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Posts posted by gurdssingh

  1. Singh Station you write an article severely criticizing a Gurmat movie like Chaar Sahibzaade for no reason what so ever yet you take pride in a patit woman that has been elected as city council member?

    Patit? Was she ever amritdhari? As you can only be patit if you had Amrit.

    Also the movie Char Sahibzaade, have you seen it? Then you will know Who made it? Who financed it, easy as his photo appears at the start? Why only praise the product, and not look at who made it.

    Apply same logic here look at the end achievements of this women without criticising her.

  2. What homeland are you referring to?

    And please do not bring Guru in this as

    Our Guru gave us everything to be rulers.

    And not join the enemy ranks. Imagine

    Sikhs joining the Moghuls as their slaves

    to oppress other races like how the

    British did.


    Can you please stop confusing yourself?

    Omg, where did you get this connection

    with laying down of arms and Guru's

    message to Bhai Kanaiya. Little knowledge

    is really dangerous. Better to admit to

    your mistake rather than making more by

    trying to justify earlier ones.

    J Singh, you come across as very arrogant, obnoxious and rude at the best of times. So in response to your posts I ask how much do you even know about Sikh History? Going by your posts OUR GURU JI joining and marching with Mughal emperors will make Guru Ji and the Singh's in their presence SLAVES? HOW DARE YOU!!!!!

    As you state little knowledge is really dangerous. I have quoted your posts so you can not squirm yourself out. Just like you did in other threads, where I have proven you are a liar! Please acknowledge what I am on about or admit to your mistake rather than making more by trying to justify earlier ones, ( sound familiar), btw a google search may not find out what I am talking, but having read BOOKS and having knowledge of Sikh history you will know.

    Just being an online pseudo Sikh will not help. Pretending to be something you are not, BTW many others on OUR forum concur, with that statement.

  3. It's 09:05 in nu jeeland so apna sher JSinghNZ can not respond as he has confirm attendance for the register. Haha!

    Singh please stop being a keyboard warrior and be who you are not what you think you should. Now leave this fantasy world and be true to yourself and our religion!

  4. Go back to school and take reading classes. After that go and read what I had written in that rotten bhatra post. And why do you have bring caste in every thread. When you will learn reading from school you will perhaps understand that Punjabi language is being discussed here.


    Please do an analysis of my posts and the threads where caste is mentioned. Sorry you fail again I very rarely talk about caste, I am not married to a same as my Baradri are you? U have kids right?

  5. Go back to school and take reading classes. After that go and read what I had written in that rotten bhatra post. And why do you have bring caste in every thread. When you will learn reading from school you will perhaps understand that Punjabi language is being discussed here.

    I graduated with masters over 10 years ago -check my linkedin ? Re read the thread where is your anti caste post? All other threads you do post your anti caste message, but where is in this one? BTW are you still a student? Or are you a father of two school age kids?

  6. I don't know about others but when I say Pendu I don't mean it in a disrespectful way. In the Pends is where our culture and sabhyachaar is. It is where purest Punjabi is spoken. And Pendu Punjabi of Amritsar is the standard Punjabi accent. But Pendu Punjabi is not same as Gurmukhi Punjabi. Where ever a Gurmukhi word is one way and Pendu Punjabi is one way, we should always chose to pronounce it in the proper Gurmukhi way because that is how our Gurus pronounced it. Furthermore, Punjabi changes over the years. Just read Punjabi as written by Bhai Sahib Bhai Vir Singh Jee in his books who was also a native Amritsari and father of modern Punjabi literature. Just see the difference between his language and today's Punjabi. So many words are not even used today and many words are differently pronounced. Evolution of language

    Brother just give reference to one person today who in day to day speaks the same punjabi as our great Guru sahibs did. Answer is none, natural evolution from the same period no one speaks the same English, not even the queen of England! Btw no such thing as vocal Gurmukhi punjabi, that is literal.

  7. So I have noticed some members come down hard on any post referring to caste. What astounds me is one of those contributors who has commented on this very discussion has not once told the poster who refers to bhatra 's to refrain from his castiest remarks. Jsinghnz, why you have double standards? When bhatra is mentioned in other posts you never seem to mind but jatt is mentioned and well pher tha allergic reaction! Check all the casteist post by jroudh, not one mention!

    Also jroudh how many times are you going to keep contradicting yourself? When someone asks an uncomfortable question about bhatreh you go all defensive. I have many questions I want ask you but like other post you will laugh them off, here's a thing go ask your parents, uncles, or other elders before you answer.


    Me too....married with no emphasis on jaat.

    Where I came from is irrelevant, where I need to get to is everything. My atmaa needs to merge back with parmaatma....by the gurus grace and at the feet of Akal purakh my deeds will be judged.

    I think you make valid points but where you came from will define where you are going, our ancestors did everything for us - without we would not be where we are.

    But you are correct, end of the day it all boils down to your deeds not what your previous /future generations did/do


    Lol, I love the way you used CAPITAL LETTERS in the attempt to highlight that I maybe embarrassed of my ancestors lol. Brothers ancestors are the Sikhs who have their lives for me to call myself a sikh.

    Also, I think you miss the point of why people state the panj pyare's PREVIOUS caste and the location they lived in. It's not to encourage ego in their individual castes, it's to show that they left it all behind brother, not bringing it into sikhi!

    Exactly my point, don't bring it into your values but at least acknowledge where you came from. I married outside of my baradri so I think caste etc is a load off bs

  10. It's his job to play to play devils advocate, it is easy to identify his stance but he does try to retain the balance, blatantly you can tell his stance and he takes the Michael when he disagrees.

    Again don't bury your heads in the sand and boycott it and don't listen anymore. NO that is the worst thing, phone in, text or email in and readdress the balance, let others know what the great dharma of Sikhi is about!


    Unfortunately, the moderators on this site would have closed this thread down if it was anything to do with the topic of jhatka as in sikhsangats words " jhatka is anti gurmat" however if there's a topic in which people who call themselves Sikhs whilst at the same time promoting their own caste supremacy, spouting nonsense and creating more segregation like jagsaw singh, sikhsangats moderators are non existent. Obviously caste supremacy is something sikhsangat.com and it's moderators deem to be fine, allowing jagsaw Singh to go on and on, and on, and on, and on and on.....please someone direct him to jattworld.com along with starstriker where they can gauge themselves on everything about their beloved caste.

    Moderators lock this thread.

    Where has anyone stated they are better? Just asking a question. Why people always hate on people from jatt background? I mean when people proudly talk about the Panj Pyare they state the place they came from and their profession which can be interpreted as caste. It is not bad to acknowledge your ancestors profession. Unless for some reason you are so uncomfortable in who you are and are ASHAMED of your ancestors, there is NO SHAME in any profession which can be interpreted as caste as long as it is honest hard work.

    What is wrong is to take proud in your so called caste and look down on others.

  12. So if we can't discuss the topic, it doesn't exist. Let's just sweep things under the carpet and ignore they exist. As that's how things are resolved by not facing the issue?

    JSingh Nu Jeeland vala so you no longer in education, previously you stated you were, so did you have kids very young I.e as soon as is physically possible or just adopted them? As you have stated you have 2 children on this very site.

  13. i will ask you a question, do you think a male is allowed to touch guru granth sahib ji after he had sex or had nightfall or something similar which meant discharging body liquid occoured only in sex?

    Nightfall? I think i know what you are referring too, is that even common? Most people have showers when they wake up, and most don,t indulge in sex prior to doing maharaj seva.

    Anyway Do you even know what a period is? It is not discharged only in sex! It is natural human cycle for women, they don't have control of it. E.g men/ you can't set the time you want to go for a dump, you know roughly (apart from the odd emergency), but can't plan you day with exact times.

    However I have heard it should not be done, but jkvlondon makes a good point re: only women in the house.

  14. who said about cast? as long as its not in same gott

    start the services penji

    I know gill who have married gill, there are loads and in punjabi culture you know who you are related to many generations back. That is only due to back in the day family stayed in the same village and those who moved out we're known about. No and future will be harder in west as no one keeps that much in touch with ancestral village.

    Oh what about when true Khalsa principles in practice I.e no goth only Singh? Or Kaur?

  15. So called Sikhs believing in the caste system are not slightly confused they are fully confused. Sardar Mehtab Singh is a caste less Gursikh unlike you.So refrain from writing such casteist comments about him or any other Gursikh for that matter.

    Just in response, you need to place statements into the context they are meant. Slightly harder in written form, non the less it is quite straight forward. No offence to brother Mehtab Singh ( great contributor to this site), however JSingh from New Zealand, paaji he himself has referred to the caste of great gursikhs i.e bhai mat ideas and Bhai sati das ( Brahmin), so your above comment is void.

    Also these types of comments are subjective, as you can misunderstand/ misquote etc. but some members post where it is very easy to objectify your comments. Such as yourself and You sir are a liar, bad trait for a true gursikh. Anyone can search this site and see your posts where many times you state you are a youngster in school studying. But then you post stuff like " my 2 little kids", ( objecting in reference to akhand path at gurdwaras for raja sahib, mazari, I think), alluding to the fact you are a grown man with children but in fact you are neither a man or father. Basically you have the internet to hide behind and make comments.

  16. Oooh I think you'd find KHUL KARAN DI RASAM and MOURVI MAKAAN more than interesting. In fact you'd find it shocking, not to mention disturbing that any group identifying themselves as 'Sikhs' could have such practices.

    If however, you prefer to live your life in the dark, frightened of picking up information and knowledge about things going on around you, then obviously I understand your reluctance to learn anything new.

    Please can you share what those customs are? As a google search brings up a baht community site which states they are 'bad old customs', but what exactly are those rituals? No other info on web.

  17. JRoudh your posts seem hypocritical as you say many things that Bhatreh do is upholding pure Sikhi. On iPad so can't type much but you say majority use Singh. Yet your username has your caste surname, plus you list many caste surnames in previous thread. The videos in previous thread, that was not a Sikh wedding celebration but a Punjabi Bhatra celebration, dancing and drinking alcohol -not Sikh like. Also almost all guys wearing a pagh had trimmed beards, so again your theory of you guys rep ping pure Sikhi and not doing beadbi of kesh, we'll evidence you presented does not support your claims.

  18. Movie has done very well in the market. It has grossed more than new higher financed Bollywood films in important overseas markets e.g happy new year feat. Srk. Financiers will make good returns and encourage similar efforts. But I feel 30th anniversary of 1984' they should donate all tax breaks (mp, Delhi and now Punjab ) to victims of 84- this will encourage viewers to support them more.

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