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Posts posted by Beginner

  1. Gurbani tells us to follow the truth which is the naam. Gurbani is for all faiths. Yes to be a true Muslim one must follow the Koran which means (for a muslim) to submit your mind body and soul to Allah. When one takes Amrit from panj pyare one has to do the same (submit to Guru Ji with mind body and soul).

    The name Mohammad is only specifically mentioned in Gurdas Ji's vaar

    Veer , can you specify which Vaar? I'm interested.

  2. WJK WJF

    The story of Bhai Manjh Singh is a beautiful one. They were put through a lot of tests, and even spoken to disrespectfully (for testing purposes) but they showed great Nimartha and never wavered, their love for the Guru still going strong.

    Link: http://www.panthic.org/articles/5093

    I was hoping for some inspiration trough other stories like this. Sometimes saints may swear at a disciple on purpose to test them, but the disciple is still unwavering in their love. Any stories from the jeevans of hose such as Bhai Nand Lal Ji, Bhai Gurdas Ji, Baba Isher Singh Ji?

    Another example is when Bhagat NamDev Ji was sworn at by a man, but Bhagt Ji responded with Khoob Theri Pagri, Mithe There Bol (its in gurbani) as they saw tht it was actually God who had taken that form.

  3. Just anything to do with them. I know Sant Mian Mir Ji laid the foundation of Harimandir Sahib, Sri Guru Ram Das Ji (I think) also showed great reverance for Sri Chand Ji, and many Muslims and Hindus fought for Khalistan in 84. Any other examples? And also, how did these great souls stay true to their own faiths and not feel as if they were abandoning their own faiths by pledging their head to the Guru as well?

  4. or were they just brainwashed?

    \I was watching a movie where a guy killed a soldier on the opposing army as he was surrendering, and I though that was justice done until I thought that the guy was probably just brainwashed by his ruler to attack them. It then got me thinking of our history, and how we fought the Mughals. Were their soldiers inherently evil, or just brainwashed? Would they do the things they did if they knew the real story? Cuz im guessing they wouldn;t had they known of the Guru's greatness. OR was it more like the police in 1984 where they knew what they were doing, where they knew Sikhs were innocent but they didn't stop and thus had to be killed?

    Also, any case where we killedd an unarmed soldier? I tihnk i may recall a story where someone was stoned to death by us? I might be incredibly wrong.

  5. A collection of his writings are in a book, and some of the English translations say this (they're accurate):

    "i saw nothing in chanting Ram, and i saw nothing in books"

    "If there were another God besides You, what would it be?

    If it were that way, then what would it be?

    If it were this way, then what would it be?"

    "My lips wont utter Ram,

    My Ram recites me,

    I have found peace, Kabira!"

    These are poems of Bhagat Kabir Ji translated to English. I'm really looking for help in understanding them. Thanks!

    For more of an idea of where its from, this is the book http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://dipti.ragadesign.in/sites/default/files/styles/gallery_img/public/06%2520Ghat%2520Ghat%2520Kabir%2520%257C%2520the%2520kabir%2520project.png&imgrefurl=http://dipti.ragadesign.in/interactive/kabir-project&h=679&w=983&sz=856&tbnid=y9ooiQAhqXJLAM:&tbnh=86&tbnw=125&zoom=1&usg=__2nACSN2efMTvZSCwedm22wHyw4c=&docid=x10Z1JySWWwadM&sa=X&ei=qF1XUdCoIeaIiALq3YCwDw&ved=0CEIQ9QEwBA&dur=190

  6. Sometimes maya and love can feel like one another. Ask yourself this: If she says something like "Oh, I don't like people who support Khalistan" or "I like to drink every now and then", will you still feel that love?

    Getting into relationships can be distracting, IMO, it can focus your heart away from God. THOUGH if its the right person, another spiritually-oriented person, it can help you both get further along your journey to God

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