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Posts posted by m4ndy

  1. I think some Sikhs think that just because they are not amritdhari that rules don't apply to them so they think they can get away with doing anything, so the whole perception changes in their minds. One needs to have a shower with knowledge or there ain't no hope and people might as well convert because they were not Sikhs in the first place as they don't live a Sikh lifestyle, have no knowledge at all. I think some Sikhs find the lifestyle hard maybe or they just like doing bad things I guess. That's a tough question to answer.

  2. I think you are trying to move to fast to change the negativity. Rather than taking big steps take smaller steps like a journey and have breaks in between of what you like doing in your spare time which is something positive. Look at where you are now in life and where you would like to be. Once you have thought about that then you can measure the time in between and what you need to do in practice to get where yu want to be.

    Only positive thinking and positive peoplearound you will help you on your journey to where you want to be. Noone said life is easy but it's a challenge that's why makes it exciting and then you have to adapt to that new change. Think about what your current life does and ralise negativity it creates are you happy in that? Try writing down what you want to change and the ways in which that can help you to lead a good Sikh lifestyle.

    Remember we are all here because we went through 8.4 million life forms even this human life is tough can you really re live all the dukh and sukh again? a Sikh is a learner we all make mistakes but mistakes are good noone is perfect but it means we can learn from mistakes and better ourselves as individuals so that society looks at us different and recognizes oh yeah Sikhs are good people who help out anyone regardless of who or where they come from.

    Be strong and never let anyone take you down, change will happen over time when you soon become to realize the true clean way of life.

  3. Clearly lacking in knowledge of Sikhism. just because someone is born into a Sikh family doesn't neccessarly make them Sikhs. why should it matter what school a child goes to if the child is intelligent he or she will succeed. converting to another religion just to get a place at the school is beyond belief. The father clealry has no knowledge himself and is passing the same info he has to his kid it's not right at all.

    actions have consequences right and wrong and now the family will deal with the consequences of their decision to convert that child.

  4. That's a tough question to answer. I don't think we are seperate from the mind, have you heard that saying always listen to the heart and not mind. Probably because the mind is full of bad things in a person and the heart leads you to do right things. In terms of sikhi we are connected to the mind because we were placed in this body so we are connected to what comes with it hence people with disabilities. Our soul inside is whats real then when it's placed in a certain body then all the parts inside and out are connected to form a humans behaviour in a certain way.

    I hope that makes some sort of sense, I hope I helped answer what your looking for :D

  5. I heard that if it's for medical reasons then it's ok. the reason it should be ok to have this operation (I have never heard of that kind of operation so I googled what it is) is because if it's affecting your health then you will need to have it done it says on the website that skin needs to be take off, but if that's the only way you will get better then there cannot be no other solution it's not as if your doing to get rid of it on purpose.

    I'm guessing your amritdhari, if you are in doubt you could always ask the panj pyare just to be on the safe side but I don't see why you can't go ahead with this operation due to medical reasons and no other for personal gain like plastic surgery or something then that would be wrong...

    I hope I helped.

  6. But that's what I said above not in all cases educated at home or not. Sikhism doesn't teach us to hate any religion but to respect all if we don't then really we are just going to spread hatred ourselves and the cycle will continue.

    people should know better if relationships before marriage are banned then why don't girls realise this? It's common sense not rocket science.

  7. Well it's all about education within families about Sikhism, probably 90% will not elope with Muslims in the first place due to education at home. 10% however will probably easily get converted due to the lack of educatin recieved at home but this is not always the case.

    People nowdays do not go by logic or common sense. Now it's all about fitting into society I want to hang with that certain group of friends because they are popular, many friends does not bring happiness all it will do is make you hang around with the wrong crowd who do wrong things. This is when it starts going to wrong way where people will start having boyfriends oh and you will get that speech oh I love him so much pathetic!

    Not all some girls need to grow up and realise that these people Muslim extremists will do anything to convert eyes need to be opened and realise people mean business. The overall strength to overcome this is our great ancestors who stood up and fought against this. Really it's individual choice if people don't realise then whats the point they should know better.

    Even in the Quran is says to convert people into islam an plus is said non belivers of Islam are dogs. They are calling us dogs already. I got nothing against any religion but when it's ataacking Sikhism or our people what do they expect a shake in the hand? The method of violence is knowledge and raise the sword when all means fail.

  8. I'm not from London so i just want to clarify is it that big gurdwara that's recently been made on the corner in southall?

    Firstly speed dating sounds a bit like a club type thing where probably there are loads of women and men who check people out, I think it's wrong and advertising it in the gurdwara, some less educated people are going to think it's ok...

    To use the money from the golak to find this is wrong it should be used for gurmat purposes only.

    What is wrong with people today? If it ain't money it's abuse!

    Meant fund type error

    Meant fund type error

  9. I don't live in London, but I went to southall for a visit I was quite shocked by the number of Asian people that live there. One of then long streets reminded me of soho road here in handsworth but anyway I didn't understand why a gurdwara is located right where lot of beadbi goes on. It's like a club atmosphere but outside never seen so many people. When I did visit I seen that pub on the side and heard like actors were going there and people using the gurdwara car park. Wonder who decided to open a gurdwara where there is a lot of chaos going on. I did see like 6,2 black men hanging around I thought he was going to rob my bag dangerous city London is never again am I going back but I'd do anything to help the guy if he is going to turn it into a religious place :D

  10. The world has bigger problems than some girl crying over some boy. People are dying of starvation poverty, guru ji beadbi going on everywhere I'm not trying to be harsh but it's reality relationships shouldnt even happen before marriage and then Noone would have any problems of this kind. what is love everyone departs from this world, the only true love is with god.

    Tell her arranged marriages are there for a reason tell her to respect her family... Just tell her to accept and move on and consentrate on whats best.

  11. See I come from a jatt family background but I know better not to discriminate against people because jatt people ain't all perfect who is only god can judge. So what right do people have creating caste related gurdware what is that showing the generation today? Bhangra so be are another factor destroying our great belifs in Sikhism all this caste related songs lustful stuff it's not good and our people are to blame.

    The major factor is culture/ traditions they need to stop so we can move forward from this. Caste is like a job title are people going say this person works in mcdonalds so I got to find someone who works in mcdonalds to marry them off. It's stupid when you think about it in reality.

    Bhagat ravidass was a great man whose bani is in Sri guru Granth sahib ji so when we bow before guru ji we are bowing down to the bhagats as well. So the people who are stuck in the caste system read upon our great history and sort out traditions and lead the true way of life.

  12. I have a lot of questions about this subject because it's intreasting to know about life after death and the time before one was born. Not many people like talking about death but it's a fact of life which is certain for everyone.

    8.4 million life forms is quite a lot, is this our first time here as humans because if we calculate when Sikhism first began minus that from our birth year, is that how long it took to complete 8.4 life forms?

    It's only a matter of time before the soul gets tired since only the body changes but the soul stays the same which is why some people are born with disabilities from the past actions in previous life. so in effect the soul is actually immortal since the whole of humanitys aim is to merge with god, otherwise we face the hurt again in life forms and carrying out duties to one another. Rebirth and death will keep carrying on then we will see the gate of rebirth and begin the cycle again.

    Why is this 8.4 so exact? Aren't some animals becoming extinct what happens then? Is being an animal close to be born a human again? And being insects is the lower chain of the cycle? Why is it we don't remember the actions of the previous life?

  13. It does exist many Sikhs can turn a blind eye and say they don't believe in the caste system, but obviously people do. Look at individual families you will see that most are married within the caste system.

    Why- well caste is relate to culture and traditions you get these at weddings the groom will wear whats related to his caste it's nothing to do with religion. it's the way certain caste people will carry out certain traditions but hey most of them are Hindu related still people have not stopped including rakhri lhori and many other traditions. it's almost like a shame if one higher caste marries a lower why there it is again culture/tradition. If everyone was to follow the true way of Sikhism and hit out rituals then we would all be like a big family. Rather than look at caste look beyond and see the light of god shines in all. So look out for who is good not the label.

  14. Woah what you done! This is bad omg I have never known anyone who has had intercourse before marriage you lost your purity as a Sikh woman bad times. Having a relationship with a guy before marriage is bad enough but going the full way your only option is to marry him but if the guys family don't want you to marry him if they know as well you have done it then you lost. Il tell you that that guy didn't love you as what Sikh guy would have sex with a Sikh girl before marriage he should think if he had a sister and someone did that to her I guess he would like it. I'm sorry you are in such a situation I hope waheguru gives strenght to humanity on these type of issues

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