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Posts posted by SSM

  1. Ghumangee,get real, do you really think I would give my address to a pervert like you?

    Please think with your head!

    I am amritdhari and I have never slept with a Baba and neither do I plan to, thanks for all the advice though.

    Like I said before a person only knows what happens there if he has been there, you cna only know what really happens there if you have been there, thanks for sharing those events with us.

    Maybe we will hear more from you.

    Thanks for sending the email, you shouldn't have, I don't intend to keep that

  2. Ghumangee

    I do not want to talk to someone or read posts from someone who insults or tries to insult Baba Thakur Singh Ji. A true Sant, a true Sikh.

    You are nothing but filth.

    read Sukhmani Sahib, and what Guru Ji say about talking like this about sants.

    If you're so sure my Babbeh lie then why don't you go stand up and say what you think the truth is, who will listen to you? Who will accept your view and the insults you type about a Baba everyone has so much respect for? Which Sikh of the Guru will listen to your BS?

    No one! No Sikh.

    If those that type english are haram then what are you? You are using english letters!!

    Do you live in India.you must do, as you claim to be such a son then you surely would not leave Punjab!

    To do that in your opinion is absolute haram.

    You can type with punjabi font. Download it. If you cannot then stop coming online here because that's haram. Don't talk filth.

    Have you slept with a 'baba' when you were younger?

    Were you raped by a 'baba' when you were younger?

    Clearly you have, else you would not speak dirty! Clearly you have else you would not accuse me of this very act! Clearly you have else you would not be mental now at this age.

    Rape victims and those who have suffered at the hands of another man should contact someone for help.

    I don't see why you are still allowed on SS with the amount of dirt you typed. It's disgusting and you are a shame to sikhi.

    You're a shame to yourself.

    Get help and get it quick. Your posts from now on will be ignored my me unless I feel you need more help and advice.

  3. PSK you are right and M I agree, asking people to respect Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a waste especially when the people do not want to listen.

    I only want to ask, why do we not call Guru Gobind Singh GGS?

    Because he is human and not a book as some of us see Guru Granth Sahib?

    I'll end this here. You can make up your own minds and Manjot I guess you too have nothing better to do than to type posts that say ''I agree''.

  4. Lionchild, objects and places can be shortened to use initials only, not Guru Ji.

    Hey, take it easy there! It could have been an accident, ok? Have you even seen anyone refer to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji as the letters SGGS in a real life conversation? rolleyes.gif

    It could have been an accident, did I say he did that with any intention to insult?

    I'm not interested in a real life conversation because we are on sikhsangat and that is what I am talking about now.

  5. Ghumangee you are full of filth from the inside, your soul needs a good scrub.

    Women that go to a sants dera do not go there to have sex. I don't want to use that word here but I will, your post is sick. And who are you to come out with the firgure of 80%, do you have any experience there to share with the sangat?

    If you know so much about deras then surely you visited one or many and saw babae doing things with women.

    Full of filth and yet you call yourself a sikh.

    And if you love Punjabi so much why don't you change your font, you type Punjabi using English, you are using the English letters so why not the words?

    You need some help, get it!

  6. A person who says Waheguru once has done something good in life, he may have come for a sant but he went away with some naam in his soul, right?

    I do not deny the number of fake sants out there but there are real babas who preach sikhi and live to bring others into sikhi.

    That's all I have to say.

  7. This is way too silly now.

    All those people that cannot do anything but try to call sants fakes etc, I want to ask them, would as many people be sikhs today? Would as many people be sikhs today? And finally, would as many people be sikhs?

    You ask how it is possible for these sants to do any good yet you are not happy because sangat oftens comes to a Gurudwara when a sant has come. Is it not good that every sikh there has the chance to come to the Gurudwara even if that is to see a sant, point is a person comes.

    Something good comes out of this because as Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji Rara Sahib say that a person who brings another sikh close to God is amazing and one who takes a sikh away is the worst (not exact words).

    But these sants have spent years and years trying to spread the words of sikhi to others who do not listen.

    People have asked why if these sants are so amazing, has the sikh religion not become better. Why is it the way it is?

    I would say that it would have most probably been worse had it not been for Guru Ji blessing us with sants.

    That's all.

  8. People get this position with Guru Ji's hukam and not by some mistake!!

    Nope! From what I've read here and seen in the video, that guy, who made a fool out of himself by acting like a <banned word filter activated>, should never have had the honor of being a Panj Pyare. It was a mistake, plain and simple. Let's hope it doesn't happen again.

    We should take it on a case by case basis. Do you think a person chosen to be a panj pyare is 100% perfect and they can never do anything wrong?

    no but I do think that we the sikh sangat cannot say someone made a mistake because he must have proven himself in some way and we are not worthy of choosing.

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