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Everything posted by Anonymoussingh5

  1. what is sikhi's view on love. is "love" with a another person real and genuine or is it just kaam are sikhs allowed to date?
  2. Wjkk wjkk I recently had a kaami dream. Although a very complex dream very basically I was doing something kaami with a person that I know but after a few times I backed out and didn't do it. This dream is the first of it's kind although I am going through puberty and I am experiencing these kinds of kaami problems. Does this dream mean anything and then how shall I move forward and if you can understand what do you think this means?
  3. Hi Sometimes I really want to masturbrate but I am an amritdhari sikh.I'm 12 and I know this is kaam and wrong.And i agree with it but I feel that my body is taking over.I have watched internet pornography in that past and the first time was due to peer pressure and after i cried for hours.I feel that I can't approach my parents either. What should I do and how can I restrain myself from further sins.
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