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Everything posted by Londonlass

  1. Hi all Hope you don't mind me chiming in with my opinion on this sensitive topic, I speak as a white Christian British person and can only say how I see it from my point. For many years since the first wave of immigration to this country from Asian countries most communities have lived a cohesive life, have intergrated well and work hard for the country as a whole, Sikhs, Hindus, Jews et al ALL live peacefully side by side with the indigenous folk creating a wonderful melting pot of different cultures, food, beliefs, holidays which is open for all to enjoy, I could quite happily walk in many Sikh communities wearing whatever attire I so choose (which is always decent but stay with me here), I can have a drink with the locals, enjoy their customs and generally feel warmed by the hospitality. Now if I were to walk in various parts of the UK where there is a large muslim populus ie: Tower Hamlets, Bradford, Burnley etc etc wearing a skirt, a vest top and my hair swinging freely there is every chance as a woman I would be heckled and lorded over by some members of that community that live by an archaic informal law, who believe that I as a female should be covered from head to toe in a Burka/Niquab, the only butchers shops in those areas are the ones that sell cruelly sourced Halal meats, the other butchers shops having been driven from the area through lack of custom, If I were to want a glass of wine or take a stroll with my male freinds who are gay again under some barbaric form of Sharia Law we would be made in no uncertain terms to feel very uncomfortable in those areas. Why is it only Muslims that choose to live under informal apartheid, refusing to assimilate with other faiths and cultures? Why is it only the Koran that preaches death to the kaffur/non believers? Why do Muslims feel they have more rights in the UK than any other citizen? Most white folks I know are very able to distinguish between sikhs, muslims and Hindus, it does not take a rocket scientist to see who the bad apples are in this bunch, and we must bear in mind that Muslims come in all shades it is not necessarily a race issue. I along with many others are proud to have the sikh community on side with this issue, we as Brits have to fight for the right to keep OUR laws in force, to be able to co-exist peacefully, to appreciate that yes we may all have differing faiths and beliefs but we can still be friends, something Muslims need to be taught before civil war does break out on our streets. Thanks for listening x
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