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Posts posted by Astral

  1. After reading the jew/sikh thread, I came to a realisation perhaps this is what we must resort to as well, some must sin for the betterment of the panthe. We must get angry, until our blood boils and we truly are ready to give our lives for the cause. I'm sorry, I know we have to try and control kam, krodh, lobh, moh, ahankar, but unfortunately this isn't peaceful times. We aren't perfect, we should try to be but we are only human, what use is control of panj chor when you do nothing to help the panthe. You may of helped your self, but we must never ever forgot that the panthe comes first, not me or you. Only with this mindset can we honourably sacrifice ourselves, to be a shaheed on the battlefield fighting to protect our way (protect guru granth sahib, follow the gurus hukam and protect his panthe) is the perfect death. Most nowadays are only focused on getting jobs, married, some kids, a nice house and RIP peacefully, but what does this honestly achieve? Maybe the time has come before it becomes too late to take action. Maybe we need to start taking down the enemy whether it be internal or external.

    The Nihangs were once the pinnacle of dasemah patshaes fauji, I admit it. They were the greatest, none could compare to the Akali's. But there time has passed, most nihangs that remain in hindustan are just lazy, high, not tyar byar tyar at all. And the fact that shasters are becoming less and less useful in this modern world (hate me if you want for saying it, but it's the truth), it only really works now for assassinations if needed. Some people say buddha dal and the other dals can save us, but they are just a relic in history now. We really need to come up to modern standards, using firearms, snipers but still continuing training with hand to hand combat.

    If our sikhi wants to get anywhere in this world, violence is and always has been the answer. It is the only way to gain respect. I am changing, something needs to be done about the panthe, I'm not on about Khalistan but a homeland is definitely needed, and it must first be Punjab (and if waheguru gives us kirpa then expanding). People are getting too trapped in this equality thing, in my opinion we must stop thinking everyone is equal because they are not. I'm not trying to increase my ego but we are part of the KHALSA, we are elites, FACT. I don't care what anyone else says I AM AN ELITIST my panthe is greater than all and we must make sacrifices for guru gobind singh ji panthe. Take out these stupid dehras and punish anyone splitting up the panthe, we must rejoin it and then prepare for bloodshed.

    India has a weakness. Pakistan, kashmir, china etc all enemies with India. Especially the recent turmoil with nuclear weapons in Pakistan VS India. Maybe from some sort of chaos we can start executing plans, all throughout the world riots are occurring, governments are being kicked out. First it is always a peaceful protest then it becomes violent, I am waiting for when USA's protesters are finally tipped of the ice-berg and go violent and the US revolution occurs. However the same needs to happen in Punjab, I would hope India starts getting violent protests in general but nothing major seems to be going on over there compared to other countries.

    Militancy must be revived to it's fullest! I hope you and I really start taking this seriously, and take action! If 1 domino falling doesn't create a chain reaction, then more dominoes must fall until the entire stack starts following.

    Bhula chukla maf

    Gajake jakarah gajave, fateh pave, nihal ho jave ... Sat sriiii akkkaallllluhhhhhhhh! Gurbaalll akaalli hi akkalllllllll, akkal akkal akaalllll!

  2. "Some facts: The Jews have an independant State-Israel, what have we got ????

    The creation of the state of Israel was supported by the West after WW2, by annexing Palestine, i.e. kicking out the Mulsims from there homes and giving them to the Jews (a strategic move by the West to have an influence within the Middle East). The justification was that this was the promised land for the Jews from God !!!!."

    I've always wondered about this part in bold above. So one of the contributing justifications for the creation of Israel (apart from the obvious events of WWII) was because it was written in the Bible that Jews must have a homeland?

    So they actually took a directive from God - from their perspective - and made it come true?

    False. Zionists and other followers have committed sin for attempting to create pre-emptly a Jewish state before the arrival of their messiah. Zionists are so focused on power they commit sins, kill, in order to achieve there goals.

  3. And no, I am not some monna, and I do my Paath daily.

    The "would be heroes" were few in number. I think they belong to the group of five or so families that wear round Dastars and like to attract attention by dressing like they are living in the sixteenth or seventeenth century. These self appointed enforcers of the Akal Takht’s order pretend like they are the only true Sikhs and that others in the Gurdwaras are not good enough so they mostly keep to themselves. I don’t think they were all there that day. Apparently it was more important to them to make money rather than do what their friends were doing.


    I heard that most of the problem was that this group of people tried to form the committee of Singh Sabha Gurdwara but they lost, so ... sour grapes I guess.

    I'm not gonna get into a debate about Bana and all that. But I do know this. The Guru Granth Sahib speaks against dhikhava throughout.. But I suppose if it helps you feel better, like you are more of a Singh than the rest of the world by wearing all that., all the power to you. Everyone has a vision of what Guru Gobind Singh Ji was like.. My vision is they they were very forward thinking . The Singhs of that day wore "Bana" because that was close to the general types of dress at that time. No one wore jeans.I hardly think that means we should go around dressed that way nowadays. But, if thats what does it for you, go for it, sorry if I hurt your feelings. What I don't get is that if these people want to live like they did back then, why not go for the whole experience. Why not do like other groups and buy a large chunk of land.... have no electricity, no running water , no cars , ride horses.. Then they can be better than any other Singh in the world. Just I thought.




    Bana.....I hardly think that means we should go around dressed that way nowadays.


    wear round Dastars and like to attract attention by dressing like they are living in the sixteenth or seventeenth century. These self appointed enforcers of the Akal Takht’s order pretend like they are the only true Sikhs
    What I don't get is that if these people want to live like they did back then, why not go for the whole experience. Why not do like other groups and buy a large chunk of land.... have no electricity, no running water , no cars , ride horses.. Then they can be better than any other Singh in the world. Just I thought.


  4. 1) On ang 1035, Guru Ji says 'For endless eons, there was total darkness", but didnt Guru Ji also say that creation had been destroyed and remade in the past? Is the translation wrong? Do they mean there had not been creation for a VERY LONG time?

    Well Science is very young and has a lot to learn, so this is what I can give. Our Universe has been created & destroyed many times in the past, which makes sense. At the start of the big bang, there was an initial explosion where from a singularity the space-time continuum and matter it self came into being. Obviously at some point in the future, the acceleration of the Universe will halt and fall back onto it self. Once all the matter is sucked back into the center of the Universe/black hole, who knows? A universe is created again and this cycle starts over.

    3)Gurbani speaks of the three worlds, the four sources of creation, and the five elements, what does Guru Ji mean by this? Also, how are we made up of the five elements?

    As DustOfTheSaintsFeet said for the 3 worlds, this seems like a logical choice.

    - Void

    - Astral plane

    - Physical plane

    As for the 4 sources of creation, I am at a complete loss here.

    The 5 elements, the problem with this is there are lots of different references in other cultures referencing to this. Japanese, chinese, hindu etc, either Guru'ji accepted another or created his own version, we unfortunately don't know.

    I'll give you an example of the Japanese 5 elements, as in my opinion it has the best relevance of the few I researched.

    地 Chi meaning "Earth", represents the hard, solid objects of the world (bones, muscles and tissues are represented by chi. Emotionally, chi is predominantly associated with stubbornness, stability, physicality, and gravity. In the mind, it is confidence; and emotionally it is a desire to have things remain as they are; a resistance to change)

    水 Sui meaning "Water", represents the fluid, flowing, formless things in the world (blood and other bodily fluids are represented by sui, as are mental or emotional tendencies towards adaptation and change. Sui can be associated with emotion, defensiveness, adaptability, flexibility, suppleness, and magnetism)

    火 Ka "Fire", represents the energetic, forceful, moving things in the world. Animals, particularly predators, capable of movement and full of forceful energy, are primary examples of ka objects (bodily, ka represents our metabolism and body heat, and in the mental and emotional realms, it represents drive and passion. ka can be associated with motivation, desire, intention, and an outgoing spirit.)

    風 Fū meaning "Wind", represents things that grow, expand, and enjoy freedom of movement ( = human mind, as we grow physically, we learn and expand mentally as well, in terms of our knowledge, our experiences, and our personalities. Fū represents breathing, and the internal processes associated with respiration. Mentally and emotionally, it represents an "open-minded" attitude and carefree feeling. It can be associated with will, elusiveness, evasiveness, benevolence, compassion, and wisdom.)

    空 Kū meaning "Void", but also meaning "sky" or "Heaven", represents those things beyond our everyday experience, particularly those things composed of pure energy (bodily, kū represents spirit, thought, and creative energy. It can also be associated with power, creativity, spontaneity, and inventiveness.)

    Kū is of particular importance as the highest of the elements. In martial arts, particularly where the fighting discipline is blended with magic or the occult, one often invokes the power of the Void to connect to the quintessential creative energy of the world. A warrior properly attuned to the Void can sense their surroundings and act without thinking, and without using their physical senses.

    Sorry it's a bit long, but this gave me some idea to what Guru'ji could be meaning, from what I initially had none.

    (P.s. just had another idea, could we being made of 5 elements actually mean we are made of kam/

    4)On ang 64, Guru Ji speaks "The day and the sun shall pass away; the night and the moon shall pass away; the hundreds of thousands of stars shall disappear." When They say hundreds of thousands of star, that is lost in translation, right? They meant they were really countless?

    It could possibly be referring to the fact that our galaxy is slowly spiraling inwards towards a black-hole, as will everything in the universe eventually. So "the hundreds of thousands of stars shall disappear" is undoubtedly true.

    Maffi ji, don't accept everything I said as 100% fact, these are just my own opinions as I like to infuse Science within :)

  5. If so, what bigger thing for ours and others freedom is there than the anti-capitalist protests on right now. Occupy Wall-street (USA - http://occupywallst.org/) & Occupy London (UK - http://occupylsx.org/).

    If we truly are not sheep's of the system and want to follow the principles of the guru's, shouldn't we as groups (from local Gurudwara's from around the country start meeting and joining forces, then continue into the protest? Then perhaps people might also realise the Sikh people are human activists, which no one is aware of?). It may seem daunting, but are we not supposed to rise against tyranny which is now the people in power (who care not for the average person), what better way than peaceful protesting as happening now?

    If you don't know what these protests are for, let along know they are is progress; they are basically against capitalism and a fake democracy. We may live in democratic countries, but in reality we have no rights, out votes count for nothing and the fact that so few people have so much, 1% of the people have more wealth than the other 99% combined. I won't go into too much detail, however if you want more information [http://www.forbes.co...py-wall-street/] or "google" why the protests are happening

  6. Woah, just today as I looked over some pictures I was shocked to see a particular pattern in a few different places over Amritsar. This pattern which is composed of many evenly space circles that overlap each other, they arrange to form a flower pattern with a sixfold symmetry. It’s been dated back to 645 BC but I bet you, since so much of our history has been lost.it’s probably way before then.

    It is know as sacred geometry; in fact this pattern of 64 is the basis of it, it is essentially the way Universe uses energy however this is not the point of the thread, if you want to read more upon this, go ahead.

    Flower of life:


    Here is the complete version with 2 more layers added:


    .. As you can see, the amount of layer that can be added exponentially grows




    My question is, does anyone know if this design is POST-British or PRE-British? Since when the British invaded, wasn't the marble destroyed thus the question arises was this influenced by someone else, not going too much into conspiracies but this pattern is also very prominent in Masonry, in fact there main symbol with the "compass and the G", is built from the middle of the flower of life.

    But yeah if this is true, perhaps there was more science in ancient Sikhi than people think.

  7. My gosh, I was seriously considering about simply ripping the MP3 from the vid and simply showing you that (so no talk of the video occurs) but I thought you would all be mature enough to ignore the video even after I said "to ignore the video", yet I was wrong.

    Maybe it isn't a raag I don't know, but I love the music, and want to know the full version is.

  8. I just realised this whilst I was in bed, and had to post it before I forget.

    Now we all heard the word "nang" which is often directed at Niddar etc, personally it's a horrid word (naked nihang), which divides the panthe more. Niddar is a Nihang, he is not the typical Nihang though because he doesn't follow the typical Nihang maryada since he has a lot more beliefs in Hindu deities etc , then it hit me like lighting.

    We all know of the stories in the times of Maharaj Ranjit Singh, there was a lot of complex conflictions going on in the panthe, as a lot of rebellious Nihangs didn't & wouldn't accept orders from Maharaj Ranjit Singh.

    "In addition to the regular and irregular army.. Some were religious fanatics.. they acknowledged no rulers or laws but their own; think nothing of robbery, or even murder, should they happen to be in the humour for it, Maharaj Ranjeet Singh himself having on more than one occasion narrowly escaped assassination by them" - Baron Charles Hugel [travels in Kashmir and the Panjab], translated from German

    Now this Baron Charles didn't know too much detail about the Nihangs, but who are these people that he is talking about. They are not the typical Nihang, who were the people that betrayed Maharaj Ranjit Singh???? DURGA SINGHS!

    Now take a step back, and combine this with the context of Niddar .

    Durga Singhs, were Nihangs but they were much much more linked with Hinduism than the typical Nihang... So Nidar isn't a fake Nihang as people say but he has views or may actually be a Durga Singh, now does that not make perfect sense in relations to his very hindu-sikh views ?

    Image: Durga Singh's


  9. Good and bad are only concepts. The definition of "good" is only defined by the social environment from which the person is brought up in. For example if the human is brought up in a war-torn area, where he witnesses his village being brually murdered and constantly as he grows up he views the killing of other, it is in his nature that the concept of "good" must be to kill the murderers, whereas someone from a more peaceful area may say to that man "Forgive them for murdering your village, only more bad comes from fighting" ..

    In the end, the ideal solution (where you truly have a free choice) is up to you the individual to craft your own concepts for "good" and "bad".

  10. It's rigged just as usual. Just like any other major political vote.

    I would usually give a solution to my answer, but there is no small answer here and it would require massive team-work to overthrow the current SGPC, which a mere forum would no way be able achieve, not to mention a lot of people (if pulled in from outside the forum) may not be able to comprehend the corruption of SGPC.

    "Former Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh today alleged that the SGPC has become a "den of corruption" and said it was the duty of the Sikhs to get rid of its administration. He said ever since Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal took over the SGPC, it has become a den of corruption.

    It was the moral duty of the Sikhs, including him, to get rid of such a corrupt organisation. "The SGPC elections were held, once when I was the PPCC president and then again while I was the CM. But the Congress party took no part in them," he claimed.

    "Nevertheless, I have every right to express my individual opinion and call upon my community to vote for cleansing of the SGPC and free the Gurudwaras from those constantly mis-managing them”.

    - Amarinder Singh

  11. Why feel bad for events which are out of your control. A Kara is not something magical, it is an item which Guru Gobind Singh gave us to remind us about our commitment to Waheguru and it serves as a gauntlet against enemy strikes (well most people of day, there Kara would no way be able to defend a sword strike lol). So even if it did fall on the floor, attracted some dirt it has no affect on you apart from psychologically.

    People say to put Kara in dastaar, pocket or where ever, but the whole point of kara is to be on your wrist to protect you and remind your of your commitments, keeping it hidden goes against the points of having the kara in the first place. You really should contact your manager or where ever you work to allow you to wear your kara since it is part of your faith. And if all goes well, well it will never fall on the floor again!

    Apologies if it sounds like a negative post.

  12. Some SGPC members openly admit they are freemasons and say there is nothing wrong with it, since it attempts to join all religions. But at higher levels of masonry you have to become a Jew (and commence there rituals to initiate), so maybe these SGPC members (weather they truly are for the panth (lol) or just in it for the £££ or something else), the fact is freemasonry which at the top is all about Zionism/Judaism, it's true goal is to eradicate every other religion apart from there own, the only reason why they are so successful is due to the massive global influence they have over the world. And guess what, all the Sikh free-masons are prominent doctors of the city, principle of the government medical college, senior lawyers, business tycoons and other influential people.

    But at the current rate of politics involved in SGPC, it'll will be the downfall of Sikhi, well I should say the downfall has already begun they are playing games with the fundamentals of Sikhi. Members of SGPC should be chosen by the Khalsa's sangat, not on a corrupt system of political elections, since the present SGPC members know nothing of Gurmat anyway. As the OP pretty much said; SGPC has control over Akal Takht. Now you tell me something isn't wrong with that.

  13. Just stumbled across this news, made me feel pretty sad.

    August 27, 2011

    Shravan Krushna Trayodashi, Kaliyug Varsha 5113

    AMRITSAR, India: Incidents of abduction of Hindus and Sikhs, especially of girls, for forced conversion and marriages to Muslims, and for ransom have increased in the recent past in Pakistan, said Punjab's ruling party, Pakistan Muslim League (n) member parliament Dr Haresh Chopra talking to TOI here on Saturday.

    Chopra has also sought Indian parliamentarians to take up the issue of plight of Hindus and Sikhs as it did in case of illegal transfer of gurdwara lands in Pakistan so as to put international pressure on Pakistan government to protect minority communities.

    Chopra, who is also member of standing committee on human rights, was here on a personal visit on the invitation of Nankana Sahib Sikh Yatree Jatha president Swaran Singh Gill. "I receive information of at least two cases of abduction of Hindu and Sikh girls in a week," he said. There are organized gangs of mullahs and terrorists, who even abduct minor girls of minority communities and procure their age certificates with Muslim names from madrassas proving them adults. "In such cases we can't do much to save the children," he added.

    Chopra, who is MP from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province, said, "Being a soft target, many Hindus and Sikhs are abducted from the province for ransom, but cases of forced conversion are more in Sindh province. Those who can't bear their persecution anymore often think of migrating to India as they are not financially sound enough to shift to European countries."

    "Being a minority MP, I have always been raising issues in the parliament and demanding protection for minorities, but that's all I can do," he said.

    Chopra squarely blamed Pakistan Evacuee Trust Property Board (PETPB) chairman Sayed Asif Hashmi for doling out gurdwara and temple properties. "PETPB is acquiring the properties, selling them to builders at higher prices and there is no one to stop all this," he added.

    Meanwhile, Swaran Singh, who often takes Sikh jathas to Pakistan, asked him to press Pakistan government for increasing the frequency of jathas from India.


  14. Freemasonry has really started to gain popularity with some of our Sikh people and most people are unaware what the true intentions of freemasonry. Freemasons are supposedly uniting all the religions, but behind closed doors what's really happening is preparing for world domination & single faith (Freemasonry is a Jewish front), or is at least controlled by Jews/Zionists for this goal.

    The Sikhs who join with freemasonry-sikh are only doing it for wealth (and as you can clearly see the top people at the freemasonry-sikh cult are all businessmen), since there is nothing else to gain apart from receiving money from the elites. Those Sikhs who join, are not told the truth and are fed lies about freemasonry, in-fact everyone in the pyramid scheme of masonry is fed lies by there superiors, only the elite at the top truly know and understand the true goal.

    Freemasonry is a cult infiltrating every religion by any means necessary and then taking them down from the inside and attempting to unite the world under there way.

    [Don't believe me? Do your own research on masonry, and then you will realise how deep this rabbit-hole goes; way beyond just sikhi]

  15. There are different types of Jews. You get your normal Jews which you see everyday, they are no real bother to Muslims, but the Jews which practice Kaballah (dark rituals), zionists etc, are the one's that threaten Islam and every other religion for that matter since they are planning global domination of Judaism.

    Anyway let us dive into the past, if there is an explicit biblical explanation for this conflict, it goes all the way back to Abraham. The Jews are descendants of Abraham’s son Isaac. The Arabs are descendants of Abraham’s son Ishmael. With Ishmael being the son of a slave woman (Genesis 16:1-16) and Isaac being the promised son who would inherit the blessings of Abraham (Genesis 21:1-3), obviously there would be some rivalry between the two sons. As a result of Ishmael’s mocking Isaac, Sarah talked Abraham into sending Hagar and Ishmael away. Likely, this caused even more contempt in Ishmael’s heart towards Isaac. An angel prophesied to Hagar that Ishmael would "live in hostility toward all his brothers" (Genesis 16:11-12).

    The Qur'an contains somewhat contradictory instructions for Muslims regarding Jews. At one point it instructs Muslims to treat Jews as brothers and at another point commands Muslims to attack Jews who refuse to convert to Islam. The Qur’an also introduces a conflict as to which son of Abraham was truly the son of promise. The Hebrew Scriptures say it was Isaac. The Qur’an says it was Ishmael. The Qur’an teaches that it was Ishmael whom Abraham almost sacrificed to the Lord, not Isaac. This debate over who was the son of promise is the the reasons for the hatred & hostility today between Jews and Muslims.

    A lot of those people the OP [Khalasthan86] mentioned are extremely rich & famous, and belong to sub-cults of Judaism where only celebs, influential people and other top people of the world may join. They are part of secret societies such as masonry etc.

    But as you mentioned everything comes down to intelligence and Muslims lack it. They follow there faith blindly without understanding outer sources and other view points. Jews have been prominent and wealthy always, they were secretly the Knight Templars which posed as Christian Crusaders to gain access to the Temple of Solomon to find a godly power on Earth, weather it was the "Holy Grail", head of "Goat of Mendes" or something else, those secret Jews found something which brought them an extreme amount of power & wealth, however pride & ego got the better of them and a lot of them were eventually executed. Anyway without trailing of the main point, I shall stop with the history lesson.

  16. Farlah has 2 meaning: fountain of knowledge & nishan sahib.

    Originally in the times of Guru Gobind Singh, Farlah indicated leaders (of there squad) on the battle field. Thus a leader obviously had to be someone who is exceptional in Shastar Vidiya in the eyes of the Guru. Those leaders had the right to carry the nishan sahib into battle and wear it upon there dhumalla, which is much easier to carry than in your hands.

    In current times, due to the lack of war; Buddha Dal also appoints Farlah to Nihang Singhs who simply have good amounts of knowledge.

    I'd just like to note that there is a line between equality. When battling the enemy, you don't see them as your equal brother and let them kill you. Equality has a line, so people must stop thinking everything is equal BECAUSE IT REACHES A POINT WHERE IT ISN'T.

  17. I hate to burst your bubbles but Khalistan will fail. The average Sikh has no idea how this game of politics is played, you lot are blissfully unaware. You wish to trade and use the trade-system of other countries to generate money & a currency, well then be prepared to use the corrupt political system we live in & with that will come the corrupt people.

    Khalistan is one mans idea who despised Hindu's, 1984 wouldn't of occurred if he didn't take such dramatic action, that's for sure. However even if we did somehow manage to get Khalistan we may not be under the shoes of India, but we'd be under the shoes of the elite of this world. Not that I'm criticizing Bhindrawale, but he played into the hands of Indra Gandhi. She wanted him to take action as he did, so she would have the justification for the attack on Sikhs.

    I am all for Khalsa independence, but when a man (with average intelligence) is given power, nothing good will come of it. Only a man with great intelligence (such as Guru Gobind Singh, Maharaj Ranjit Singh) attains power, they are able to actually do conjure something strategic will which provide results. Also for those who bad-mouth Hindus, you must realise that the Indian government have far strayed from there Hindu beliefs, they are not fighting for there beliefs but rather fighting for political control, wealth & power. Just like the (Vatican) Catholic Church has control over the majority of Christian people and feed them lies which Jesus him self never mentioned, the game of politics pulls out the worst of man, and the so called "sins" are the pathway to power.

    Sikhs are rebellious and have always been this way, we are like the protestants if comparing India to the Catholic Church. We are persecuted for not accepting there ways, the Indian government is not killing us because we aren't Hindus; it's because we will never accept them, and nor should we. Political power involves controlling the people, how can a government control it's people when some don't believe in them. There are 2 options for government; either bring them onto there side (i.e. convert the Sikhs to Hindu) or kill them of. We know killing of isn't always an option, so other means of converting are used.

    Anyway in conclusion everything comes down to politics. And most Sikhs are bad politicians because they lack the knowledge of how this corrupt system works. Not to mention once you become a player of the game of politics you must sell your self, and the true motto "the ends justifies the means" come out. Bhindrawale was a very bad politician.

  18. Fateh to all.

    Alchemy is never brought up, I can find no sources any where about it. It is not ritualism but rather spiritualism when one understands the deeper meaning and understanding our body.

    Don't confuse yourself with thinking the alchemy stuff turning metals into gold, that is the stuff which all the unacknowledged ones will speak of. It is true, alchemy is a lot to do with manipulating substances and changing forms, something can't be created form nothing, but rather something can be converted from one to the other. Just like energy today, we burn oil which is turns provides dense steam which turns dynamos which generates kinetic energy which generated a current, which is electricity. However staying on the main point, alchemy is basically chemistry but in the older times the word chemistry did not exist and Chemistry is purely to do with the Science ignoring the spiritualism.

    Understanding of alchemy at higher levels start referring to being able to access higher states of conciousness levels, understanding alchemy which is a lot to do with spiritualism and our connection with each and every human and planet it self. A lot of Sikhs do yoga which is turn can allow chakra to flow more freely, even to the extent of rapid repair of the body, and it all relates to the ancient alchemy. I can't explain too much because we would be here all week, but original alchemy from works of Netwon, Galileo, Da Vinch etc are indeed linked with spirituality and they were alchemists. People always talk about Newtons work of Physics, however his work on Alchemy is often overlooked.

    Something else I found interesting was: we know as Sikhs we are very close to the metal; iron "Sarbloh", we have a granth "Shri Sarbloh Granth"/ The Iron Scriptures/ The All-Light Scriptures. However iron is also one of the important base substances alchemists worked with, and the spiritual iron properties are very unique.

    - It has often intense energy, which brings dynamic power to all it encounters

    - It increases psychic ability, as well as motion and power in the physical realm

    - It also responsible for the muscular system, male sexual organs, and purging of the body to create health

    Anyway interesting subject, which I'd like to bring to light. I have my opinions, alchemy is very interesting to me. However what are your personal opinions since this spoken little of? We are spiritual beings having a human experience and not human beings having a spiritual experience, which coincides at deeper levels with every major religion including Sikhi, which if you come to think of it, makes perfect sense in relation to the God phenomenon.

  19. You should have just said "Hanji Uncle Ji. Whatever you say", and just continued doing the seva. Mona or not, he was older than you. You should've just let him feel good about himself and you should have taken the higher ground. You know how these jokers like to impose themselves on the younger generation.

    Also, you seem to be awfully proud of your status as a Gursikh. Where's the humility? As much as you are correct about having chosen the correct path years before uncle ji, it's not becoming of a Sikh to have that kind of pride.

    I know, I over reacted a bit. But I tried to fix it at the end, by saying smiling at him & then saying "Goodbye" as I noticed he was leaving, to show there's nothing between us. Then he just turns his face the other way as I smile and before I even get a chance to speak, and walks of.

    I don't mind about the incident of the complaint, it's his opinion, it's just he did this rant in completely the wrong place & time.. C'mon, if you want to complain to me, at least do it after, while I'm not busy.

    But the question still remains? Should I be giving out parshaad how I am, or putting it into peoples hands?

  20. Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh.

    OK so today I was giving out parshaad, and when I do it I kinda let it drop into there hands (not to far above), since I don't like to touch people's hands and carry there juthe, as I give it out.

    Anyway as I'm giving, in the middle of the darbaar sahib and this comittee member "mona" starts complaining to me, saying you shouldn't drop parhsaad like that, I explained to him very kindly (and in a low voice, to not draw everyone in) about why I don't want to carry juthe and that's why I kinda let it fall into there hands, and he starts laughing IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DARBAR SAHIB (speaking in his full-tone voice) saying "I've been going to gurudwara for 40 years, I know" & starts laughing.

    Then I say to him, well every gurudwara I've been to, all the gursikhs avoid touching other people's hands, that's what I've noticed anyway, it makes sense so i try and do it.

    But it just annoys me, how in the middle of the darbar sahib just because he's part of the comittee, he think's he right, a "mona" starts saying I'm doing it wrong a "Dumala wala Singh", and when I explain to him about juthe, he says clearly "I DON'T CARE, this is how your supposed to do it I know I've been going for so many more years to Gurudwara than you, forget about the others", and starts laughing. (You hear me right, he said "forget about the others" referring to Gursikhs)

    I kept my self cool, and then carried on giving parshaad out. I was going to say "You been coming here 40 years, do you even understand 1 thing that is said in the Guru granth sahib, before even attempting to question me", but I didn't.

    Sorry I just had to tell someone, and vent my feelings. Who is right then, in the sense of giving out parshaad??

    P.s. And at the end, as I was eating langar on the floor, he walked past me, I looked up at him and gave him a smile to try and be the better person "so he wouldn't hold a grudge " and he just turned his face away.

    P.s. not that it matters, but I'm 18, and he's probably in his "late 40's" / 50's

  21. Wahehguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

    I just created this wallpaper (visit my DeviantArt link, for full wallpaper sizes) http://astral-nihang...-Lion-194863755


    But I'd like to give credit to the original drawer (in my DeviantArt), I found this image in a small format quite a while ago. I enlarged it, and modified it.

    So If anyone knows who created this/link of original pic, I'd appreciate it thanks.


    And p.s. I hope you enjoy my wallpaper :D

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