Panj Pyaray in Sikhism? What is the value of the Panj Pyaray in Sikhism if you're not gonna follow them? It seems that you view them as just a group of 5 guys. They are not, where the 5 reside that is where Guru Sahib resides.

    Remember, after giving Amrit to the Panj, Guru Sahib himself took Amrit from them. So what the Panj says matters, not what your personal opinion is.


    You get 1 group of 5 pyare saying one thing and another something else.

    What happens then?

    What happens if the 5 pyare are corrupt? I mean they are the chela of a pseudo sant.

    What happens if the 5 pyare say something that contradicts the Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

    Who do you follow then, do you follow the Guru Granth Sahib Ji or the 5 pyare?

    This is where the crux of the confusion is

    Who is the Guru?

    Our religions is beautiful because it is simple.

    Our Guru's spent all their lives trying to counter the ritualistic bramanical practices that were pervading at the time. Their efforts are personified in the Guru Granth Sahib. Yet some of us are contradicting their

    very teachings by following practices that fly in the face of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, thus confusing everyone.

    This is my last post on this topic.

    Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

    Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

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