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Posts posted by KaurKhalsaPanth

  1. Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh,

    Bhenji, I'd just like to say a few things. Firstly, the types of cases you have mentioned are so common and probably increasing all the time. Its a shame apparent "Amritdharis" fall to these levels and still consider themselves as Sikhs of Guru Gobind Singh Jee.

    However, if all this is occuring before marriage then its wrong and if one gets into relationships before marriage, then not only should they be prepared to endure all the pain, suffering and punishment that one will receive from this but most importantly and the most devastating thing ever, is to be prepared for what you will have to endure once you turn your back on the guru.

    This girl/boy problems before marriage are so common, its so disheartening and sad to know that singhs and singhnis that most people look up to indugle in such dirty and dishonorable behaviour. So first things first, avoid situations like these like POISON.

    The best advice is not to get into a relationship in the first place and once you give your head to the guru...make sure you give it properly and follow the path with discipline and love and like this you will never ever need to look to another. However, if this is happening after marriage then its a different story and should be dealt with appropriately as noone deserves to be abused in any way or another and if someone is, they should get help before the abuse escalates and before its too late.

    But if this is before marriage and one feels going to men with white beards is going to help its not, because when we take amrit we are told whats expected of us and if transgress then be prepared for all sorts of pain.

    Vaheguru Ang Sang

  2. Vaheguru Jee...

    Please forgive me for anything that offends anyone.

    I generally believe that it depends on what you are listening to....if it is just plain music which relaxes you or likewise then personally I believe there is no harm in listening to that at all to be honest.

    However if listening to music involves listening to songs then that is another distraction which will only stray you away from simran. This is because the majority of the songs have lyrics which will only enhance and cause the mind to wonder even more than it already wonders as the lyrics are angry,lustful etc....Im sure you catch my drift.

    Keertan,gurbani and simran is the way....leave all these songs behind and know that this isnt going to take you anywhere but is just another distraction in the wordl that we live in....

    Guru Arjun Dev Jee says:

    O my fascinating Lord, may I never listen to the faithless cynic, singing his songs and tunes, and chanting his useless words. ||1||Pause||

    A rehatnama by Bhai Nand Laal Jee mentions:

    Those who listen to dirty lyrics and lustful tunes with attention, listen Nand Lal Jee, they will be punished by the angel of death.;

    We should remember that whatever time we have, we should use it wisely and be careful of how we use it....the mind already wonders but fuelling it even more isn't going to help and things like songs only fuel that....at the end of the day every breath is being counted....so we must use our time here wisely

    Bhull Chuk Maaf Jee

  3. From personal experience...well dont count on it because this is probabaly what i just feel lol is that i find it better if i only have about 2.5 hours max sleep before amritvela.This is because I've found that the more I sleep before amrit vela then once i get up for amrit vela, I just kinda want to go back to sleep quickly again! I think this may be because I try to avoid getting into deep sleep before my amrit vela which allows me to feel a bit more awake and keep it going for a bit longer than usual. But thats because I have plenty of time to get my sleep after I've done my amrit vela....

    Well a few tips that I've found useful are:

    1) Keep a big glass of water next to you (although it may sound like a silly or normal thing one would do) lol....but I've found that drinking water throughout keeps me focused and helps me to stay awake and focused.

    2) Try and get motivated to increase simran time, one way this could be done is if you have others that you could do simran with. Another way would be to maybe do 20 minutes then simran, then another bani like shabad hazare and then more simran.....bani is amazing motivation to keep simran going.

    3) Getting too comfortable sometimes might be a hindrance and will just want to make you want to get into bed asap! For example doing amrit vela on your bed may not be a good idea if you currently do it although I tend to sit on my bed as i have laminated flooring. But if you have carpet sitting on the floor may help.

    4) Ive definitely found that the more one sleeps the more lazy they get, im not saying dont get a good amount of sleep but maybe assess how much sleep your body really needs?

    Sorry if this isn't helpful, but just a few things Ive found from my own experience

  4. Vaheguru Jee,

    When we are given naam and we are given a particular way to jap naam at the amrit sanchaar, it is wise to do it that way...nonetheless eventually one will realise that simran is way beyond, out of this closed box of a method of japping naam or a particular jugthi that simran must be done accordingly to because as per my understanding simran done with pyar is the highest and the most purest of jugti that Guru Sahib mentions is required for a true devotee...everything else and getting nitty gritty with "do it this way...no that way is wrong and that is right" doesn't seem something like Guru Jee is advocating...Forgive me jee for any mistakes, however I am only saying as per my understanding which is falliable.

    It all comes down to the pyar and shardaa one has when doing simran....once this is understood then any jugthi is acceptable. When naam is given at an amrit sanchaar by Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaj no matter whether it is at an akj,ddt amrit sanchar and whatever method is promoted......if pyar is there then that is the highest of all and the first and utmost requirement. Therefore, my point was to reiterate the fact that it is not right to condone anyone just because they are not doing simran a particular way as every individual's journey is different and special. Again.... as one advances in simran they will begin to realise that simran is beyond this and the question then comes down to who is doing the simran.

    Bhull Chuk Maaf

  5. Gupto Jee,

    Any method that you use to meditate upon Naam-Waheguru is simran, any jugti that one decides to take will be a decision left to the individiual but most importantly the method of recitation of Waheguru will begin to develop and change as you reach higher avasthas. The naam jugthi that is taught at amrit sanchars is not of great importance in my opinion because this is a just method for you to begin at and develop on, the most important thing is that naam is given at all amrit sanchars irrelevant of which jatha is taking the seva....

    The jugthi promoted by Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh was a method of japping naam which made it easier and simpler for a person to bring Gurmantar from recitation from the mouth to the heart centre...leading to saas giraas simran, letting the individual savour the sweetness of naam throughout the day and letting one listen to the dhuni of Waheguru....

    As I've mentioned before as long as naam is given at amrit sanchars, the method shouldn't be debated as naam is naam and simran is simran at the end of the day. In addition to this, although many amrit sanchars do not give this method of simran, this is not relevant since as a gursikh continues to work hard at his abiyaas he will find that he goes beyond all these methods of simran and reaches a new profound level of simran.

    This is just what I've gathered, forgive me for any mistakes.

  6. Facebook nowadays has become a disease amongst many people...

    Although it has many benefits such as keeping in touch with friends, getting up to date information about events and so on alongside this it has become a big distraction for many people. When people seem to get time out of their busy lives, the things people first think of doing are logging into facebook and catching up with other people's lives which may include gossip and a whole of information which is best if not known to some people.

    If someone decides to open a facebook account they should weigh the pros and cons of it and ask themselves the reason they really using it for.... if its occassional use just to see whats going on then thats ok but if it then turns to online flirting, messaging and spreading hate between people then one should reflect over their actions once again. Also facebook has shown to spoil many friendships and so on so people should use it with care.

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