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Posts posted by Jassika

  1. Gurfateh!!

    Maharaaj Ji is just narating stories from hindu mythology( remember it is only mythology), that's why i stated i don't yet fully understand how kalyug will come to an end according to Maharaaj Ji and am still researching. However if kalyug has originated from hindu mythology, why is it Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaaj has belief in kalyug?

    There is nothing in Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji that contradicts Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Maharaaj Ji uses these stories with Sikh philosiphy in mind.

    Im still learning so please forgive me for any mistakes, again im trying not to change this thread to a discussion on authenticity of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji.

    Bhul Chuk Maaf


    ok so what point was being made about that story? its not what the guru actually believed and agreeed with right?

  2. that's interesting. i thought the gurus didnt even believe the hindu mythilogical gods existed so how could they be saying that it would come? i dont believe in that

    Guru Sahib never said that hindu gods didn't exist.

    but did they say that hindu gods DID exist?

  3. Nehkalanki (Kalki) is the 24th incarnation Guru Ji talks about and in hindu Mythology Kalki as said before is to bring an end to kalyug, by appearing on his horse "Devadatta" with his sword in is hand and will kill all those who are false and evil. Leaving good to prevail.

    However i don;t yet fully understand how Maharaaj ji says kaliyug will come to an end am still reading Sri Dasam Granth Ji and translations to understand.

    Hope iv helped tho, please forgive me for any mistakes.

    Bhul Chuk Maaf


    that's interesting. i thought the gurus didnt even believe the hindu mythilogical gods existed so how could they be saying that it would come? i dont believe in that

  4. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

    gurfateh...today im just neeeding some help and i thought maybe i could just ask for some help over here im just requesting if there is any1 frum vancouver over here that can help me find a job plz inform me ..gurfateh!!


    Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

    Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

    u should have a family friend or relative that can reference u somewhere. hidden job market works best :TH:

  5. if u or u know someone that can use it then keep it somewhere or else throw it away. burning doesnt really make a difference

    another note language seems to be the main thing keeping other cultures from adapting to sikhism so doing more stuff in english is a good thing. i dont believe its important to utter the exact gurmukhi words if u dont even understand what ur saying at all

  6. wjkk wjkf..1stly..i would realy like to know..wht does guru granth sahib ji says abt the world coming to an end..wht would happen on tht day?i heard my muslim teacher said..tht there would be a man...with one eye out n one more ok..will have followers...n then.. the world would not have water..mothers become dry...n he would ask..who wans water...then there would be two rivers ...one with milk n one with fire..he said..u should take the fire..cause it will lead u to the heaven..n the milk will lead u to the hell...so wht is ur opinion sangat ji..plz give me some idea..so tht i could like share our story with them.. bhul chuk maff ....wjkk wjkf..

    milk and fire? sounds like nonsense

  7. The Sikh Students Association of SFU would like to invite you to attend our Semesterly Kirtan. The program will take place on Friday, November 5th in the Maggie Benson Conference Rooms (beside Quad Book store). Rehras will start at 530 pm and kirtan will end at 830 pm. Langar will follow the program. We will be collecting donations for the food bank, so please bring non-perishable food items.


  8. well I think one of the main roots of being lazy is being carefree and unmotivated. Not having a goal seems to be an evil too because usually just people without clear goals get into troublesome things like drugs, lust, partying, etc. Does not having goals fit in with the evils somehow too?

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