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Posts posted by GrimReaper

  1. I don't know what you mean?

    I know what happened in the past.

    I been many many times and have also spent many months travelling when I was a student, In Punjab, you don't get a very high level of annomisty amongst the average Singh. Whereas in the west it is different, they say sikhs are ALWAYS hard done by, but they are the most prosperous community in the whole of India. Punjab is majority Sikhs, and is one of the richest states. Definetly it has the best infastructure in the country, even sub-continent. They are the facts.

    I just wanted to get an impression of what the residents thought, as many Sikhs I talk too in UK always go on about how this and that is happening but have only visited once in their lives, some people have never ever been to Punjab but go on about what they heard or have read. LOOK I DON'T DENY CRIMES COMMITED AGAINST SIKHS, in the 80's / 90's. It was disgustingly wrong, culprits should be punished. But in 2010, I feel Sikhs are living happily.

    what i dont understand is the point of this thread,

    if you already came up with your own conclusion.. what else are you looking for?

    if you dont see the connection between the anger with a lot of sikhs and the fact that none of the instigators of the crimes you acknowledged have never been held responsible , i dont see how a few personal stories will change your mind.

  2. get a part-time job... save up... then go. Pretty simple.

    you have a saroop at your house, one can assume your family is to some degree religious.

    So take one of your parents with you.

    The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. "Bob Moawad"

  3. What are you looking to achieve? Bulking up? Shed weight? etc.

    Most my routines are based around this fundamental concept: (this is not a begginers routine, theres only two rest days making it stressful on the body, If your just beginning to weight train I suggest formulating a routine which has a rest day every other day.)

    Day 1: Legs

    Day 2: Chest

    Day 3: Back

    Day 4: Rest

    Day 5: Shoulders

    Day 6: Arms

    Day 7: Rest

    Not to say this routine is set in stone but its the basis of what I do, once in a while I would switch it up (exercises/muscle group)

    What I do is two weeks of heavy lifting and one week of light, it allows for your body to rest from strainious workouts. Plus since i've been adding this 2/1 week system i noticed after my light week I push heavier weight.

    For diet im guessing your a vegetarian like me, it suggested you eat a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. But, I dont really think that much is necessary I weight about 205 and somedays I will get over 205g and some days I will get around 190g. Just try to eat clean a lot of fruits and veggies, Omega -3 oils, and a good multi-v because if the body lacks vitamins and minerals it can stunt your muscle growth. For protein I get simulated chicken breast from my local gorcery store its made out of soy and has 22g each piece so basically a lot of soy products, milk, nuts, etc.

    Oh yeah and get yourself a good whey protein, its a staple for a vegetarian bodybuilding diet.

    I probably left out a whole bunch of stuff, if i did just ask and ill try answering best my ability


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