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Posts posted by jalandharsingh

  1. The Badal family are close to Ashutosh hence why the ludhiana pakhand meeting by Ashutosh was allowed.

    Several years ago panthic jathebandis gave proof of badals family visiting the dera of ashutosh. The then Jathedar of the Akal Takht for reasons known to him refused to take action and the pertition to this day lies in the offices.

    The land for the ashutosh HQ in Punjab was given to them free of cost by the badals when they were last in power at the behest of Gurdev Badal who is a keen follower of Ashutosh. The link between Ashutosh and the Akali Dal can also be gauged from the fact that the Ludhiana administration refused permission initially for ashutosh to hold his pakhand meeting. The Ludhiana North MLA Bedi then made a few phone calls to Sukhbir Badal who then ordered the Ludhiana administrators to let ashutosh hold his meeting. The rest is now history.

    edit: for S1ngh

    Veerji it dates back to 2002. The following story copied from the Tribune sums things up :


    There were other similar stories in Awaze Quam and other panthic publications at the time. Awaze Quam used to keep a good archive of old papers in their loft type space a few years back. Feel free to approach them to clarify this story if you still do not believe what I write.

    You tell me what are we supposed to do when one family controls the decisions of the Akal Takht Jathedar? Are we not supposed to question the reasoning for them failing to summon the badals?

    There is one person on this thread who has throughout the day spoiled the thread by defending the badals. It is quite obvious who this is and the question arises why he is all out in defending the Badals and claiming I am writing propaganda. His propaganda whining is now getting boring and he has again spoiled the thread.

    Provide evidence.The same propaganda again. I am not pro Badal but i am with akal takhat.

    Any person who maligns akal takhat has some dubious agenda.

    Once again you have defended the badals. Sharam di gal ya ke you have gone all out in spoiling threads and defending badals. Why are you so interested in defending the badals and terming my posts against them and their appointed Takht jathedar as propaganda?

    There is a big difference between maligning the Akal Takht and 'maligning' the Badal appointed Jathedar. I have no qualms about writing the truth about the badal appointed jathedar but you appear to have problems with this. Please start your own pro badal thread and stop spoiling this thread knowing full well that admin will just delete everything.....which I suppose serves your agenda of having anti badal posts removed. Please go do some homework and stop spoiling this thread.

    Any person who defends badal and badal appointed jathedar has some dubious agenda.

  2. would it be fine if a law is made that no sikh can buy any land in uk usa or cananda by their respective govts ?

    By the way I am not asking anything unique. So many states in india have pass such rule. Himachal Pradesh is next door to punjab

    NO punjabi can buy any land in Himachal

    Not 100% true. Half the posh houses in Kasauli are owned by Punjabis (mainly Sikhs). If Punjabis marry a girl from Himachal then they can buy land there. Also there was a change in law and anyone can buy a heritage property in Himachal now. The rules apply to al non Himachali's and not just Punjabis.

  3. im failing to understand one thing, where do the bihari migrant workers fit in?????? I thought this was about sikhs protesting against ashutosh?? what was the migrant worker's complaint???

    The bihari migrants were rioting in Ludhiana last week over police inaction in registering FIR's where biharis had been robbed by gangs on motorbikes. They caused crores of damage and burnt vehicles of innocent people. In the end local Sikh youths got fed up with the Biharis and helped put down the riots. The police did not fire at the biharis or kill anyone.

    Then the other night the biharis were at it again (despite the curfew) and again caused damage. Once again the police did not shoot any of the biharis but did arrest a handful.

    Begs the question why fire at Sikh protesting peacefully against ashutosh pakhandi and not take any action aginst rioting biharis?

  4. The story in Ludhiana is that the Ludhiana administrators wanted to ban ashutosh from holding his pakhand program, however the Ludhiana north MLA - Harish Bedi was on the phone to Sukhbir Badal straight away...then sukhbir phoned the ludhiana admin and told them the ashutosh pakhand program would go ahead. Once again this shows how the badal family will do anything to appease ashutosh.

  5. How many police were injured or killed?

    Why is it always Singhs being killed? Kirpans and guns must be for more then just show. How many Sikh Gunmen/bodyguards were with the sikh leaders during the protesters? If Sikh gunmen were present and 5/6 singhs have been killed with no enemy in return then those guns need to be taken off them and given to people who have the knackers to use them, when needed.

    3 police wale injured. The DSP who shot Shaheed Bhai Darshan Singh got attacked by a Singh with a kirpan.

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

    Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

    The DSP was chased by Bhai Bittu with a Kirpaan.

    Was that Bhai Daljit Singh Bittu?

    No it was not, he is still in prison.

  6. das nimana - look dhumma is different story and everyone knows, but dhadrianwale are in different league, your have to set aside your past differences or personal hate agenda's and give credit where it is due. that is all i am saying. lets all unite especially in these times! please imho!

    Can we remember a singh has been shaheed and concentrate on the current situation and not who was/wasnt there.
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  8. Maybe so regardless his children need to be looked after fully by the Panth unlike what we did to the families of the 84 genocide and the families of shaheed singh.

    and more by Baba Dhadrianwale and followers otherwise Dharamraaj is waiting!! time to sell another audi or face the music when you die.

    Shaheed Bhai Darshan Singh was there for the Khalsa panth and it is the duty of the Panth to look after his family. I am sure Dhadrianwala will not shirk away from his duty here and will ensure the family of Bhai Sahib Ji is looked after.

    During the time of the misals mahan Gursikhs like Baba Jassa Singh Ahluwalia always led from the front and were prepared to fight against any injustice. Today we have the likes of Dhumma who have forgotten how Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji led from the front and gave kurbani for the Sikh panth. Instead aj kal de jathedar do too much talking and hide away when it comes to direct action. Boyth sharam di gal ya ke Dhumma DDT da jathedar banni fer da.

    Everyone is asking where was Dhuma and Dhiadrianwale , my question where are the Thakur Panthis ? who beleieve in Sant Jarnail Singh Ji return . Atleast Dhuma was there and what about Simranjit Singh Maan and another so called head of Damdami Taksaal Sant Ram Singh ji.

    Whats the point of being there if all his intention was to hide away once things kicked off?

    As Tippu Sultan used to say "better to live 1 day as a tiger than 100 as sheep". Dhumma is nothing more than a coward. He still has time to get off his behind in the morning and directly lead a jatha, he will not do so as to him the kursi of being a jathedar is more than giving kurbani for the panth.

  9. Shaheed Bhai Darshan Singh Ji has two sons. It is important that the Khalsa Panth does not forget his sacrifice and ensure the family is looked after and receive all the help they need.

    are you sure he has no daughter/s? i read somewhere he has two whpo are of marriagable age?

    Maybe so regardless his children need to be looked after fully by the Panth unlike what we did to the families of the 84 genocide and the families of shaheed singh.

    Now Badal will tell them to leave Ludhiana and like lemmings them will obey orders.The likes of Dhumma, Dadu, Rode and Dhadrian will then tell people how they led from the front and were shot at without any reference to the actual cowardice they displayed.

  10. Dhumma,Rode,Dhadhrianwale,Daaduwaal were there but did not lead the Sikhs in fighting against the police directly hand to hand.But anyway atleast they were there.

    At last someone realises what actually went on at ground level. The so called leaders conveniently melted away and were not at the forefront when the bullets were being fired. So all you shills for dhuma, rode and co stop trying to big them up as braves when we should be honouring those Singh who were really at the front and prepared to give their lives for the panth. It was ordinary Singh who led from the front and tried to get to the venue not the likes of Dhumma, Rode, Mokham and Dhadrian.

  11. Apparently there is rumour everywhere that Baba Harnaam Singh Dhuma ran off. Can anyone confirm this, I think someone else has mentioned this on another topic as well. Dhadrianwale in the middle of it all still... More updates please??

    He did not run off but when the Singh were trying to get past the police block near the pakhandis program he was not there. Dhumma and his other sidekicks like the disgraced GOI agent Rode conveniently sat back from where all the action was knowing full well that this way there was no way they would get shot. If he was son of his father he would have been at the forefront ready to take on the police. Even now he has a chance to move to the front and storm the police barricades but for some reason the remaining Singh have been told to sit in the road as if this will be of any use.

  12. They fired at Baba Harnam Singh Dhumma, his body guard pushed him out the way and took the bullet

    Its correct before the firing began, the son of an mla did the first shot at the singhs, part of shiv sena.

    I was first to begin writng againist the before the samagam there r rumours that even local mla fired at singhs and caualties r much more now punjab bandh call has been given for monday.

    Thats not the story doing the rounds in Ludhiana, apparently Rode, Dhuma and co whipped up the crowd and when the firing took place were no where to be seen.

    The local Shiv Smelly main man is Jagdish Tangri, a few years ago when Captain Amarinder Singh was in power his base in Ludhiana was raided and found to be a porn vcd factory and other such rubbish. Slowly Badal and his clan have ensured there is major go slow in all the cases against him.

    Gosain and Bedi are the two MLA from BJP that represent parts of Ludhiana district. So who's son did the shooting?

  13. Nice to read that this killers liberty to travel anywhere in the world has been partially curtailed. Lets hope our brothers and sisters in USA, Canada and other parts of Europe can follow this example and put pressure on this dirty lowlife to be denied entry to their countries. If there are any people who suffered in the 84 genocide and are now USA citizens then please look at the possibility of bringing legal action against the Indian state and for their assets to be seized. Similar legal action has been enacted against Libya by US citizens.


    Fri, Dec 04, 2009 10:46:31

    Murderer of Sikhs stopped from entering Britain,

    MP told British Foreign Sec to arrest him

    Senior Congress leader Jagdish Tytler

    By Sach Kanwal Singh

    In a recent blog Sach Kanwal Singh wrote of how

    supportive Rob Marris PM is of Sikhs, he writes:

    Wolverhampton MP Rob Marris sends a clear message

    that the shameless. Senior Congress leader

    Jagdish Tytler, the man who exhorted and led

    blood thirsty mobs in 1984 to kill and burnt

    alive hundreds of Sikhs, and who has become the

    face of pogrom against the Sikhs, now cannot visit the United Kingdom.

    Clearly, India’s ruling Congress party, its

    president Sonia Gandhi and rising Congress scion

    Rahul Gandhi too will get their own share of

    shame or embarrassment, depending upon their

    individual sensitization and sensitivity, as a

    result of the UK administration’s move. After

    all, they made Tytler chairman of the volunteers’

    committee of the Commonwealth Games Organizing

    Committee, but just see what slap has London delivered.

    But then credit must go to where it belongs for

    stopping in the tracks the plans by Tytler to

    masquerade as a respectable member of the world

    community. Rob Marris, Member of Parliament MP

    and chair of the British parliament’s All Party

    Group on Sikhs, told Foreign Secretary David

    Miliband in no uncertain terms, and in writing,

    that Jagdish Tytler was a murderer, and that his

    presence in Britain was “unacceptable.” Marris

    wrote to Miliband in just the nick of time, on October 28.

    Tytler had planned to visit the United Kingdom as

    part of an Indian delegation for the launch of

    the Commonwealth Games Baton Relay in London

    earlier this month. As soon as Marris, a Labour

    Party member of Parliament for Wolverhampton

    South West, got wind of it, he set up an

    emergency meeting with Ivan Lewis, Britain’s

    Junior Foreign Office Minister responsible for

    India and briefed him about Tytler’s past.

    Robert Howard Marris is known for his meticulous

    work, is a graduate with first class honours in

    History and Sociology from the University of

    British Columbia, was the receipient of the

    coveted “Backbencher of the Year” award because

    of his ability to study a problem in depth before

    coming up with his own carefully analysed

    conclusions, and was recently seen as a sort of a

    “saint” when British politicians were hit by the

    May 2009 political scandal of MPs expenses disclosures.

    No wonder, Marris had done his homework very

    well. So, not only did he tell the British

    government that Tytler’s presence was

    “unacceptable” but even pressed that should this

    man enter Britain and sets foot on its soil,

    Scotland Yard must not lose a minute in arresting

    him and sending him up for trial for murders of hundreds of people in India.

    Eager to save his skin, and with prospects of a

    real arrest and real justice staring him in the

    eye, Tytler scrapped all plans to be part of the

    London ceremony, and called off his visit. In the

    bargain, Marris seems to have saved even the

    Queen some embarrassing moments where a mass

    killer couldpossibly have come face to face with

    the monarch and basked in reflected glory.

    In his letter to Miliband, Marris described

    Tytler, a former Indian federal minister in the

    Manmohan Singh government who was forced to quit

    after a government-appointed commission of

    inquiry confirmed his shameful role on massacres,

    as “a controversial former politician from India,

    who is alleged to have been deeply involved in

    the November 1984 anti-Sikh pogroms in India, in

    the aftermath of the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi”.

    It is significant that Marris, thanks to his

    better understanding of the issue than even the

    Indian media, preferred to use the term “pogrom” over riots.

    MP Rob Marris had done his homework well. Not

    only did he tell the British government that

    Jagdish Tytler’s presence was “unacceptable” but

    even pressed that should this man set foot on

    British soil, Scotland Yard must not lose a

    minute in arresting him and sending him up for

    trial for murder of hundreds of people in India

    “Many survivors of those harrowing events are now

    living in the UK; as are the relatives of many

    victims. It would be unacceptable for someone who

    had committed such acts to be admitted to the UK,

    even to visit,” said the MP, whose constituents

    in west-central England include many from the Sikh community.

    At a meeting with Sikh groups later, that was

    organised by the All-party Parliamentary Human

    Rights Group and was addressed by its chair Ann

    Clwyd, fellow-MP John McDonnell, Indian

    journalist and author of an acclaimed book on the

    pogrom Manoj Mitta, and Bikramjit Singh Batra of

    the human rights group Amnesty International,

    among others, Marris said, “You can’t just go to

    the (London) Metropolitan police and say -- as we

    tried last week -- that `Jagdish Tytler is coming

    to Britain and we want you to investigate him, imprison him’.”

    His approach should be a lesson to Sikh groups

    who have passionately worked for bringing justice

    to the victims of 1984 pogrom but who sometimes

    lack in thoroughness as far as paperwork,

    understanding of the laws and the working of the

    human rights domain is concerned.

    “You have to present them with a sufficient

    cut-and-dry dossier. We only need two or three of

    the ringleaders -- not hundreds of them -- so

    that if they set foot in Britain, they get

    arrested and they get charged,” Marris said. To

    this, MP John McDonnell added, “Last week’s

    exercise of barring Jagdish Tytler from coming here was useful.”

    In Rob Marris own words: “(Jagdish Tytler is)

    a controversial former politician from India, who

    is alleged to have been deeply involved in the

    November 1984 anti-Sikh pogroms in India…Many

    survivors of those harrowing events are now

    living in the UK; as are the relatives of many

    victims. It would be unacceptable for someone who

    had committed such acts to be admitted to the UK, even to visit.”

    Now, Indian apologists in the High Commission in

    London are scurrying around to claim that

    Tytler’s visit to Britain for the launch of the

    Commonwealth Games baton relay in London was not

    confirmed but they have nothing to say when asked

    why would a line up of British MPs with no known

    anti-India stance spin a bundle of lies publicly.

    Clearly, the efforts of Rob Marris and others

    have hurt where a well-packed punch was in

    express need of being delivered, and they have

    delivered it well to loud applause of not just

    the Sikh community but also of all right thinking

    and justice loving people of India, Britain and indeed throughout the world.

    Indian Government’s own Justice Nanavati

    Commission, whose findings were of course found

    by the Sikhs as a collective as far less scathing

    than what was more widely known, said in its

    report submitted in Aug 2005 that there was

    evidence against Congress leaders Tytler, Sajjan

    Kumar and H.K.L. Bhagat for instigating mobs to attack and kill Sikhs.

  14. Im here for a 2 week vacation in Jalandhar....it seems the issue is snowballing out of some police complains registered in the past but not taken seriously...

    a few cousins from Ludhiana confirm it is because of of biker gang which has resorted to looting, arson, extortion, eve teasing and molestation as part of their Youth 'Recreational Activities' and no single police man has been active for any complains registered so far.

    The migrant labour from states like UP and Bihar is our own problem.....compare it to the NRI who live in 3rd world countries and are given shoddy treatment. treatment based and biased on case, religion, background is experienced everyday in India....the only difference is that westerners have a term got a term for it ie 'Racism'

    It is still no justification to burn and destroy property of innocent individuals. They bhaiya votebank in Ludhiana is huge so they could have taken this up with their political overlords.

    This mentality of burning and causing chaos in India by mobs needs to be stopped, it is getting out of control and people cause mini riots over petty issues every other day.

    If the following report is to be believed http://www.southasianobserver.com/newsbackhome_news.php?mid=7&cid=8275 it appears that Punjabis also stood up to these rioting scum.

    By Jatinder Preet

    Riot like situation erupted in the industrial city of Ludhiana in Punjab on Friday as hundreds of migrant labourers went on rampage on the busy National Highway No.1 connecting Delhi to northern part of India.

    The agitated mobs were protesting since Thursday night police inaction against an alleged gang of bikers looting them for the past few months. The labourers complained that police shooed them away when they went to report another looting incident.

    The situation threatened to get out of control with the inept handling by the district administration that stood mute witness to it turning into natives versus migrants.The Punjab's biggest city has a vast population of migrants from other states, mainly Bihar and Uttar Pardesh with some estimates putting their numbers to near four million.

    As the understaffed and ill-equipped police scurried for cover facing stone-pelting mobs, the local populace comprising of Punjabi youth took things in their own hands. Armed with swords, rods and axes, they formed the rearguard as police moved in to control the situation.

    The hapless police were seen egging on the youth who readily donned on the role of vigilantes.

    Mob fury on the labourers side, who had earlier put several vehicles on fire, was countered by mob justice by Punjabi youth as they mercilessly thrashed any migrant labourer they could lay their hands upon.

    Profusely bleeding migrants were dragged and pulled by mobs and piled into police vehicles which drove them away. They were being taken to civil hospital, the police officials claimed. Only nine of them were admitted in civil hospital later in the evening.

    In the morning the angry mobs of migrants, including young children in their teens, set ablaze several vehicles. The mobs even targeted a fire tender which was dousing fire to the ablaze buses, trucks and cars on the road. Stones on the railway track passing along the road came in handy for riotous mobs which successfully thwarted the policemen from advancing. Some policemen were also injured in the stone-pelting, some of whom were later seen taking it out on the nabbed migrants.

    Punjab Director General of Police PS Gill said in Chandigarh that 15 policemen were injured in violence that lasted over three hours. 23 vehicles, including nine of Punjab police, were set on fire by the mob, he added.�

    Railway and road traffic remained that remained disrupted for better part of the day in the area was restored in the evening.

    Curfew was in force in the areas under jurisdiction of five police stations of the city - division no. 6 and 7, Simlapuri, Focal point and Sahnewal. Rest of the city, however, remained calm as people went about their daily chores.

  15. Some of the Singhs from Dhadrianwala#s jatha became shaheed in the choota sauda malarky about 2 years ago, which is more than we have done. Don't ask what others have done for the panth, look at yourself.

    How many people have you inspired to wake up at Amrit vela (assuming you do yourself) or take Amrit, read Bani etc?

    HOw many have you driven away with all your hate and negativity or by causing divisions and boosting your ego?

    Answer the question!! I do not call off morchas because badal junior tells me to. I do not use Shahee Baba Jarnail Singh Ji's name on stage then fail to carry on the legacy of Baba Ji.

    Please name them and show they were from Dhadrianwalas jatha. The Singh who were shaheed are claimed by other jathebandis, so is it another case of grandstanding on stage?

  16. Man stop scarping over this BS for no reason, we should all be one as a panth not choosing sides. This internet arguments and songs are not going to solve any panth issues are they?

    Your pst is not going to solve panthic issues either. Is always best to see which side the bread is buttered. Likewise best to expose all these charletans who missuse the good name of Shaheed Baba Jarnail Singh Ji on stage only for them to run away from their own morcha on the say-so of badal junior.

  17. I still find it hilarious that so many new official voices are crawling out from underneath rocks to proclaim how a manufactured Bhangra singer Babbu Maan is some kind of "new voice" for the kaum. Lets see the voices go back into oblivion once this situation gets boring.

    Are you so infatuated with Dhadrianwala that you even consider Missl Shaheedan Taruna Dal as a 'new official voice crawling out from underneath rocks...."? If you bothered taking the blinkers off you would know about the history of the Missl Shaheedan and stop making irresponsible statements. Where was your chosen voice of the kaum Dhadrianwala when the Missl Shaheedan were standing up to Poola nang? Even then the Missl did not seek publicity (unlike others who like to spin how they have sold an Audi on the 25th anniversery of the 84 genocide).

    Also if you bothered to listen to the speach of the Jathedar then you would understand that he was not proclaiming Babbu Mann as a new voice of the kaum but instead agreeing with the contents of the lyrics.

    Yawn!! Back to Dadriawala..

    Answer the points raised, you did the same in the other thread - questioning the credentials of others using the name of Shaheed Baba Jarnail Singh Ji and failing to follow his example. Then you fail to post when Dhadrianwales credentials were questioned and him sticking to sukhbir badals orders to call off the sirsa morcha.

    So please tell of the sipahi inspired actions of Dhadrianwala against Poola nang and why he does as badal junior orders.

  18. I still find it hilarious that so many new official voices are crawling out from underneath rocks to proclaim how a manufactured Bhangra singer Babbu Maan is some kind of "new voice" for the kaum. Lets see the voices go back into oblivion once this situation gets boring.

    I find it hilarious how some people fall in love with self styled baba. Are you so infatuated with Dhadrianwala that you even consider Missl Shaheedan Taruna Dal as a 'new official voice crawling out from underneath rocks...."? If you bothered taking the blinkers off you would know about the history of the Missl Shaheedan and stop making irresponsible statements. Where was your chosen voice of the kaum Dhadrianwala when the Missl Shaheedan were standing up to Poola nang? Even then the Missl did not seek publicity (unlike others who like to spin how they have sold an Audi on the 25th anniversery of the 84 genocide).

    Also if you bothered to listen to the speach of the Jathedar then you would understand that he was not proclaiming Babbu Mann as a new voice of the kaum but instead agreeing with the contents of the lyrics.

  19. Please do not address someone who is badals sidekick as revered. Gurbachan Singh is nothing more than the badal installed rss stooge at the Akal Takht. This man should not be accorded any form of welcome when he comes to England, Canada, USA etc. The level of his spirituality can be gauged by his close links with the now disgraced Chicago wala sadh.

    Just a few months ago the level of his intellect was visibible to the world when he went to Amritsar airport to receive a helmet feather as the kalgi of Guru Gobind Singh Ji Mahraj. The whole world laughed at this incident when it then transpired that this mentally weak jathedar had accepted the helmet feather on the base of self manufactured proofs.

    The handling of the HaryanaGPC has also showed him to be 100% in bed with the badals. He is a disgarce and incapable of making any decision.

    How can such a person ever even take any serious decisions for the Khalsa panth?

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