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Everything posted by guruji's_student

  1. hey welldone! for sayin that im proud of u dnt feel all shy n that at the end fo the day its tru so welldone ji! WAHEGURU JI KA KHALSA WAHEGURU JI KI FATHE ! :doh: :D )))) :wub:
  2. so ur point being is? <_< im not looking 4 an argument but persuasive txt
  3. LOl i reckon theyd like to do that ! but its soo hard starting fresh etc n we dnt want the french to think thyve won! guru ji would want us to fight for our rights
  4. hanji but how do we do this i know that human right officers etc r doin theuir best but we need more to be done
  5. waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fathe! ive had enough with the frech bannin TURBANS etc: it is our relgion belifs we cannot let a minority stops the mijoritys belifs etc: they should not have the right to do this is am totaly sickened and now the childrens education is suffering as they get banned form coming into school cus they are wearing a turban etc: what can we do about this? its sikhi guru ji wud want us to fight for whats rightfully ours! how would we get in contact with e the french govermet! :wub: @ WAHEGURU JI KA KHALSA WAHEGURU JI KI FATHE!
  6. hello ji have u heard about the gurdwara that serve alcohol im absolutly discusted and outraged :wub: @ well about wot u said ermm u dnt neccesarily have 2 be amrit dharni 2 follow in guru ji's footsteps so u cud consider that as this but yes they shud not drink etc outside gurdwara
  7. oh sorry ! but a lot of ppl do consider having castes at the end of the day it is our culture i dnt realli accept it though ITS CULTURE NOT RELIGON!
  8. he he he :wub: koi ne yaar! :D sowie jst luv that smiley balle
  9. at the end of the day it doesnt matter what caste u r as guru ji said ! alll it matters it that ur SIKH! im annoyed lol muslims ahve same castes as us :wub: @ SUX! WGJKK WGJKF!
  10. waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fathe I WANt to start gatka and was also woundering if ne1 was here 4rm coventry? nd girls wot do u wear etc? do u think a aramaal 4 me wd be gd?
  11. hello every1 thank you for replyin to my message, its true wot u all say so thanku my mum is kind of mixed opinioned about it wen i wore my patka my dad blamed my mum as she goes gurdwara a lot but my mum also has mixed views she told my dad that if i want to wear a patka i may btw im a girl :wub: Lol koi ne teek ah though thankyou all for you help and support waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fathe x i will remian strong as i wan t to follow in GURU JI'S path
  12. heyyyy erm i dunno bout that but iseen previews to a film that amitah bachna is in hes a singh in that that realli annoyes me as he told hinus 2 fight back and kill sikh's and now hes a sikh in a bhag ful dhari its soo apauling fathe ji x
  13. hiiii sowie wot do u mean google mail is dangerous gmail ?????
  14. Id like to thank u sony and khalsa forever thank u for your help its so true i live somehwere where there a muslims near the town a lot of ghora not many sikhs so there is no gursikhs !well young ppl neway but im goin 2 be strong and i would give my life up for guru ji and sikhi thankyou soo much ! waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fathe xx
  15. Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fathe well i ahve started to wear a patka around the house and my dad being NOt religous at all he has started 2 get angry with me he called me a freak cus i had it on i went in his room and he said get that thing off your head Its so annoying and upsetting at the end of the day i dont go clubbing or have drugs and he or my fmaily doesnt realise that but arent ffmailys supposed 2 encourage religon? :| what shall i do i cant handle this no more! arrandeep x :wub:
  16. waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fathe ji! i want to start gatka...... and i dont wear a dastar and if i wear a chunni it will fall off and i cnt tie pataka that weel do u think a ramaal wiud be gd ? also wot do u wear a suit ? my freind said joggin bottoms so im confused!!! thanks si if u can help x
  17. hey r there any girls here who do gatka ? if so pls reply back to me as i wnt to join
  18. hey every1 is anybody from coventry was wounderin as i want to gatka and need 2 find out soo much stuf LOl arrandeep xxxxxxx
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