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Everything posted by adhiatmik

  1. For the past week Sikh Sangta have been remembering our Dhantajog Pita Sri Dashmesh Patshaah, here is a recording to continue your celebrations of His Agman Diwas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYHTl6MJEvM#t=1340.
  2. Dhan Dhan Mata Sahib Kaur Have a listen and hopefully you can gain greater insight into why we love her as our Mother.
  3. Must Listen! Beautiful story of Mata Bhaagbhari near the end of the Katha
  4. Check out the powerpoint video recorded from Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara on feb.23, 2013 There is photos of the actual shaheeds within the powerpoint, worth listening too
  5. Khalsa Jio, On the 1st of a new Gurmat month, it is routine for Gursikhs to listen to katha veechar of that month from Barah Maha. A lot of Sikh youth overlook this maryada due to not having English katha available. Guru Nanak Academy presents, in English, the veechar of Asun, so take the opportunity to hear the guidance Guru Arjan Dev Ji blesses us with. If Barah Maha is not recited on a daily basis, it is especially important for Gursikhs to recite the entire prayer at the beginning of each month. Look forward to next month's katha posting.
  6. Thank you for your insight Bhai Mokham Singh and thanks to Bhai Mehtab Singh for asking
  7. I just read about "grooming" and not heard of it before, I am so shocked I cannot express it in writing. Seeing how I do not live in England, could you pls keep updating with latest news. Thankyou PAL 07 One question: it sounds like a pretty big gang involved in this, who big is it and how much it has involved girls from Sikh homes, if any? Is it just England?
  8. Came across these videos, I thought I would share The Meaning of Life Part 1 The Meaning of Life Part 2 (Defeating our Mind)
  9. Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Prakash Katha done from Suraj Prakash done at the Guru Nanak Academy, check it out It was done right before midnight and then celebrations start (it is all in the video) http://bit.ly/aQJOOO
  10. Vaahiguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaahiguroo Jee kee Fateh Khalsa Jee, is there anyone who knows anything about the Mehraban (Prithi Chand's Son) Janam Sakhees. Is this available as a book you can purchase? How valid does the Sikh Panth hold this Janam Sakhee to be? Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Bhinderwale says in two different recordings of Bhagat Farid Jee's Saloks 1. Sampardai believes Sheik Brahm (Pota-Chela of Sheikh Farid) to have recited Bhagat Jee's bani Another question: Does anybody know what Brahm Nestee and Brahm Sarotee mean? Thank You, Vaahiguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaahiguroo Jee kee Fateh
  11. Vaahiguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaahiguroo Jee kee Fateh Khalsa Jee, is there anyone who knows anything about the Mehraban (Prithi Chand's Son) Janam Sakhees. Is this available as a book you can purchase? How valid does the Sikh Panth hold this Janam Sakhee to be? Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Bhinderwale says in two different recordings of Bhagat Farid Jee's Saloks 1. Sampardai believes Sheik Brahm (Pota-Chela of Sheikh Farid) to have recited Bhagat Jee's bani Another question: Does anybody know what Brahm Nestee and Brahm Sarotee mean? Thank You, Vaahiguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaahiguroo Jee kee Fateh
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