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Posts posted by good

  1. Once upon a time The Gurdwara was place of worship where people went to see their Guru and find some peace of mind.....and now it place of business, where committee's find more and more new ways get Guru's Sunget to part with their money.

    Donation's are just not enough, they need to get as much as possible from Sunget because sorry to say Sunget have become (cash cows) for committees and Sunget hearts are so soft they keep on giving and still!, this is not enough!

    So they have came up with brand new idea to get even more money from Sunget, which I will posting very soon.

    When Guru should come first, money comes first and The Guru second, these are truly heart-breaking times.

    May Guru save us.

  2. these are turly sad times-Guru Nanak Gurdwara Edinburgh Committee in there have decided to waste £1038.00 on these two signs for the divan hall which is a waste of money and I say waste because we do not even need them. With Gurus kirpa we have a beautiful divan hall in Edinburgh and not a need for futher decoration. And when need to paint again the signs will need to pulled of the wall as they are stuck on with no more nails glue.

    This is blatant waste of Sangets moneys when that moneys could be easyily be spent on repairs in and around the Gurdwara. Futher more the committee said they asked the Sanget about this which is a lie.

    This done out of pure Ego!

    A humble request pls phone and ask the committee members,why the misuse of Sangets Moneys.

    President- Gurchan Singh Landa-07854 802 429.

    General Secretary-Kuldeep Singh Bhai-07917 563 202.

    Committees like these must be exposed!

    If there is of my Ego coming through. Pls forgive me.As Sikh of the Guru I must do the right thing other wise what is the point of wearing Bana!

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  3. post-25997-0-67379000-1400444265_thumb.jpost-25997-0-67913400-1400443776_thumb.j

    these are turly sad times-Guru Nanak Gurdwara Edinburgh Committee in there have decided to waste £1038.00 on these two signs for the divan hall which is a waste of money and I say waste because we do not even need them. With Gurus kirpa we have a beautiful divan hall in Edinburgh and not a need for futher decoration. And when need to paint again the signs will need to pulled of the wall as they are stuck on with no more nails glue.

    This is blatant waste of Sangets moneys when that moneys could be easyily be spent on repairs in and around the Gurdwara. Futher more the committee said they asked the Sanget about this which is a lie.

    This done out of pure Ego!

    A humble request pls phone and ask the committee members,why the misuse of Sangets Moneys.

    President- Gurchan Singh Landa-07854 802 429.

    General Secretary-Kuldeep Singh Bhai-07917 563 202.

    Committees like these must be exposed!

    If there is of my Ego coming through. Pls forgive me.As Sikh of the Guru I must do the right thing other wise what is the point of wearing Bana!

  4. You make very good points Inderjits Ji, but to get on the radar and not to side lined, these kind of committees need to be named and shamed so they understand they just do what they want, even they want to do it, and stop the continued begging for money from sanget week in week out..

    so here is the names of the committee members and there numbers,pls a humble request to all my Bothers and Sisters, from a nobody, to phone or text and ask them why you doing this and when will it stop.

    A single person can only do so much, when there strength in number anything is possible.

    President-Gurchan Singh Landa-mob-07854 802 429

    Vice President-Kulbear Singh Bhai-mob-07917 563 202

    General Secretary-Kuldeep Singh Bhai-mob-07531 253 473.

    Only action from all of all us, will make things change.

  5. Thank you for your views and respect them all.

    We as Sikhs of Guru we need to band together and expose these committees, (name and shame.

    These kinds of committees can not as they please and manipulate Gurdwara funds and Sanget.

    As for the youth,sorry to say have not courage to do what is right, which sadly include Singhs in Bana.

    That is why this issue is ended up here,looking for Help from my Cyber Bothers and Sisters.

  6. Shameless Gurdwara committee continue to asking Sanget for moneys to get things fixed in Gurdwara.

    Question needs to asked what Is happening to monthly donation's?

    I always thought monthly donations given for upkeep, I was wrong!

    That money is getting saved up for a sparkling year end report to show how well the Committee has done, when the Gurdwara is getting more and more down.

    Pls humble request to all brothers and sister Pls ask the committee why this happening because continue to be the Bad guy in all of this, because I am only one asking the questions.

    Pls I need your help.
    Pls forgive my big ego and any mistakes I have done..

  7. Should we name and shame Gurdwara committee Members who do as they please in the Gurdwara.

    Today was truly a sad day Edinburgh, Guru Nanak Gurdwara committee members allow other committee members to have there Langer in there Shoes and when they where questioned, they said it was allowed.
    kuljug times indeed!
  8. I am looking to write a letter to the Gurdwara comminttee regarding this issues,but need to be diplomatic.

    I need help.

    Where would i start from?

    I need the comminttee understand,what they are is wrong without sounding patronising.

    I also what add a time scale to the letter,how would i do that?

    Pls help.

  9. I am looking for some advice, at my local Gurdwara they announce local commununity functions such as-

    Mens partys (badgi,all mens party at a hall).

    Ladies sunget (all ladies party at a hall).

    Is this right?

    Are we going to the Gurdwara to be close to GURU or is it place where we can find out what is happening localy?.

    What do think?

    What if anything, i should do?

    Pls a hubble Benti only sensible help and advise pls as i need a starting point i can go foward with.

  10. WJKK WJKF,I some help with something,offen i have seen color throwing at engagements,from the Girls family on to the Boys family and the color is orange.

    Q1.Is this a ritual?

    Q2.Where dose it come from?

    Q3.Is it Sikism or something else?

    Q4.As an Amritdhari,what dose it all mean?

    please help i will be very greatful.

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