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Posts posted by Khoolasice

  1. Khoolasice, thank you for wishing to support the Sikhs in Punjab, India.

    In regards to trust and accountability, Khalsa Aid has launched over 19 international aid relief programs over the last 11 years.

    While we may have crititcs (mostly on Sikhsangat!), with Guru kirpa no one has ever been able to question the transparency of our projects in relation to funds and its usage. Recently two projects come to mind which demonstrate this, one was when Akbal Singh and another Singh donated for a water pump in Haiti and money for a dharmi fauji, we have published two videos which show the seva carried out as required by the donors.

    With most charities the amounts donated would not have even covered weekly costs/wages etc let alone make it over to Haiti and Punjab (CEO of International Red Cross earns over 500k a year!)

    In most projects it is members of the sangat who volunteer to go on international projects (we dont have paid relief workers), and these people who usually not known to us can verify the work carried out. If anyone wishes to do seva but not donate money, donate your time, why not approach Khalsa Aid and register your interest to volunteer abroad, all we ask is that you help raise funds for your costs (tickets etc).

    For over 10 years Khalsa Aid was ran completely voluntarily, and even now have only one paid worker (for all admin, banking, supervise all curent projects etc).

    In regards to sponsoring Sikh children and/or Dharmi Fauji, anyone who sponsors can have direct access with the families to confirm the seva, in fact we actively encourage donors to meet with the families if they travel to Punjab.

    Khalsa Aid,

    Thank you for you reply, please don't misunderstand me, I am not accusing you of anything.

    I would just prefer to try and help in a small way directly.

    For the sake of clarity, how much of every Pound received by you actually goes to the needy?

  2. I would also like to help in a small way but I too have seen the way our 'Leaders' behave and that is why I am also hesitant to give money to Sikh Orgs.

    This may provoke a negative response but I am comfortable with my views.

    I have seen the self-serving corruption of Gurdwara Committees with my own eyes.

    I have seen a once devout Sikh familly convert to Christianity because the Vicar was the ONLY spiritual help this familly could get.

    But I too would like to 'Adopt' a Sikh familly in Punjab and KhalsaAid ought to have no qualms about furnishing the details of one familly so that I could verify for myself and help directly.

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