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Posts posted by H4RPAL

  1. the colour of the dastaar(yeh am learnin new words:D ) symbolize anything


    The colour Blue is associated with the Khalsa, Nihangs and the Akali Dal political party in India.

    The colour orange is associated with shaheedi, and the Khalsa.

    To illustrate. During the Akali agitations, where the Indian Government was concerned that Akalis may defame them infront of media during the commonwealth games prior to teh events of 1984, they arrested all people they could find with blue dastaars in case they were associated with the Aksali Dal Party. Also, blue is the colour predominantly worn by Nihangs, and in particular a very dark shade of blue. It is suggseted taht this is the case because if sucha costume got bloody in battle, it would be hard to determine whether the stain was blood or sweat, and thus the enemy would not know if you were injured. To what extent this applies to the dastarr is questionable though.

    To illustrate the colour orange, the story of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale comes to mind, as he usually wore a blue dastaar, but when the army attacked Harmandar Sahib, he wore an orange one to show them he had no fear of death.

  2. i say kill em get sum inghs together pplll tha warr izz onnn moffooooooo


    Why exactly??? Besides, the fate of these fools is already worse than death- it's not exactly as if 'religion' for them is a search for the truth anyway.


    no questions please, they hurt me brain

    jus kill them


    will do...straight away....they'll be deader than your brain-cells before you can say........

  3. No i am not gay!  :) @

    Here is a better pic of him  LOL.gif   LOL.gif


    Modi, what big lips you have..........."all the better to talk hateful rubbish with"

    Modi, what a big nose you have...... " all the better to sniff out those who do not comply with the demands of the Hindutva regime, and eliminate them"

  4. The blood would have been from the Panj Pyare, and as APDF stated, there was an Moghul Spy who wrote an account as an eye-witness. Sorry for any misunderstandings if your comment was directed at me, although I realised the story did not correspond to your beliefs after I asked you to give your account.

    Hope everything has been answered, or if not, please feel free to ask more.

  5. mainly these arguments were made by the Government? (could someone tell me who was in charge at that time? was it Gandhi or Singh Jee?)

    The link is very helpful, thank you so much!

    Very interesting information here.

    So basically there is an argument between the ignorant/non-learned people against the Sikhs? Meaning, all Sikhs believe Sant Jee to NOT be a terrorist?

    Good Information, Thanks a bunch sangat!



    The arguments were made both by Government and biased media. At the time, Indira Ganhi was in charge, and then Rajiv Gandhi at the height of such false accusations.

    Also, the argument is not limited to Sikhs vs the ignorant. Many non-sikh writers have seen the truth (A.R Darshi, Joyce Pettigrew (not sure, but I think so), and Cynthia Mahmood). On the other hand, many Sikhs too are ignorant, and thsu the line is not as claer cut as you suggested. Biased media reporting and a Government steadfast in maligning the image of a hero can do wonders to defame.

  6. Me too- but for once the Bibi has a point- what Sikh would give up their religion rather than fight for justice. While it is clear caste is still an issue, perhaps these new Christians would have been better off trying to end that rubbish instead of running away.

    A Sikh without the heart to fight discrimination is one thing, but they surpassed even this lowly state they decided they woudl no longer be Sikhs either.

    However, this does not mean that we should not be disgusted by the actions of the SGPC, and the issues which led to this farcical situation.

  7. it do not bother us if few peopel oppose us on this website. Nihang BabaNidar Singh and Nihang Teja Singh will fight against fake sikhs with full strength. <banned site filter activated> is doing great job. no one is there to stop it now.

    it is so funny that akj is supporting bhai amritpal singh and his website. AKJ Chandigarh must know that bhai amritpal singh is welknown for his anti-women  LOL.gif ideas. he do no allow any girl in his classes.  LOL.gif he do not attend phonecalls of girls.  LOL.gif he do not reply to emails of women.  LOL.gif he do not like even to talk to any women.  LOL.gif in this situation it is so funny that akj is supporting such a person on other side akj stands for equality for women.  LOL.gif

    hola mahalla cd of bhai amritpal singh is a evidence that he is close to balbir singh nang. there is no other need to prove it.


    Nihang Gajjar Ji, you are truly an <banned word filter activated>. Why do you complain so much about organisations such as RSS being (quite rightully) defamed on other threads, and yet on this thread, you reffer to the Jathedar of a faction of the Budha Dal as a nang?

    Sort your own foolishness out before you preach to others.


    Enough said... Topic Closed.

  8. Not as far as I know.

    He still is the chief Minister of Guhjrat I believe. Hindu fascists of RSS-Type mentality were keen to have him in the UK, and draw attention to their Hindutva beliefs before the general election so that the Political parties here would become more aware of their crazy demands, and try to accomodate them.

    Unfortunately for them, it didn't quite work out

  9. Waheguru je ka khalsa

    Waheguru je ke Fateh Sangat ji,

    A close Paji to me, who comes on this  forum a lot, has found his true love, guys... he has found his guru ji, but he has one problem, he cannot wait till August or whenever, he Wants to take Amrit, he wants to give his sees to guru ji and take the Gift of Amrit...

    Its Vaisakhi time khalsa jio, if you know of any Amrit Sanchars gong on in the UK, nearby your city or somewhere in the UK (preferbley Up North), but he is willing to come anywhere in the UK .. Please Post guys.. asap?


    Luv y'all...

    Waheguru je ka khalsa

    Waheguru je ke Fateh


    Today at GNP Gurdwara Coventry, I think its at 2:00pm

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