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Posts posted by Hammertime007

  1. come on man 15 and a 16 yr old girl walking around like that in this day n age somethings bound to happen also to say this was celebrating eid thats a despicable reply ..... but the guy who said they were 'sl4g$' is just a dumb4$$ !!

    If the government was to change that there could be uproar about who they go around deporting tbh they have become a seperate entity with their own rules !

    The Tories advocate for a "British Bill of Human Rights" rather than bogus so called European Human Rights Laws.

    Theres many cases where illegal immigrants who commit crime inthe uk cant be deported, most ive read are Muslims, Iraqi and Nigerian types.

  2. interesting stuff "Hammertime007", u remember me n u discussed shere panjab on another thread under my old username of "KopSingh"? Yea man, that sarfraz manzoor is from luton, jus like me, i actually met him few months back in our L & D hospital funny enough.

    I cant help but think that if boy channa is correct that daytimer gigs did indeed stop coz of Shere Panjab, then SP have done us all proud, even though im a massive bhangrahead, who if i was a teenager in those days, probably wudda either been part of SP or dancing away inside. But also interestingly in those days isnt it funny sikh/muslim girls all were on the same level, in terms of there parents were of the same strictness, yet now, it seems our girls can get away with everything, yet muslims r still stuck in that old strictness, which is good for them. But havin sed that, muslim girls nowadays, r becomin just as loose as any other girl (Judging by luton & brum). Even in those days muslim girls were dancing away, as the janani in the article stated. interestin stuff.

    Oh by the way i thought i'd add this, duno if u guys think its irrelevant, but ill post it anyways, it talks bowt the explosion of bhangra and the daytimers, n talks 2 a girl 2 on teh subject.

    Muzzie girls are at it read this ...............but our punjabi youth dont have day timers anymore too much azzadi


  3. WOW!!! tremendous stuff khalsa ji "Hammertime007", u notice also how the janani at the end (newleywed) sed how important it is for them 2 teach their kids panjabi/sikhi, and also that old Buddhi who was sayin how before eating in the morning u shud naam jap etc, jus shows u how time has changed, coz as u have noticed NONE of them look like amritdharis, yet if that programme was filmed 2day in 2012, u wud expect only amritdhari/very religious family 2 say those things. Also regarding the anand karaj, i dont kno bowt u, but ive never been 2 a anand karaj/sikh wedding when the darbar wasnt packed, its always 100% capacity. Altho in india, its disgusting how only 10-15ppl wil attend the anand karaj, rest r at the hall gettin fat n drunk, luckily (in my experience) ive never witnessed that mentality here in england, long may it continue.

    I agree with india it a disgrace that hardley anyone goes to the Anand Karaj, people who come from uk or canada for weddings india usually do.

    Uk is much better.

    Though this is good programme im surprised it was doen up north, the West Midlands would of been better and more for me to watch and more interesting.

  4. dont u mean BURQA broadcasting corporation?

    since monday, all the topics have practically centred around muslims, thats all they friggin talk about!

    I prefer them not to about Sikh issues most are biased, with their in house caller so called jasminder who is rss in disguise, SCUM

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