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  1. It appears someone trying to start fire without smoke!! 'Leamington Spa Gurdwara Committee Vows To Hold Akhand Path For Indira Ghandi' - where is the evidence? I agree with Porsche911, let us put an end to this.
  2. "Leamington Spa Gurdwara Committee Vows To Hold Akhand Path For Indira Ghandi" - where is the evidence for this statement?
  3. Guru Panth Khalsa – so you agree that you have been telling lies!!!!! When challenged, you just move to a different topic. You are one confused person. It seems you have a lot of issues with the current committee. Maybe you should go and speak to them and comeback and tell us what they say?
  4. Sat Siri Akal, I have just been to the Gurdwara Sahib Leamington & Warwick to see for myself. There is an Akand Paath in memory of Shaheeds taking place and being supported by all the Sangat and the committee; everything seems to be normal. ‘Guru Panth Kahlsa’ - Why resort to misleading/inaccurate information? Why are you spreading hatred and lies!!
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