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Posts posted by ravindersidhu

  1. Sat Sri Akal my brothers

    The Situation these days is like after the baisakhi when Bhai Fauja Singh was martyred,

    situation could get out of hand...

    I live in delhi and at my office s0me of my co-workers were discussing the current issue with me, to any hindu this is just a un-called for attention towards sacha sauda, they say sikhs r over-reacting, i don't really blame them since they r used to seeing their gods inder taking a beating from some demons on national tv, i just tell them that our maryada is very different, if u r not offended by seeing someone dressed as hanuman going abt begging thats ur call... but this is not accetable to us,

    So long story short, if situation get out of hand, how many of us are equipped with martial skill to defend ourselves, i don't know one fine day b4 u leave for home u might hear sikhs r being beaten up in delhi or something, i mean the thought does occur if u think of 84, then it started with nirankari's and now with sacha sauda..

    i tried to make a poll, i had intended for there to be a yes and no against have u any knowledge of martial arts, but i wonder if thats what it'll look like.

  2. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

    Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

    I recently saw a writing somewhere which said something like

    sikh hoye siir topi dhare

    7 janam kusht ho mare

    not sure if these were the exact wordings, but it was a sticker,

    Is this taken from gurbani?

    Many sikhs wear caps these days, just coz they're too lazy to tie turbans or too much into fashion to tie a patka

    if anyone is aware of this verse, please let me know.


  3. Guru sahib and Jahangir happened to be hunting in the area around Lahore,

    and one of jahangir's hawk who was following a prey swayed away and fell in the hands of some sikhs, when the royal soldiers came to recover their hawk, the sikhs refused to return the hawk on account of the foul language and arrogant behavior of the army men.

    you can read more here



  4. Sikh is he from whom guru is guru granth sahib ji, and he shld explore the truth with his guru,

    if one goes to some swami how can he be a true sikh

    radha swami's dress like sikhs, add singh to their names, imitate sikhi as much as possible and call themselves radha swami's not sikhs, if they r sikhs then why a different name, r they trying to devide sikhs,.. ask them!

  5. sikhism does believe in reincarnations,

    there is a verse in sri guru Granth Sahib, I think it is written by bhagat Trilochan Ji

    he has written(read below or see the attachment)

    AMiq kwil jo lCmI ismrY AYsI

    icMqw mih jy mrY ]

    ant kaal jo lachhmee simrai aisee

    chintaa meh jay marai.

    At the very last moment, one who thinks of wealth, and dies

    in such thoughts,

    srp join vil vil AauqrY ]1] sarap jon val val a-utarai. ||1|| shall be reincarnated over and over again, in the form of

    serpents. ||1||

    ArI bweI goibd nwmu miq bIsrY ]

    rhwau ]

    aree baa-ee gobid naam mat

    beesrai. rahaa-o.

    O sister, do not forget the Name of the Lord of the Universe.


    AMiq kwil jo iesqRI ismrY AYsI

    icMqw mih jy mrY ]

    ant kaal jo istaree simrai aisee

    chintaa meh jay marai.

    At the very last moment, he who thinks of women, and dies

    in such thoughts,

    bysvw join vil vil AauqrY ]2] baysvaa jon val val a-utarai. ||2|| shall be reincarnated over and over again as a prostitute.


    AMiq kwil jo liVky ismrY AYsI

    icMqw mih jy mrY ]

    ant kaal jo larhikay simrai aisee

    chintaa meh jay marai.

    At the very last moment, one who thinks of his children, and

    dies in such thoughts,

    sUkr join vil vil AauqrY ]3] sookar jon val val a-utarai. ||3|| shall be reincarnated over and over again as a pig. ||3||

    AMiq kwil jo mMdr ismrY AYsI

    icMqw mih jy mrY ]

    ant kaal jo mandar simrai aisee

    chintaa meh jay marai.

    At the very last moment, one who thinks of mansions, and

    dies in such thoughts,

    pRyq join vil vil AauqrY ]4] parayt jon val val a-utarai. ||4|| shall be reincarnated over and over again as a goblin. ||4||

    AMiq kwil nwrwiexu ismrY AYsI

    icMqw mih jy mrY ]

    ant kaal naaraa-in simrai aisee

    chintaa meh jay marai.

    At the very last moment, one who thinks of the Lord, and

    dies in such thoughts,

    bdiq iqlocnu qy nr mukqw pIqMbru

    vw ky irdY bsY ]5] 2]

    badat tilochan tay nar muktaa

    peetambar vaa kay ridai basai.


    says Trilochan, that man shall be liberated; the Lord shall

    abide in his heart. ||5||2||


  6. The problem is one sided research.... and blinldly accepting whatever u hear from ppl as the gospel truth,

    sant bhindranwale didn't stand for his personal fame, he stood for the sikh community, and in anyway the anandpur resolution would have been benificial for entire punjab even the punjabi hindu's.

    During his days,

    when haryana was abt to get the lions share of the waters which flowed in punjab, in answer to sikh protests, and alleged militancy(militancy did exist but not in the way the center propogated the rumors),

    sikhs were pulled from busses and shaved clean this went on all day, and policemen watched, 2 gurdwara's in panipat were burnt, 8 sikhs clubbed to death, other than this sikhs in the villages of haryana were drowned in filthy ponds of water... BHAJAN lal the chief minister of haryana sponser the events...

    when sant bhindranwale heard of this, he said "each village must have 1 motorbike3 riders, 3 revolvers these weapons will protect you, and also help u to punish those, who do such evils... there is no court to try those who burnt our guru, ..... who so ever bring such ppl to justice, in anywhich way, can come to me for help"

    so they say he promoted militancy, why didn't they just hand over to the sikhs/punjab what rightfully belongs to them, there will be no reason for any "militancy"

    u know what punjab was b4 47, and how small it is now, water levels r going down, in my village we had water at 40 ft in 84, now its at 150 ft

  7. on the 22nd after the blasts,

    altho they said on tv the city is on red alert, there was nothing to show for it

    i was in GK that night and drove to my house in gurgaon at about 1am, and i didn't see one cop on my way home, i saw barriers on my way home, but not 1 cop could be seen on the roads, not even at the delhi-haryana border.

    the news channels say anything they like

  8. 1 dead and 50 injured, some r very citically injured,

    thats what i read in the paper

    so far nobody has claimed responsibility of this attack,

    lets all pray no sikh has anything to do with this,

    this could be a conspiracy coming from pakistan to disturb the peace between hindu's and sikhs, which would divert the govt/media's attention from muslim terror groups for a while

  9. few question which come to my mind are

    What kind of taxes will there be in khalistan,

    how will the military be established,

    how will we secure the borders, there will be india on one side and pakistan on the other, both r traditional enemies ... most ppl in punjab say drugs r smuggled in from rajasthan, so securing the indian border would be very important,

    right now the indian govt gives LPG and other fuels, some of which r at a subsidised rate, so won't these things be more expensive in the newly formed khalastan... how will that be managed

    in 47 when sikhs moved from pakistan to punjab they got lands in return of what they lost in pakistan, will there be such an arrangement for those who lose assets in india, coz there r many sikhs in UP who own farming land

    other than that intelligent manpower, that will be another challenge

    when i try to imagine a khalastan these questions come to my mind

    another thing is there r a large number of followers of these radha soami's and nirankari's in punjab itself, what will be the status of these preachers, giving religious freedom is one thing but allowing them to go on preaching the bogus stuff,

    is there a way to resolve this peacefully, will minimal resentment from the people

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

    Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

  10. Bijla singh is absolutly right,

    this will only make us drift away form our Guru ji real teaching,

    pictures r no more then pictures

    if we want darshan Guru Granth Sahib Ji will show the path, there is no other simpler way,

    anyone who makes a cd of keertan/katha is called a sant,

  11. i know many ppl who goto these radha soami's,

    one thing is there that alot of charity goes on in their name at beas,

    but what i hate is that they preach the guru grnth sahib as their own words, give naam and say we r not acting against sikhi,

    the thing is they arange satsangs and they have tv channles here in india, and they publish books,

    where do they get all this money

    they add sant in the begining of the name and maharaj at the end of their name, the entire satsang will sit on carpets and they sit on a well shaded elevated stage, ppl gasther like cattle, bus loads full of women, men children, often causing traffic jams here in delhi

    u'll see sikhs women and many hindu's too,

    after the 'satsang' is over, the 'sant' will sit on a takhat and ppl walk by(those who want to take his naam), and he will stop those who he wants to give naam, and give it to them, those who don't get it will come again,

    one of my friends mother was forced by her friend to come to this gurdwara where a sant will give her naam ad make her realise her spiritual side, and she went, when the sant came he wispered the naam in her ear so nobody else may hear it, what did he say 'waheguru', she said inour gurdwara we say it aloud, and not wisper it in someone's ears

    i feel finding the truth in the guru granth sahib is way simpler, and atleast we know that we r with our satgur, and we know we have the truth in front of us, then why do we go anywhere

    but these bogus ppl r becoming more and more accessable to ppl, specially since they started doing satsang on tv

    and why do they dress like sikhs ? and add singh to their names

  12. Right from the begining i have studied in a sikh school, hence i heard shabds every morning, and learnt jaap ji sahib in the divinity class(sikh history and stuff)

    the things that really inspired me were the stories of bhai taru, bhai mani singh baba Deep Singh , bhai garja-bhai bota singh and most of all the martyrdom of baba banda bahadur moved me so much

    my parent have a very non-sikh way of life, that what pulls me mroe towards sikhi, i don't want my family to drift away from sikh-heritage which makes us all so proud. right from Guru Nanak ji's time guru ji and gursikhs have only done things which make us proud, why shld we not make our guru ji proud by being better sikhs

    also seeing most sikhs here getting in to brahmin like practices makes me more and more keen on knowing what does guru granth sahib says abt these things the truth is so simple, and straight forward

  13. they did make a replica of the harmandir sahib, but it was a very poor replica, not of much use, those who had been to the replica when they entered harmandar sahib they didn't know of of any rooms and all,

    the govt said sant bhindranwale was about to start a campaign to mass murder hindu's and congress MP's thats why they could not wait, but no proff was ever given in support if this, and they say they didn't know about the martyrdom day of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, when they realised they relaxed the curfew but then again put it in affect coz they wbere so confident that sant bhindranwale and his men would surrender within the first few hours of the operation,

    Another thing the army made no announcement for the pilgrims to come out when they started the attack,

    later they said they did make an announcement but due to the keertan nobody heard it, but if u think of it electricity had been cut of so how loud could the keertan be, and as per some accounts they made no annoucement at all coz they didn't expect santji men to givein so easily... which is more believable.

    the red cross part is terrible, as khuswant singh has written one guy went to an army troop and asked for first aid for the wounded, the troop took him to his commanding officer who at the time had lined up a few sikhs and was about to order their execution, upon hearing of first aid the officer tore off the guys turban and order that he be shot, our man ran and leapt over bodies to save his life and lived to speak of it,

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